Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 530 Chief Meeting 2

You have to reply immediately now. Do you want to help the Ishubars seize the capital of Alma? In fact, on the way here, Evan and Sith have studied and discussed it over and over again, and he also knew the answer.

Ewen: "Your Excellency Chief Saladin, do you want to ask you a question before I answer, and then according to your answer, and then I can make a final answer."

Saladin stood up: "I know the question you want to ask. You want to ask me that after retaking the holy capital of Alama, you will still step on the land of your kingdom, right?"

Evan: "That's right."

Saladin walked to the past map hanging in the center, pondered on the map for a while, and then responded, "Do you know the origin of this map?"

Why do you talk about such a topic? But Elvin responded positively, "We don't know. In fact, we have never seen such a map in the kingdom before."

After capturing the city of Alama, the fascist emperor ordered his court painter, Mr. Vincent, to redraw the map of the kingdom, and then abandon the territory of the past kingdom, so as to show off his great achievements, so Elvin and others People born later have never seen such a map.

Saladin's long-hearted long speech:

"Do you know how cruel the war was in those years? Even children in their teens had to be involved. At that time, when I was only 14 years old, I had to shoulder the responsibility of defending my homeland and go to the battlefield. Although the reality is cruel, I don't regret it at all. Maybe my soul actually exists on this battlefield.

"It's a pity that in those years, I was still too young. Even if there were too many opportunities to realize myself, I didn't rush to the front line to participate in the battle, and most of them was to carry out guerrilla operations in the rear."

"As a result, in a battle, we won. Later, among the trophies we got, others chose armor or weapons, but I didn't care about these at all, but I fell in love with this map, yes, it is in front of us now. This map, this is me. The first booty is also a real fragment that records the historical fragment of our Izibarians. It reminds me all the time that in the future, this map must not be a decoration hanging on the wall, but a true witness to historical existence.

Listening to Saladin tell their past experience, Elvin and others also feel that the strong belief of this Saladin chief is just like themselves in order to resist the * rule of the kingdom.

Saladin suddenly turned around and announced loudly: "We Ishubars are not a bloodthirsty and belligerent people. We also have our own dignity and persistence. If it belongs to us, we will try our best to get it back. If it does not belong to us, we will never be greedy. For this reason, I am here to represent the whole The Ishubals swore that they would never invade your kingdom.

After Saladin, he used the language of the Ishbar people and once again announced loudly that his loud voice could be heard clearly outside the big account. For this, Sith, a translator, was affirmed.

Saladin: "Guys, this is my answer."

Mikal whispered next to him, "That's all, and it's all their own people outside. At that time, there's no way to say anything about us."

Mikal's worries are also human. And this whisper can't escape Saladin's ears.

Saladin: "My name is Saladin Ayab."

"Ah?" Mikal was surprised.

Sith: "Okay, His Excellency Sheikh Saladin, we believe you. The more prestigious a person is, the harder it is for his promises to be broken. I believe that you can gain the respect and support of the whole Ishibar people, and I believe that it is in the name of Saladin.

Saladin: "Very good. It's very pleasant to talk to smart people."

Evan: "Now that I have been able to get this oath from His Excellency Chief Saladin, I can also make my answer. I, the leader of the Star Group, Evan Elanres, are willing to form an alliance with Grand Chief Saladin and cooperate with each other to completely overthrow the brutal rule of the kingdom and all injustice in the world.

Saladin: "May the Ishubar people live the friendship with the new world you have created!"

The Gasser next to him also used the franca of the kingdom, while Tass responded to the same content in the language of the Ishubars. The tone of the three showed an extremely firm belief.

At the same time, three more gems were lit up on Elvin's star wrist wheel.

Ewen: "Great, this finally proves that they are our trustworthy allies."

Mikal and Ted were also happy about this, but Sis had reservations about it.

Saladin: "Well, next, we will start to discuss how to deal with the unbeaten legion that has been stationed in the city of Alma, the capital, the Red Dragon has been reloaded."

It is a big problem to deal with the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment, especially in the camp, but with this solid huge shield of Yang, the first military division of the kingdom, can be said to be unbreakable.

Saladin did not speak, but took a pen and a piece of paper from Gaza, and then, on it, wrote a book written by the Ishubal people. During this period, Tas carried a brazier from outside the big tent.

The content seemed to be very long. After writing for a while, Saladin got up and came over and handed it to Sith in person.

Sith and Saladin had a tacit understanding. After reading carefully, they thought about it, and then threw the paper into the brazier and burned.

Then, Sith also picked up a pen and wrote the words of the Ishubal people. In this way, the two talked silently face to face.

This made Elvin very confused, but looking at their serious expressions, the three of them dared not bother.

Mikal whispered, "Hey, why are you suddenly talking in this way that we don't understand at all?"

Ted: "Be quiet."

Aiwen: "Yes, we remember that we once heard Yingwan and Xiaoying that our opponent, in the Red Dragon Reloading Group, has a powerful ninja in their ninja village and is best at lurking, so they use this kind of trouble, but it is relatively safe. It won't be leaked."

The ninja mentioned refers to Hattori Hanzo. Although it was Jack who fought with him at that time, when he heard the comments of Yingmaru and Sakura, as well as Jack, he was indeed a very careful opponent in the dark. Although there is no place to hide in this big tent, and it is so tight that even flies can't fly in. However, Saladin still took this cautious approach to negotiate.

Then, I also learned from Yingmaru and Xiaoying that Hattori Hanzo was not very familiar with the franca of the kingdom, and he did not understand the language of the Ishubals at all. It can also be seen that Saladin must have mastered the secret of his opponent's Red Dragon Reloading Group, so he took the initiative to propose such a way of conversation. Saladin is also a very deep figure in the city.

After a period of silent negotiations, it seems that things are finally settled.

Sith: "Your Majesty the Great Chief Saladin, with all due respect, your method is really too risky, and it is completely unknown whether it will succeed or not."

Saladin: "You know, the opponent we are facing is that smart opponent. Before I attacked this storm fortress, I already had a lot of sacrifice, but I didn't expect that it was calculated in front of us by the other party, so the general method is not to take it from him. The only thing that wins is that we can't predict success or failure. This step is a dangerous move, so that we can steal victory from the other party's hands.

Sith: "I can't answer this immediately. I want to discuss and make a decision after we go back."

Saladin: "Of course. I look forward to the good news you bring back when you go back."

Evan: " Sith, have you made up your mind?"

Sith: "Yes, I have understood the specific battle plan, but it will be decided after we go back."

Saladin: "In order to show my support for you, here, especially let our most powerful warriors of the Ishubars follow you. May this action succeed smoothly."

With Saladin's gesture, Tas walked out. Isn't the tall Tas who followed Saladin the most powerful warrior of the Ishbars?

Soon, from outside the tent, Tass brought in two people and an animal.

Awen suddenly shouted, "Ah! Isn't that?"

Elvin recognized the two people who came in front of him. Aren't they the four-square seek team, Harek in the north, and Chamcham in the west, and that animal is Chamchamcham's partner, Bam.

Evan: "It turned out to be Mr. Harrek and Chamcham."

Harek, who had just walked in, suddenly saw Elvin and others, and then, the other party still knew him. Harek was a little surprised.

Harek: "Uh, do you know us?"

Aiwen said happily, "Ah, I forgot that I didn't show my true face when we met, so Mr. Harleck, you didn't recognize me. I don't know if Mr. Harek, do you remember that at the martial arts conference held by the kingdom almost two years ago, you once sought a team, fought against you, and fought with you without a winner?

"How can I forget, ah! I remember, are you the masked warrior who has been watching off the court? Harek also suddenly figured it out.

"Cham Cham recognizes, Cham Cham recognizes your smell, yes, yes." Chamcham jumped and shouted excitedly.

Aiwen: "Yes, it's me."

Mikal: "Wow, the first warrior of the Ishibars, Ivan, how wonderful was your martial arts conference that year?"

Mikal Tede and others did not have the opportunity to participate in the war in those years, so naturally they don't know how fierce the confrontation was in those years.

Saladin: "Since everyone knows each other, that's good, Harek. From today on, you will directly join the Star Group of the Kingdom Rebel Army to assist them, understand?"

Harek decided to obey the order of Grand Chief Saladin, and Harek and Chamcham also got along well with Elvin and others.

Saladin: "It's not early now. Please have a good rest tonight, because the next return journey is also not easy."

Evan: "Thank you, Grand Chief Saladin."

After that, Saladin and the three of them left the big account.

Harek: "I've probably heard about this time. Please forgive me for not being able to talk to you now, because the departure time is tight, and I have to go back and make corresponding preparations."

Harek suddenly accepted such an order and did not know it beforehand. Moreover, when he knew himself, he would leave here and follow Evan and others back to the kingdom. Therefore, there are still many things to do quickly, especially the people he care about.

After that, Harrek and Chamcham also left one after another. Elvin and the others were also taken to the guest room to have a good rest.

Evan: "Sis, what kind of battle plan did you make just now?"

Sith: "It's really a risky approach. Now because it's not convenient to say it here, it's better to wait for us to go back to Karad to discuss the next step."

"Well, I believe that Sith, anyway, this time, being able to get the alliance of the Great Chief Saladin is really a powerful help for our rebel army." Elvin looked at the three new illuminated gems in his hand, and he completely trusted Saladin.

"Evan, although it is reflected on the wheel of the star that Chief Saladin is indeed very supportive of us, I still hope that you should also pay attention to this Chief Saladin, because he still has reservations about us." Sith doesn't seem to think so.

Evan: "Is there any reservation?"

Sith: "Yes, the reason why I insist on coming is that on the one hand, because I understand the words of the Ishubal people, and what is really important is that I want to see it with my own eyes to confirm the real intention of this great chief. From the observation just now, I have roughly understood the background of this great chief. The other party is a person with a deep city. The other party has prepared so much effort and put so much effort into this battle to recapture the holy capital. I will never believe that he will rely on this extremely adventurous method to win in the end.

Evan: "That means, Chief Saladin, there are other methods that we don't know?"

Sith: "As I said, this great chief Saladin is a very pious believer with national righteousness on the surface, but inside he is a very free and enlightened person. He can accept and is keen to learn from other people's culture, get rid of their advantages and disadvantages. To put it badly, that is, he is a A pagan holding the banner of faith. The so-called Holy City of Alama is just a strategic place in his eyes. If it weren't for the ideas of other Ishubarians, he would definitely choose to attack. This time, we plan to use our hands to attack the Holy City of Alama, which is the best proof. If it is really a very important Holy City, then it will not be willing to see any war at all. The other party is very shrewd to take advantage of the psychology of us and all the Ishubars and willingly be pointed out by him. Wave it away."

Mikal: "Wow, no wonder when I first saw him, I thought he was very insidious."

Ted: "You can't talk like this."

Sith: "Insidious, or not really appropriate. In my opinion, he is a hero. In a word, fortunately, the other party is not our enemy, otherwise, the kingdom will be in danger.

Evan: "It seems that everything will be discussed after we go back."


It's late at night, but Saladin is still not sleepy. He is the only one in the big tent.

Saladin suddenly spoke to the air: "Go back and tell your master that although our deal has failed, I don't mind that we can continue to cooperate in other aspects."

In the shadow, a figure in black appeared, and the black crow of the black dragon's secret army appeared: "Your words, I will bring it to my master."

Saladin and Bekas are really a great cooperation between heroes and traitors. This Saladin, as expected, is not simple, or the reason why he used the method of silent communication with Sith before was also to beware of the existence of black crows.