Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 116 Lost

Evan's identity is special and they must keep a low profile, so they all stay in the hotel room honestly, and it is not easy to go out too much.

Evan is used to hiding, so he doesn't feel uncomfortable about it.

But for the black cow who couldn't stand loneliness, it was like sitting on a needle and felt. In less than an hour, he couldn't sit still and began to shout: "Brother, since I was sensible, I just stayed in the warrior village. Now it's rare to come to such a big place. In such a crowded place, I have to stay in this bird place all day long. It's so uncomfortable."

Ewen immediately instructed, "Don't mess with the black bull. We are here to do business this time. We have to wait here quietly and can't add trouble to Sith and the others."

The black bull had no choice but to nestle in the corner and didn't know what he was doing.

Several hours have passed, and everything is calm. For these hours, Elvin has been looking out of the window and guarding around. Although it is a remote corner far away from the city, it is still surrounded by people and rarely lively.

Suddenly, Elvin noticed something and immediately flashed aside, leaned his back against the window, and carefully looked out of the window. Outside the hotel, a small group of soldiers appeared and were walking straight to the hotel.

"What's going on? Has our location been exposed? Did something happen to Gremio and Sith? Elvin seemed to have a bad feeling in his heart.

ai wen hurriedly gestured to let Black Bull and Xiu Na hide and be ready to fight at any time.

When encountering this kind of thing, the Black Bull was the most active. He immediately took out his two giant axes from his bag, with a happy expression on his face and eager to try. If he said he would be worried, it is estimated that the only thing in Black Bull's mind now is that the other party is not many people and whether he is strong enough to fight. It's just a thought of having fun.

ai wen is completely opposite to Black Bull. He doesn't want something to happen. If the situation is not good, he will run away immediately. As the team of soldiers got closer and closer to the hotel, Evan's heartbeat began to intensify.

"Boss, how's business today?" One of the soldiers in the team chatted with the hotel owner.

The boss said politely, "It's very good. It's a small business and the life is okay. Thanks to your daily patrol, the security nearby is so good."

Soldier: "You're welcome. Have you found any suspicious people recently?"

Boss: "There are no suspicious people. They are all travelers from other places. It's strange, but they are not suspicious. They are all good-faced. Everything is fine."

Soldier: "That's good. In such a world, it's not easy to make a little money. Look at us soldiers, we are so poor that our hands are getting tight again this month."

Boss: "You have worked really hard. Now the situation of the lord is really difficult." Speaking of the lord of the city, the boss sighed for him from time to time, as if there was something bad.

Soldier: "Don't say that. I'm not complaining about the lord just now. The lord is like this. We are also worried that we can do our part, but we won't complain about anything."

Elvin heard these conversations in the room beside him and knew that it was not for them, but just a general patrol, so the big stone in his heart was put down, but from these conversations, it seemed that the lord of Hailan City had been provoked recently. What's the problem?

When he first came here, the intelligence was limited, and Elvin couldn't guess the following. It's better to wait for Sith and Grimio to come back before doing a detailed understanding.

The soldier was still there chatting with the hotel owner, and Elvin didn't dare to be completely relieved and kept peeking. Suddenly, Elvin's star wrist wheel gave another hint. Although there was a clothes barrier and the light did not come out, this feeling came to Elvin's own body through his wrist. Elvin clearly felt that another gem was shining.

Of course, Ai Wen understood the meaning of this light and hurriedly looked around for a person who might be a star.

"What are you doing here? Why don't you go back to the team and continue the patrol?" A stern shout suddenly came.

The soldier seemed to be suddenly struck by lightning, and his whole body jumped up in a panic. He immediately saluted and replied, "I'm sorry, captain, I'm going back to continue patrolling."

The man who shouted just appeared. This life is tall and strong, but his face is really not flattering. His face is fat, his eyes are blind, and his hair is scattered. It is difficult for people to feel the majesty of the captain. Wearing exaggerated armor, he almost covers his whole body and walks on the road. A rubbed and collided together, making a "bang" sound, as if they were afraid that others would not know that they were coming.

"What are you still standing for? Let's go."

"Yes!" Then the soldier ran away, and the captain followed.

After so many things, Aiwen has a general understanding of the tips of the star wrist wheel. For the people nearby who will meet the requirements and are boarded by the power of the stars, he guesses that it must be the captain just now. In order to understand more about the situation, Aiwen also acted and wanted to chase them out. Go and see the situation.

Seeing that Ai Wen was going out, Black Bull thought he was going to do it and wanted to go out with him with an axe. Evan immediately stopped him: "Black Bull, don't mess around. You wait here and I'll go out and come back. Shuna, come and look at the black bull.

Xiu Na naturally agreed: "Okay, Brother Elvin, I know."

After saying that, Elvin went out alone.

He didn't let people do anything. The black cow was very depressed and spit bitter water in his mouth: "It's really boring. He won't let me follow him. Am I really a troublemaker?"

Shuna comforted, "Brother Black Bull, don't say that. You are so good. You made a great contribution in the last war."

Black Bull complained, "Xiao Xiu Na, you are laughing at me, aren't you? Not to mention the bird battle last time, I didn't do anything once, and I didn't cut a bird man, just asked me to roar there a few times. What a credit.

"No, although there was no chance to appear last time, Brother Black Bull is so powerful that you can definitely help Brother Aiwen a lot in the future. Unlike me, you have no strength, let alone ability, and you are often afraid and always hold others back."

In fact, in the last battle, he contributed a lot. It all depends on his reconnaissance to master the changing dynamics on the battlefield. It's just that he is too unconfident and doesn't feel that he has played much role. He thinks that he can't help Elvin and others, so he has been distressed.

Black Bull: "Xiao Xiuna, you are awesome. You are loved by everyone. Unlike me, you are always told to cause trouble and always be criticized."

Shuna: "This... In fact, as long as you listen to Brother Evan's words more."

Black Bull: "I have a headache thinking about these things. I don't think so much. All I know in my heart is that I have to help my eldest brother do things."

Shuna: "Brother Black Bull is right. I also need to learn from you well."

"Well, let us go out and help him." After saying that, Black Bull raised his axe and wanted to go out. It seemed that Black Bull, who belonged to the activist, completely forgot his instructions just now. When he heard Xiu Na's words, he had an impulse in his heart and became uncontrollable.

"Brother Black Bull, no, didn't Brother Ivan say that he couldn't come here?" Shuner hurriedly grabbed the black cow, but his thin arm could be held there.

Black Bull: "Where did I come from? Didn't you see the nervous look of the eldest brother? Something must have happened. I'm going out to help my eldest brother.

Xina: "But Brother Elvin asked me to look at you when he left."

"What's the difficulty? Just go out with me." After saying that, the black bull grabbed Xiu Na, carried it on his shoulder, and walked out directly. Poor Xiuner, how can he take care of the black bull? The positions of the two were turned upside down.

At this time, looking back at Evan's side, when Evan was following the team of soldiers on patrol, trying to see what new discoveries were, but through a short distance of observation, I learned that the captain was Bart, the captain of the security patrol in Hailan City. Contrary to his appearance, he was very popular in the city. Welcome and respect are the powerful subordinates of the lord, and there are too few other clues. At present, I know so much, but I believe that the other party must be one of the stars.

However, the other party is now a soldier of the kingdom. Elvin dares not rush to talk to others about the heroes of the stars and the power of stars to avoid such a meaningless conflict. Seeing that it was getting late and it was about to get dark, Elvin thought about it and decided to go back and wait for the others to come back before discussing.

Aven returned to the hotel room. At this time, Grimio and Sith were already back. At this time, Grimio was walking back and forth in the room, still looking anxious.

As soon as Grimio saw Elvin, he was immediately excited: "Young master, it's great that you have nothing to do. I didn't see you here when I came back. I was so worried. Now that I see you back, I'm finally feel relieved."

Awen: "It worried you. Something happened just now. I went out."

Sith: "It's okay. By the way, what about Black Bull and Shuna? Didn't you see them come back with you?"

"Huh? They didn't go out with me. Aren't they there? This room is so big. Is there anyone else? After reading it at a glance, Elvin found that Black Bull and Xiu Na were missing.

"Oh, I'm afraid the Black Bull ran out by himself... As for Suna... When I left, I once asked him to watch the Black Bull... Ah! Is it..." Avan didn't dare to imagine it.

Considering what he saw, Sith reasoned and said, "Ten* can come to the conclusion that now that the black bull's axe is gone, he must have run out to make trouble. As for Shuna, he himself will not run around, and the only possibility is that he was pulled out by the black bull."

At the thought of the black cow running out with an axe, Evan and the others had a headache.

"Young master, what should we do? If the black cow gets into trouble outside, it will be bad. We'd better go out and get them back quickly." Grimio also rarely became anxious.

"Who is calling me? I'm here." Hearing this sound, I knew that the black bull was back, but from the tone of the black bull, there was an obvious but unhappy smell. As soon as the bull entered the door, he shouted, "Brother, it turns out that you are here. I've been looking for you for most days. Those bird soldiers outside are like turtle sons, and none of them dare to come out, so that I can't fight again."

It seems that Black Bull didn't find the soldiers when he ran out. Maybe it was because of his reckless action and rushed in another direction. As a result, he didn't meet anything, so he was disappointed and still sulked about it.

Evan immediately went up and admonished, "Black Bull, why are you disobedient this time and ran out without permission? You didn't make any trouble this time, did you?"

"Look at the unhappy look of the black bull, you will know that there is no trouble." The logic of Sith's words contradicted, but when used on the black bull, everyone listened deeply that it was very reasonable.

ai wen asked nervously, "Yes, what about Shuna? Why didn't you see him with you?"

Ah? Oh! What about this...little Xiuna?" The black bull also suddenly looked left and right.

The person who was asked asked instead asked, which gave everyone an ominous premonition.

Evan: "Isn't Shuna with you? I believe you took him out together. How can you not know where he has gone?

The black bull patted his head fiercely: "Ah! I remember that I took Xiao Xiu Na out together. At that time... Uh-huh... I remember putting Xiao Xiu Na on my shoulder, and then I took him desperately to find the eldest brother, trying to help the eldest brother, and then... Huh? Why is Xiao Xiuna so gone?

Black Bull's answer made everyone sweat deeply. Black Bull lost a big living person and would not know anything about it. He really became more and more speechless about Black Bull.

The current situation is that the black bull has lost Xiu Na, which is difficult to do.

"What should I do? Let's go out and get Shuna back." Elvin is more and more worried about this.

Sith suggested: "I don't think it's necessary. Shuna is not the kind of person who will cause trouble outside and won't come back. He also knows the way back here. Let's wait here for him to come back. How can we go out to find him? It's not good if someone doesn't come back.

Sith's words are also very reasonable. Shuna should have just been left halfway by the Black Bull, and everyone believes that he will come back by himself.

The black bull, as the central figure of the topic, actually lost the living man, and now he has been punished to think about it on the corner. At this time, the black bull is very obedient and dares not shout.

And the current situation is, where did Shuner lose it? Moreover, Xiu Na was predicted by Xingzhi before, and this trip to Hailan City will be the biggest test of his life.