Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 531 Darkness Under the Earth

In the morning, Elvin and the others were going back, and as soon as they left the door, there were many people waiting for them.

"Guys, did you have a good rest last night?" Harrek was the first person to greet him.

Aiwen: "Very good, thank you. It seems that everyone is ready to go."

Harek: "Yes, we can leave at any time now. And because Chief Saladin has something important at the moment and can't come, please forgive me.

Ewen: "I also understand that as a leader, there is a lot of things to do, so we will leave immediately."

Preparing to leave, but Chamcham looked a little unhappy.

Harek: "Well, Chamcham, I know it's very unhappy to separate you from Bam Bam, but now, the place we're going to is very dangerous, and you don't want Bam Bam to be in danger, do you?"

Chamcham couldn't say Harek. Although he was still unhappy, he nodded and agreed.

After that, Elvin and his party, now, added Harek and Chamcham, under the leadership of the giant Tass again, began to run in the direction of their arrival.

It's another half-day trip. Finally, Evan and the others returned to the empty exit when they came, and there, Darstan was ready to set off.

Dastein also received information and knew that everything was going well. Evan and others have successfully reached a consensus with Chief Saladin and formed an ally. Now, Elvin and the others are about to set off and return to the next action.

"Who are these two?"

Dastan has always been in the Kingdom, so for Harek and Chamcham, they have only heard of their reputation and have never seen real people. Now, under the introduction of each other, they finally know each other.

Dastein: "Well, let's set out now, and the road is still the same. Please follow me and the guides and don't act privately. This is an important condition that must be followed."

Mikal: "Well, I've walked through it once. Are you afraid we won't know?"

Dastein's tone became harsh: "Please don't joke about yourself and the lives of your companions!"

"Ah...Okay, I see." Mikal was scared.

Aiwen: "Everyone, be careful."

So, under the guidance of Darstein, everyone walked into the big void.

"Wow! It smells bad. Chamcham doesn't like it very much. Chamcham is very uncomfortable. Chamcham kept complaining as soon as he walked.

"Taste? Do you have it? Why can't I smell it?" Mikal himself smelled it from left to right.

Harek: "I'm sorry, Cham Cham feels a little **. Maybe the air here is not very good."

Chamcham couldn't stand the air around him, so he had to let Harek lie on his back and lie weakly all the way.

Time quickly entered the night, but in this endless dark ground, there is no difference in this kind of thing. Everyone was tired, so they found a suitable place to camp.

In the process of preparing for the camp, no one had thought of an accident and slowly approached.

"It's hard to see the sun for a day. I feel very uncomfortable at the thought of staying in this dark place for a few days." Mikal just managed to sleep in a big bed yesterday, and now he has to spend the night on the mat. The difference in treatment has changed too fast.

Ted: "Work hard to set up a tent so that you can get more rest."

Mikal: "Compared with the day before yesterday, I really can't see much. My eyes really can't adapt to this darkness."

Although it is not the first time to walk this road, it is still very difficult for people who are used to the eyes of the sun to enter this dark ground on the first day.

As his first step here, Harek's movements are not stiff at all and very agile. Sure enough, such an environment is not a problem for martial artists practicing outside.

"Cham Cham hates here. Cham Cham wants to leave here." Chamcham, who was beside him, has always been listless.

Evan: "Chamcham, you can bear with it for a few more days. When we leave here, I will prepare a lot of delicious food for you, and there will be a chance to sit on the griffin that will fly in the sky."

"Cham Cham is very happy to eat a lot of good food and ride big birds." When it comes to food and interesting things, Chamcham is really energetic.

The child-like Chamcham is really easy to get along with. In a good atmosphere, Chamcham suddenly became alert, like a beast, his whole body tightened, his hair was erect, and his throat kept roaring low, like a beast entering the enemy's state.

Awen: "Chamcham, what's wrong with you?"

Harrek knows Chamcham best. This is Chamcham's beast nature warning: "No, everyone be careful. There are dangers approaching around."

Dastein is very**: "No, everyone, hurry up and be vigilant."

When the two guides saw this abnormal situation, they were even more afraid to hide behind Darstein. They were trembling and did not dare to make a sound.

Everyone should stay in place as much as possible.


There is a sound.


Someone shouted.

"It's Mikal's voice, Mikal, are you all right?" Elvin shouted to the place where the sound was made, and then, worried, immediately acted, and everyone ran to the position where Mikal was.

"I'm sorry, I made a fuss. Just now, the falling stone on the top of the cave hit me and almost hit me, so I lost my voice. Don't worry."

Ewen: "It's okay, but Mr. Darstan, what's going on?"

Dastein also came over at this time: "Maybe we are really too**. According to speaking, it should not be..."

Aiwen: "What can't you do?"

Dasi tan: "It's better for everyone to get together first and be careful."

Awen: "In that case, that's good."

Awen and others are agile, so they just acted quickly and rushed to the front. Looking back, on the contrary, someone fell behind everyone.

"I'm coming." Sith, with weak physical ability, tried his best to keep up with everyone's footsteps, so he took a particularly big step.

"What?" What's going on? Sith felt strange. Obviously, in this world of stones, how can he step on something very soft under his feet?

"Ah!" Sith shouted. At this time, the soft thing under his feet actually moved, rolled up his foot and threw him down. As a result, the night pyroxene on Sith also fell. Then, he suddenly began to pull, and in this way, Sith's whole body was pulled into the darkness by this irresistible force.

Evan: "No, Sith!" No matter how fast Elvin reacted, it was still a step slower. Soon, Sith lost his voice.

Dastein: "No, it's really 'Aguma'. I didn't expect that they really woke up."

Mikal: "What is this?"

Evan: "Whatever it is, Sith must be rescued immediately."

Ted: "It's so dark. I don't know the direction."

"Here, Chamcham knows." Chamcham could trace the smell of Sith, and then took the lead and rushed to the front. Everyone followed without lag, leaving Ted and Mikal to guard the two guides.

"Chamcham has been found." After running for a short distance, Chamcham caught up with the swept away Sith.

Under the light of the night pyroxene, everyone saw that there was a huge, worm-like large creature in front of him. Its fat body was not slow to crawl at all. From its mouth, three slender rolled tongues were stretched out, where it tied up Sith's body and kept pulling it into its mouth, and Sith is desperately grasping the stones on the ground and fighting against them.

Power is not Sith's strength. His hard struggle only took two more seconds. Fortunately, it was these two seconds that he finally saved his life.

"Sis, catch it!" Elvin shouted.

Before Sith was about to be pulled into the mouth of the big worm, a huge gem tower shield came out of his hand out of thin air.

Evin's move was too timely. Sith raised his shield with both hands and put the gem tower shield in front of the mouth of the big worm. No matter how big the mouth of the big worm was, he could not stand this gem tower shield.

The danger has been temporarily relieved, but Sith must be rescued immediately.

"Hungry Wolf" only heard a few clicks. The big tongue on Sith's body was cut off. As soon as Chamcham entered the combat state, it was very trustworthy, and thanks to this, Sith returned to freedom.

How could the food in his mouth make him run away so easily? The big worm obviously did not feel that his tongue was torn off just now and learned a lesson. He still ignored others. He had a special preference for the "food" of Sith and began to chase him. Although it was huge, he acted at all. Slow.

At the moment of crisis, a reliable figure with blood red all over his body stood up and protected Sith. Bloody Battle Body, how much I miss that powerful figure, Harek's unique skills, the most powerful form of the Ishubal martial arts "Haran".

The huge worm once again protruded its new tongue and wrapped around Harrek's body, as if it wanted to change its taste and desperately wanted to pull Harrek into his mouth.

Do not move, no matter how hard the worm is, it can't pull Harrek to move half a step. Harek was not polite to the other party, roared, and his breath exploded. Those tongues were immediately broken and flew away.

After the blow, Harrek's blood color faded, and gradually dissipated back to his original gray-black skin color. This situation also appeared during the duel. It was a sign of power consumption, but only one blow was gone. In two years, did Harrek become worse?

No, how could it be? Otherwise, he would not have become the strongest warrior of the Ishbars. In the past two years, he has made more remarkable progress, and the blood red color dissipated all over his body concentrated on his right fist.

Since the confrontation with Hoffman, Harek has had a new understanding, and focused the power of the "blood-red war body" that protects his whole body on one point, isn't it the same as Hoffman's " vitality shield"?

The fist that concentrated the power of the "blood-red war body" can really be called the strongest fist this time. Harrek shouted angrily, and the red giant fist attacked angrily, making the fat and greedy worm taste the power of "storming".

The domineering and invincible fist penetrated the body of a huge worm, and the fat body weighing more than 1,000 catties was shaken into fragments in an instant, which made people feel the shock of visual shock.

After the battle, the surroundings finally restored the silence of the dark world, as if nothing had happened just now.

Evan: "Sis, are you all right?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Sith is finally a person who has experienced various fierce battlefield tests. In the face of danger, he is very calm.

Evan: "It's so dangerous. What kind of creature is this?"

Sith: "It seems that Mr. Darstein is aware of this."

Dastein stood behind everyone with a solemn expression: "It seems that the last thing I want to see has happened. I'd better leave here first. On the way, I will slowly explain it to you."

In this way, everyone returned to the campground, and Darstan also said all this:

"This creature, named 'Aguma', has been living in this Orobis Mountains for a long time, and they are also ferocious demons." Aguma' is not the only creature. You can also see that this is a very terrible creature. Living under this dark ground, earth, rocks, plants, animals and so on are almost eaten, so the existence of creatures is rarely seen throughout the Orobis Mountains, and there have even rumors in the past. This big hole under the ground is what they have been dug up all year round. Because there were fewer food sources, 'Aguma' began to slowly disappear in history. In the past hundred years, there have been no rumors about their appearance. Therefore, gradually, we also forgot their existence, but recently when we passed by, we saw new strange traces on the ground. That's why I have doubts. Unexpectedly, they really reappeared.

It turns out that this is what Darstan has been worried about.

Sith: "I know that some animals have a habit. When food is reduced, they will enter a dormant state to save energy in order to survive. This kind of hibernation, some creatures, can even last for hundreds of years. In my opinion, these 'Aguma' probably also have such a habit. Then, according to my speculation, you must have walked back and forth from this big hole under the ground frequently in order to transport intelligence, so you woke up these dormant creatures.

It seems that Sith's statement is wrong and not far away. Dastan: "Now that the existence of 'Aguma' has been confirmed, it seems that we will have to be more careful on our way back. Because, it is rumored that the creature 'Aguma' is gregarious.

When it comes to the creatures living in the ground, Ai Wen and others think of the scene when they fought with spider monsters in the Star Trial in the past. In the face of this predatory monster, it is really better to avoid it.

But the dark journey under the ground has just begun, and the road ahead is long. Can they pass smoothly?