Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 428 Announcement of the Final Battle

The appearance of the sky overlord Fra changed the situation of Linda's killing. The huge wings patted the rolled-up hurricane, blowing away the flying arrows or the approaching griffin cavalry. The huge sharp hiss also shocked the griffins dominated by the law of nature. Utility.

The enemy's pursuit was stopped, and Linda's men took the opportunity to fly closer, rescued Linda to their griffin's back, and then took off and left directly.

And Fla didn't leave. It wanted to stay for Linda and stop the pursuers here. The existence of Fra did make the griffin that made the dragon fly become very timid, dare not approach, and was blocked in place.

Looking at Linda and these people slowly disappearing away, Carlos did not feel extremely annoyed, because there was the most valuable prey in front of him. Fla, the overlord of the sky, has always been a thorn in the eyes of the dragon flying group. Carlos has always wanted to kill it quickly. Now it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it can never be let go.

Carlo: "Don't think that the same move will always work. We have planned a lot of ways to hunt you, abominable monster! Come on, get ready, go!"

With Carlos's order, the griffin cavalry of the Dragon Flying Group began to charge and rush to Fra, but under the hurricane and deterrence of Fra, it was difficult to get close. Is this the method Carlos said?

Above the clouds, the figures of four griffins swooped out, and the target rushed straight at Fla. The speed was so fast that he wanted to fight fiercely with Flabby? However, like other griffins, these four griffins can't get close to Fla at all.

Four griffin cavalry slowly dispersed to form a square standing flying formation, and a little different is that in the center of the formation, there is a small black bag, and a long rope is connected to each griffin at the four corners of the bag. What is this?

The four griffins slowly flew away, but always maintained a square flying formation, and with the continuous pulling of the long rope of the bag, the black bag seemed to begin to change and began to be pulled apart, and the contents were scattered.

Fla suddenly panicked. After all, it is also a beast. It has a fear of some things in nature, such as fire and lightning, and more, it will also have a psychological fear of certain artificial things. Now it is this kind of thing that appears in front of Fra. First, that is the Internet.

The huge black net scattered from the bag, and the four griffins pulled the four corners of the big net and swooed across the far side of Fra. It was too late for Fra to escape. The huge black net has rushed all over the sky, and because of the net, Fra's wing hurricane could not occur. Utility, Fra's whole body was suddenly covered by a huge net.

fu la hissed loudly, and it could be seen that it was painful, because there were many small spikes on the giant network, which pierced the hook and wrapped around Fla's body, making Fra painful. Coupled with the diving pull of the four griffins, his whole body was pulled down involuntarily. Moreover, this huge net is made of fine steel wire. It keeps tearing with its claws, but it can't tear the network cable.

Fla is really worthy of Fra. The name of the Overlord in the air is not called for nothing. If it can't be broken, then in another way, Fra, with the pain of sharp thorns, fights hard, pulls the four griffins of the enemy in turn and fly up.

In this way, the four griffin cavalry were pulled back by Fra. Carlos, who was angry on the side, immediately gave instructions for the next step: "Cross! Rotate!"

The four griffin cavalry then changed the square formation just now, flying diagonally, making the huge net shrink and narrow. The next rotation made the huge net tighter and tighter, and finally formed a net sleeve, making it impossible for Fra's wings to stretch.

Unable to fly with wings means that he can no longer soar in the sky. Fla's whole body falls straight down, with a weight of nearly 1,000 pounds, and the impact of falling hundreds of meters high is enough to make Fra into a ball of meat sauce.

Fla sensed the danger of survival and struggled instinctively. His sharp claws kept tearing the huge net, but the harder it was, the more the spikes on the net penetrated into the skin. Fla's whole body was bleeding like a column, and the blood stained Fra's whole body red, which made people feel scared.

Carlo laughed there: "Hahaha, it's useless. No matter how hard you struggle, you can't escape from this fine steel net. Hahaha, forget it. It doesn't make sense for me to say anything to this beast who can't understand people's words. Wait for you to enjoy your delicious meal tonight."

Fra understood people's words and knew that he was going to become a dinner party at the enemy's table. Looking at Carlos's malicious smiling face, Fra was angry. The emotion of anger is a powerful catalyst that can generate power potential. What made Carlos unable to laugh happened. The refined steel net, known as impossible to break, began to break, and then more wires were torn off.

fu la's angry hiss, and the sound waves shook the whole sky, making the griffins of the dragon flying group feel inexplicably afraid and retreat backwards without listening to the command.

The giant net was finally torn and broke a big hole by Fra. At the critical moment, Fra broke out of the hole of the giant net in time, restoring the freedom to fly and avoiding the fate of falling into meat sauce. But Fra, who was injured all over, was unable to fight again and could only choose to retreat and leave.

On Carlos's side, the griffins had not recovered from the fear just now and could not be pursued. Carlos was so angry that he shouted and scolded.

In this way, this air battle is over.


Carlos: "Leacon, please forgive me once again for my dereliction of duty and escape from the other party. In this way, the enemy will know about our secret infiltration." Carlos came back from failure and wanted to ask Bekas for forgiveness.

Becas doesn't mind: "Carlos, it doesn't matter. Now there is no need to continue to deceive this matter. I believe that the 'comrades' who want to fight side by side with us are coming." Becas led Carlos to the camp next to him.

Bekas actually appeared in Karad's territory and led his legion the Dragon Flying Cavalry. There is no need to explain what the purpose is, but who will be the 'comrades-in-arms' he said?


Time back 20 days ago, on December 10, 200, in the emperor's hall of the star emperor's hall, Emperor Hiloken appeared on the throne of the hall, with an angry face and looked in a bad mood. What's going to happen, but Xingzheng, the prime minister, did not appear next to him this time. It seems that , still in the forbidden land, supervising his major events.

"The commander of the Kulos Legion has arrived!" In the hall, someone came ahead of Kulos. He was Bekas. He must have been malicious when he appeared here.

Bekas took the initiative to say hello.

Kulus also gave a symbolic return to Becas, and then knelt directly in front of Emperor Hiloken: "Your Majesty, this time I came to see you..."

Emperor Hiloken had already understood the intention of Kulos. After Kulos could finish speaking, Hiloken said first: "I know what the commander of the legion is going to say. What's wrong with the emperor to imprison the commander of the Dioz who returned from defeat!"

Kulos: "No, I understand that the failure of the war should bear all the responsibility as the commander. The commander of the Diaz army is now imprisoned, which is in line with military law."

Emperor Hiloken: "So, what do you want to report when you meet me this time?"

"My subordinates are just a resolution to your Majesty to reduce the Blue Dragon Sea Corps, and I think it is inappropriate." Kulos still dared to question and oppose Emperor Hiloken's resolution.

On the contrary, Emperor Hiloken's face appeared with anger again: "The Blue Dragon Sea Regiment has never made much contribution to the stability of the kingdom. Now not only has it been defeated, but more than half of the warships sent this time have been lost and damaged, but the soldiers have not many casualties, so that the legion is overcrowded. , and also put forward an excessive request for warship maintenance funds, so what's wrong with my order to disarmament?

Kulos: "I believe that although the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment failed this time, the existence of the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment is indeed indispensable for the kingdom to safeguard the kingdom's maritime security. Please think twice."

"Okay! The emperor refused, and the commander of the Kulos army did not need to make any more requests!" Emperor Hiloken's attitude was very resolute this time.

"Yes, I know." Kulos had no choice but to stop his advice.

At this time, Becas took the initiative to say, "For the misfortune of the Blue Dragon Sea Regiment, it is indeed what we don't want to see as the same legion commander, but the fact is indeed so cruel. Now the commander of the Kulos should have known the information of the large-scale rebel resistance in the south of the kingdom."

Of course, Kulos knew such a serious matter, and he wanted to come to see Emperor Hiloken in a hurry today.

Bekas continued: "This rebel resistance is more serious than the resistance that occurred in the previous year. The group of guys in the Lionheart League are finally unwilling to hide in the dark for small destruction. This time, they have directly stood up and openly announced to the whole world that they would overthrow His Majesty's rule and destroy the kingdom. Existence."

Hiloken said angrily, "Since this group of unrules are unwilling to accept the protection given by the emperor and want to deny the power of the emperor, then let this group of uncans understand the power of the emperor as the supreme ruler of the kingdom!" Commander Kulos, I ordered that you lead the Blue Dragon Knights under your command to immediately go to the location of the rebels to fight. What I want is the victory of all the annihilation. Commander Kulos, don't let me down like the other two legions before!"

Kulos: "I took the order, and I came to see Your Majesty for this today."

Becas: "Your Majesty, please allow me to lead the headquarters legion together, because this time the rebels are the lion heart group that has always caused a headache for my army, and there is also the recently rapid growth of star groups. They are now united and are stronger than before, so this time they dare to stand up openly. I want to challenge your majesty's prestige. This can be said to be the most important decisive battle. For this reason, I believe that we should also do our best to completely eliminate this group of rebels who have destroyed the peace and stability of the kingdom once and for all.

I didn't expect that Bekas would take the initiative to ask for it this time.

The discord between Kulos and Becas was concerned by Emperor Hiloken. So Emperor Hiloken later asked Kulos to make his own decision.

In this regard, Kulos, who has a clear public and private relationship, is also very clear that this decisive battle is the most critical battle for the future of the kingdom. Failure is absolutely not allowed. In the face of the overall situation, there is no private grievances. For this reason, Kuros agreed with Bekas' proposal. This time, Kulos will go all out to fight, even if he has to face the opponent he is least willing to fight.

In this way, Kulos and Bekas fought together again, and it was a battle with all their strength between the two legions.


Because of the strongest machine power, Bekas's Canglong Flying Cavalry came to the northern territory border in advance and quietly set up the barracks here to prepare for the arrival of Kulos's headquarters legion.

Bekas said to the report of the scouts and said to himself with a smile: "According to our scout report, the leading light cavalry unit of the commander of the Kulos army is coming soon. It seems that our old friend is really determined to go all out to face this battle. Except for the time to prepare for the army to march, it was originally two More than ten days of horse riding are only a few days later than us.

The Green Dragon Knights, commanded by Kulos, are the most powerful cavalry force in the kingdom, and their power will not be completely defeated by the Canglong Flying Knights of Becas. From the capital of Athos to the territory of Karad, the horse, which was originally expected to take more than 20 days, could march in less than 20 days. As the first 40,000 light cavalry troops and the legion that followed one after another, this time, the 150,000 combat strength of the Green Dragon Knights were all invested in this decisive battle.

Bekas has really devoted himself to it this time. The combat strength of the 30,000 dragon flying cavalry and the existence of the black dragon secret troops. It seems that this time, in the city of Karad, the star group to which Elvin belongs, will face a huge test.

However, these are not all. As Bekas walked into the gorgeous tent in front of him, there were seven long-seen figures sitting around the conference table. As Bekas' fighting power, they will join this decisive battle.

Bekas gave a warm welcome to the seven people: "Welcome and thank you for your assistance in this battle. My most reliable allies, the 'Terfi' Chamber of Commerce."