Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 580 The Destruction

"Fad! How could I lose so many people! What do you useless guys do?" Frick cursed his subordinates mercilessly.

It is a matter of course that Falick will be so angry that he is almost crazy. It is not only the invaders who sneaked in have run away, but now even Thomas, the most important bargaining chip, has escaped, as well as High Priest Darion. In a word, this time, it was really going to be all over. Even, fa ke seemed to have seen the scene of his own destruction. fa ke whole person collapsed in a chair feebly.

At this time, there is another bad news. The subordinates of Falick dare not come and report it. They are really worried. If they say one more word, their heads will be in security at any time. Moreover, anyway, I believe this is not very important.

In fact, this is that a small team of soldiers from the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment entered the city and passed through the whole city.

Previously, Falick ordered that no troops should enter the city of Alama, the holy capital, even including the troops of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment. However, after all, Falick's order is a little difficult to fight against the regular legion troops of the kingdom. Let's ask these Falick's confidant soldiers and generals, who dares to have this courage.

But the main order is hard to go against. Only the confidants of Falik have adapted themselves. I hope that no troops will come close to the city of Alama. However, it's true that God doesn't follow the wishes of these lazy people.

not far from the city, a large force of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment appeared. These are the troops of the third division of the Red Dragon Heavy Regiment, bypassed the city and appeared here, and on the outskirts of the city, they wanted to surround the Star Regiment led by Agath.

There are so many troops outside the city, and they are frightened to see these lord soldiers and generals who are close to each other, afraid that the war will be implicated. Fortunately, this scene is strong, but less lively, and there is no fierce battle. Then, with the success of the Star Regiment led by Agat He retreated and announced the end. As a result, the confidants of Falick who were guarding the city were relieved.

But the "good thing" took a long time. This side just breathed a sigh of relief. On the other side, soon, a small team of troops came to the edge of the city.

Although the leader of the team has never seen the guard's confidant, he is a man from the eastern country who commands this team of Red Dragon Reloading Regiment and has black hair and yellow skin. You don't have to guess, you immediately know that he is Yang, the military commander of the Red Dragon Reloading Regiment (Yang only met. Lord Thomas is only once, so most of the generals of the lord's army will not recognize him as a "big man".

I know the identity of the other party, but the emperor's salary bears the king's worries, and the confidant of Falick still executes the order of Falick and strictly prohibits Yang from entering.

How can Yang not see through Falick's intentions? With this group of fear-minded generals, with Yang's mind and his usual eloquence to deal with Rubart, he soon rectaged this group of generals.

Strike took advantage of the situation: "Since I know you're wrong! That's good. Now find those people immediately and deal with them all for me! Didn't you always say that your feelings are very accurate? Your big brother is also here. Tell him to do it!"

Lace: "But, father, didn't you promise me that you should not abuse force to solve everything? What's more, what I see is that you have to kill each other cruelly."

The warriors do not abuse their own force, let alone seize the lives of others. This is the dignity and honor of the warriors. Similarly, they will not sit back and deprive others of their lives in front of themselves. Therefore, the reason why Sith and others were able to successfully and safely save the Great Priest Darien and Lord Thomas at that time, in fact, It is also because Lace is there and wants to stop the war.

Unfortunately, the battlefield is not a place where warriors should intervene, just like Jack, in the face of the scene of fighting on both sides, he wanted to intervene and stop, but how powerless he was. Lace did the same. She used "Yuanqi Silk" to hand over the weapons of the two sides as much as possible and tried to prevent the two people from fighting.

However, the power of one person could not calm the battle. Sith understood the intention of Lace. For them for the purpose of saving people, this situation was just right. So Sith told the members of the Star Group that they should mainly retreat and not fight. Even if the weapons were handed over, in this way, Lace More attention will be focused on the subordinates of Farrick who chased them desperately. In this way, with the "help" of Lace, Sith and the others escaped smoothly.

The lace in the fierce battle, the injury on her back was already difficult for her to support. Now she has to intervene in the chase between Sith and his subordinates and Falick. As a result, the wound broke. Watching Sith and the others escape, she had to stop and go to the dressing for treatment.

This is what happened before.

Frick was furious: "On the contrary, on the contrary, as expected, women are rubbish and useless guys. At the beginning, I still expected you and your brothers to have some effect to protect my current status and safety. I have painstakingly done so many things and said so many good things before. As a result, you are useless, but you still help outsiders. Now I doubt that this time it will be so unlucky that there will be a series of troubles. Are you the spies sent by others!"

Poor Frank, it is no wonder that what happened recently was completely beyond his tolerance. Now he is overwhelmed by anger, and his nature is revealed. He said too much and told the truth together.

Lace: "Father, what are you talking about? How could you say that about your daughter? Are all the words you said before lying to me?"

Frek: "Brick, say I lied to you? Didn't you lie to your crazy mother enough to me in those years? I was full of love and love for you, but what about now? I can't even do such a small thing for me and make such a little reward. Why do I still play this kind of father-daughter-like game? You are useless at all, and it's troublesome for me. It's also useless for you to put on me, and the brothers who don't know the end, get out of here!"

At this time, Falick had collapsed hysterically and released such harsh words, which made Lace really sad and unacceptable for a moment. The complex and uncomfortable mood kept surging in Lace's heart.

Lace is here and is no longer a family member. In the face of her father who keeps scolding her, Lace is unwilling to stay here. She ran out sadly.

With sadness, Lace came to the only place where she felt most at ease in this so-called home, that is, in front of Lace's mother's tombstone, which was her mother's favorite garden.

In front of her mother's tombstone, Lace said sadly, "Mother, why did it become like this? No matter how hard I try, can't I change my fate of being discriminated against as a woman? Mother, can't I really realize your wish?"

Once again, Lace is really frustrated with this family that only knows her personal interests and has no family warmth.

Lace stroked her mother's tombstone and looked at it carefully. She was looking forward to the answer that her mother could give her next life goal. Of course, this brand-new tombstone can't respond to any answer from Lace.

"Ah!" At this time, Lace suddenly shouted, because he soberly realized that something was wrong, that is, this tombstone was really brand-new, not like the one built three years ago, just like it had just been built recently.

This is the second time that Lace came to this mother's tombstone. The previous time, when she came back at the beginning, she came here to worship her mother. At that time, she saw her mother's tombstone for the first time. Lace was so sad and sad, and she was constantly kissed by her father Falick. As a result, Lace was blinded by tears and false feelings, so that such obvious falsehood could not be seen.

Lace: "It turns out that my father just wanted to use me to say so many nice words. All this is a lie. My father has never cared about our mother and daughter at all."

The more she thought about Lace, the more excited she became. This feeling of being betrayed, especially being hurt by her relatives again, was a little too easy for Lace to control, and the gauze on her back slowly oozed blood.

At this time, a strong arm rested on Lace's shoulder and pressed Lace to prevent her body trembling with excitement from getting out of control.

Lace slowed down and said, "Brother Xuanzhou, are you comforting me?"

Xuanzhou could not say anything to comfort others, but from his gentle eyes, his love for lace showed from time to time.

How can Lace feel the heart of Brother Xuanzhou: "So, so you and everyone knew all this at the beginning, didn't they? You chose to help me for me and not to hurt my heart... I'm sorry, it's my innocence, and I've made everyone suffer."

She finally realized who is her real relative in this world.

Lace: "Now, I have seen my father's true face, so I will no longer have any nostalgia for such a family. Let's leave now."

Xuanzhou shook his head at this time.

Lace: "Brother Xuanzhou, is there anything else for us?"

Xuanzhou motioned to let Lace follow him.

Lace suddenly understood Xuanzhou's idea: "I understand that there is a beginning and an end, let these things end, and then we will leave."