Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 427 The Crisis of Emergence

Will the Lion Heart Group withdraw from Calade City? What the hell is going on? Not only the people of the Star Group, but also most of the cadres of the Lion Heart Group were puzzled by this matter.

ai wen asked, "Mr. Levy, why did you make this decision?"

Levi then explained, "This is also my sudden decision, and all this is also because Master Taki rushed to me today and told me a very terrible prediction."

foresee? With Master Xingzhi's previous help to Elvin, they will not doubt this incredible thing. I just heard other people's predictions here, and Elvin and others felt a little surprised. Because since the tears of the stars were destroyed by a small part by the Red Dragon Reloading Group last year, Master Xingzhi once said that the future has fallen into infinitely possible chaos. It has become difficult to foresee this ability to see the trend of the world. The changing future at this moment has made Xingzhi It is impossible to assert that a "foresight" has been made, but now, here, what kind of foresight is the content proposed by Master Taki?

Master Taki announced in public: "I foresee that in the near future, this Karad city will be in the middle of a chaotic storm, and the real road sign in the future will appear here."

The people below began to talk about it one after another: "Karad City? In the middle of the storm? Taoist sign?"

Prediction has always interpreted the future in a vague and non-intuitive way. For this way, the people of the two regiments are not surprised. Moreover, this prediction can be said to be not complicated and difficult to understand. Combined with the development of the future situation, you can also roughly guess about it. It is said that what is to be conveyed.

Aiwen: "I understand. It seems that what should come is finally coming, and we have been preparing for it."

Seeing that Elvin understood the reason for the incident, Levi nodded and affirmed, and the four kings of the Lion Heart Group, in addition to Gaia, also said that they also understood.

Gaia couldn't guess, and asked loudly there, "Wait a minute, all of you nodded. What does that mean? Here, everyone is our own people. Don't play this kind of guessing game. I still don't understand, Boss Levi, why should we evacuate Karad City?

Levy: "As Master Taki said, in the future, no, or already now, Karad will become the center of this storm of change that determines the future direction of the kingdom."

Gaia asked puzzledly, "The center of the storm? Didn't the rainy season end before?

Levy explained: "This storm refers to the storm of strife."

Master Taki nodded slightly for Levi's explanation.

Gaia finally understood: "Oh, I understand. It means that this place is going to become a battlefield and start a war. Then, those who want to fight must be the group of guys in the kingdom. Ha ha, I didn't have any chance to appear in the rainy season before. This time it depends on the performance of our flying troops."

Mikal also responded positively: "Yes, yes, finally coming. I know that the group of people in the kingdom must not be able to stand our presence in front of them. They must send troops to fight."

Gaia: "Since the other party is here, let's fight. Why should we retreat from Karad City?"

Mikal: "Yes, this Karad city is one of the best fortress-type cities in the kingdom. The city defense is so strong that even if the enemy comes to him for more than 200,000, he can't break it."

Ted: "Mikka er, all right, stop it."

Mikal: "What, I'm not wrong."

As the military division of the Star Regiment, Sith seems to have to come forward to explain for his regiment members: "Mikal, you are right. This fortress is indeed difficult to attack. At first, in the three-city strategy formulated by the Lion Heart Group, it was also because of Kimberley, a powerful lord with strong military power. It is necessary to go to this fortress as the next step to resist the counterattack and crusade of the royal army.

Levy expressed his approval.

Sith's topic turned and became serious: "However, indestructible is not the best guarantee to dominate future victory. We are not strong enough now, which is our biggest shortcoming."

Mikal: "Even if our strength is not as good as the army of the kingdom, with the city defense, we can completely damage the enemy, and we are determined to fight to the death with the enemy."

Sith: "It's certainly a good thing to have the determination to fight, but on the other hand, the other party will also think of this. They are not afraid of the other party attacking. The most afraid is that the other party will not attack. Then, for a long time, Karad City will be an isolated and helpless city. In this, no matter how strong the city defense is, it can't be recovered. The end of our failure."

Mikal and Gaia answered with one voice, "Ah! So that's it."

Levi added: "That's why our Lion Heart Group chose to leave Calade City. Only we can still move freely outside, so that we can find hope for victory in this difficult situation. And I am here, and I want to ask everyone in the Star Group again to play the role of sticking to the difficult task of this city of Karad. I know that after our Lion Heart Group, our main combat force, leaves, it will be a very difficult task for your Star Group. Here, please forgive me for my cruel request this time.

"Ah, it can't be like this." Not only Mikal, but also everyone else understood.

Next to Alan said to himself, "No wonder I have always felt dangerous these days. It seems that this time it is really not just dangerous. It seems that the kingdom's revenge this time will be very fierce."

Mikal: "What, the two legions of the kingdom have been repulsed by us. Will there be opponents who will be afraid this time?"

Ted quickly pulled Mikal back to his seat at this time.

"Ted, what's wrong with you? Didn't I say anything, no..." Mikal seemed to finally think of something and couldn't go on.

At this time, Evan also showed a sad expression, but at this gathering meeting, he didn't want everyone to worry about himself, and soon Elvin changed his previous calm look.

Sis, Agart, Grimio and other insiders can also see Elvin's mood. Seeing that Elvin can be so strong to face the most cruel battle with that person in the future, they feel that Elvin has really grown a lot now.

Evan then said, "Mr. Levi, are you ready to leave?"

Levy: "Yes, Master Taki's prediction is about to happen, and time is urgent. The enemy we have to face is unprecedentedly powerful."

Evan: "Well, let's say goodbye today. I hope the next time we meet will be when we win."

Levy: "We will try our best to make that moment come."

After that, Levi ordered all the troops to prepare to withdraw from the city of Calade.

At this time, Gaia felt a little uneasy: "Wait a minute, Boss Levi, is what you just said true? A powerful enemy is coming.

Levy: "Master Taki came here to foresee it. Then, it must be a critical situation at this moment and can't be delayed any longer."

Gaia suddenly turned a little blue and kept saying, "No, will the disappearance of Wag's griffin reconnaissance team be... Ah, it's not a big deal!" The enemy is not coming, but has arrived!"

"What!" Everyone present was surprised.


In the north of the Karad territory, although the sky after the end of the rainy season is clear, it is still full of clouds, and it is very low, so that Linda has no doubt that she can easily soar in the clouds and roam in the sea of clouds.

If it were a different kind of ordinary, how romantic it would be, but now that Linda is not in the mood, she still has to find a way to find out where Captain Wag is.

In Karad's territory, most of them are open plains, with very few mountains and forests, so if you ride a griffin in the sky, you can see everything on the ground.

After a half-day flight, Linda is about to reach the northern border of Karad territory, but she still hasn't seen any trace of the Wag team, which is really strange.

Half of the time, if you don't turn back now, you won't be able to get back to Calade City before night falls. The companion next to him proposed a return trip to Linda like this.

Linda understands, but she still doesn't want to give up. She still wants to insist on hope: "Let's hold on again, okay? Let's go to the front to check it." Therefore, Linda and her subordinates continued to fly to the border.

"What! What is that?" Linda exclaimed, because what appeared in front of her was the garrison of an army. Although the scale was small, it was believed that there were also thousands of people stationed. Although the military flag was not raised, it was obvious that it was the army of the regular army of the kingdom, and there were many Linda who was familiar with the garrison. The most good building is there.

"It's the griffin's shed. It's not good. Is this army's legion..."

Before the words fell, several subordinates around Linda shouted in pain and fell from the griffin.

"Enemy attack! Retreat quickly!"

At this time, an arrow rain suddenly shot down from the clouds. Fortunately, Linda had a strong reaction, manipulated the griffin to dodge left and right, and finally avoided the rain of arrows.

Linda shouted, "Everyone, are you all right?"

Except for Linda, who thought that half of her subordinates had been lost by this raid.

The enemy appeared, and countless shadows suddenly dived down from the clouds. It was the griffin force of the kingdom, and looking at the badge on the military uniform, the other party was the strongest combat power in the kingdom's air, the soldier of the dragon flying regiment.

The power of the griffin's dive attack is very terrible. The iron claws installed on the claws can tear anything touched. In addition, the dive speed is as fast as lightning, and the jockey can manipulate and adjust the direction to chase, which makes it difficult to avoid.

"D dive!"

Linda is also an experienced commander. In the face of the attack method that also comes from the griffin, she also knows how to deal with this dive attack, which is difficult to avoid. The best way is to dive by herself, maintain the distance between the two sides, and wait for the opportunity to avoid.

So, in the sky, countless dark shadows fell to the ground, like a meteor.

There are still 300 meters away from the ground. At this speed, the world will hit the ground in less than ten seconds. This distance is generally the limit point of a novice jockey or an undertrained griffin. At this time, you should quickly stop diving and return to the horizontal plane to fly.

However, now the enemy she is facing is the griffin cavalry of the dragon flying regiment, and now the other party is still chasing and biting herself. If she slows down a little, she will become a victim of the other party's claws.

No, we have to continue to rush down! Linda made a decision in her heart.

200 meters, 100 meters, 50 meters, this is no longer the distance between novices and veterans. It is completely lifeless. Such a distance is like a distance close to the sickle of death. If you don't pull up, you will really hit the ground.

The griffins of the Dragon Flying Cavalry did not dare to continue to gamble and stopped diving. At the critical moment, Linda pulled up the griffin she sat down in time and flew by in a way close to the ground. It was really dangerous. It can be seen that Linda's superb riding skills are admirable.

Finally avoided the enemy's dive attack. Linda looked around and lost a lot of subordinates around her. Now they can still fly. Together with Linda, there are only four people left. It seems that many people just now have not been able to escape the dive attack of the Canglong Flying Cavalry. They rose too early and were torn to death by the other party's claws.

"I didn't expect that there was such a bold riding technique in the Lion Heart Group, and it was really surprising that she was a woman." The familiar voice, the familiar epee, and the speaker are the deputy leader of the Canglong Flying Cavalry, the crony of Bekas, the deputy commander of Carlos, who personally rode the griffin and commanded this griffin force.

"It turned out that the lackey had been following Bekas. No wonder he barked like this." Linda also recognized the other party.

Carlos: "Bons, I will let you know who is the real king in the air."

The opposing sides are full of the strong smell of gunpowder, but the enemy is outnumbered. The four people on Linda's side have no chance of winning against nearly 100 enemies. Retreat is Linda's only choice.

But it is not easy to escape from the hands of the Canglong Flying Riders. Linda also understood why Wag did not come back. With sadness and anger, Linda and the four of them flew to the return journey at high speed close to the ground. They should tell the people here as soon as possible. People know.

Carlos shouted, "The last time you were in the capital, you were lucky to escape, and this time, don't think you can leave alive in front of my eyes again! Chasing me!"

The soldiers of the Canglong Flying Group chased quickly behind Linda and the four of them. When it comes to the training level, the griffans on both sides have the ability to share the colors equally. However, the griffins on Linda's other side have been flying for half a day, and their physical strength is not as good as the griffins of the Canglong Flying Group. After a while, Linda and the four of them were caught up.

Bow and arrow is the most used weapon in air combat. It can accurately shoot at the opponent in such a fast flight, and the degree of training to be experienced during this period can be imagined. Moreover, in order to facilitate archery, the jockey uses continuous shooting arrows in his hand. Although the strength is not as powerful as the long bow of the string, it is better than fast loading, and multiple shots also improves the chance of hitting.


Many arrows flew all over the sky and attacked intensively. This time, Linda couldn't escape again. The griffin under Linda's seat hit the arrow and fell to the ground.

With a height of more than ten meters and the impact of inertia, Linda, who fell from the griffin, was injured all over.

"This time, die!" Carlos's eyes were full of murderous intent.

The soldiers of the Dragon Flying Cavalry drove the griffin and attacked Linda, and their sharp claws were about to tear Linda apart.

The sharp hiss and harsh sound waves made the group of griffins that attacked Linda disoed their command and retreated in horror. Linda was lucky to survive.

Linda shouted happily, "Great, it's you, Fra!"

Fla, the overlord of the sky, came, and its wings all stretched out, like a strong screen wall protecting Linda.