Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 581 Holy Water Day

After that, next to the ceremonial square of "Holy Water Day", where Haka is about to read the ceremony message to the ocean-like Ishubal crowd below. This is a great opportunity to deepen the ideological control of the Izibarians in the city.

The ceremony is about to begin. Haka has been doing this kind of thing for more than ten years. It can be said that he is familiar with it, but today is very rare. Haka is particularly nervous and paced back and forth in the house, worried. This is not an on-the-spot fright. Haka's nervous thing is actually something else.

At this time, a lord soldier came to report. Before the soldier could speak, Haka couldn't wait to ask first, "You, report it quickly. What's going on with the violent noise on the mountainside just now? Why is it getting louder and louder?"

The soldier was breathless. Obviously, he still ran back all the way back: "We found several unidentified people fighting there in the back mountain. The battle was really fierce and exaggerated. The stone walls on the mountain were destroyed. Those noises were caused by the collapse of the rocks. Sound."

The suspicious people mentioned by this soldier refer to Hoffman, Harrek and Black Bull. The fierce battle with the fierce battle between them was a landslide. As a result, the sound attracted the lord soldiers stationed nearby. I don't know if they are so tired now. Is there anything wrong?

Haka: "I don't ask you to answer these! What did you just say? Are there unidentified and powerful people? Damn, bad things really happen at this time. No matter how much, I haven't explained it to you. Now, no matter what kind of thing, or as long as it is a little suspicious or dangerous person, it will be solved immediately. Do you still need me to repeatedly emphasize it to explain to you?"

Soldiers: "Yes, my lord, of course we know what we should do, but... those suspicious people...they..."

"What! Make it clear to me!" The soldier's hesitation made Haka very impatient.

Soldier: "However, we can't catch each other."

Haka suddenly became unnamed: "What? Can you say it again? Those suspicious people have not been caught? What the hell are you doing?"

Soldier: "Yes, I'm sorry, no, in fact, it's not that you can't catch it, but that the other party doesn't need to catch it anymore."

"Tay me the point quickly and don't tell me such irrelevant nonsense." Haka was not satisfied with this ambiguous answer.

Soldier: "Yes, yes, in fact, it's like this. According to the direction of this sound, we lined up and surrounded them from the front and back. As a result, we found that there were four suspicious-looking guys, one of whom were Eshubars and the other was from the Eastern Kingdom (not all the lords and soldiers knew that they knew that they were temporarily Timely fa li ke his identity) didn't know what he was doing on the mountainside. It seemed that they were fighting against each other. When we arrived, one or two people had fallen to the ground and couldn't move. Then, of course, we will not let go of these suspicious people. Then, I surrounded them. I thought that these wounded and weak guys would be easily subdued, but unexpectedly..."

Haka has a bad feeling when listening.

Soldier: "I didn't expect that the rest of the guys, especially the guy who was as black as a bear, were really too difficult to deal with, not only the strange power, but also as if they were not afraid of injury at all. When they fought, they were really desperate and knocked many of us down the mountain."

Haka shouted angrily, "Useless guy, can't you deal with this person?"

How can Haka, a person who stays in the rear and enjoy happiness, feel how cruel it is to fight on the real battlefield? Naturally, he speaks lightly. You know, these hundreds of soldiers who launch crazy black bulls and have no combat effectiveness are not enough for him to stuff his teeth.

But these soldiers really picked up a bargain. After Harek's "bloody rage", he had exhausted his strength and it was difficult to recover for a while; and Hoffman fell down to protect the black bull; and the only black bull with combat effectiveness, after the fierce battle with the fierce, his strength has been consumed greatly. Half of it, as a result, if it continues to fight, the black bulls are gradually suppressed by the number of these lords and soldiers.

But the soldier continued, "We were going to win, but I didn't expect that that guy was really crazy. The big black bear-like guy went crazy and kept smashing the stone wall on the mountainside with his fist. As a result, the already collapsed and fragile mountain wall is now more Jia becomes easy to collapse. Then, a terrible thing happened. More mountains and rocks collapsed and rumbled, as if the whole back mountain was about to be destroyed. Under this disaster, we had to escape. As a result, we suffered a lot of casualties. More than that, it seemed that even the whole back mountain was sealed. I'm dead. I can't go at all.

"He doesn't care about this kind of thing. Tell me about those suspicious people. What happened in the end?" Haka obviously doesn't care much about the death of these soldiers. He only cares about other answers.

Go back and go, and finally this difficult question, the soldier hesitated to answer, "Well, really, it should not be able to live."

"Fad! Make it clear to me." Haka obviously lost his good mood for answering in this way.

Soldier: "Now the whole mountain has been sealed, the road is blocked, and people can't pass at all. Therefore, we can't be sure of each other's life and death, but don't worry, even monsters can't survive under such a cave. Not to mention people. They must have turned into meat early in the morning. It's sauce."

Later, there was a loud loud noise. It turned out that the black bull was crazy again, which caused a bigger landslide. Although it was very effective to eliminate those lords and soldiers, in this way, he also involved himself in danger. Now the case of the black bull doing things recklessly is again One more case has been added.

Haka: "Buck, do you think the other party is dead, is it really dead? Come on, get back and continue to search the neighborhood. Be sure to arrest those vandals and any suspicious people for me.

Soldier: "Yes, I understand, my lord, I'll do it right now."

"No, wait a minute. After you go out, you also need to send more people to strengthen the guards here." Haka smelled the danger, and he was afraid of death. Naturally, he still took his own safety as his first consideration.

"Yes, yes! It's just..." The soldiers are still a little worried: "In this way, our manpower will be very small, especially on the periphery. If those foreign nations make trouble, we will have no one to control it."

"It doesn't matter, these people, they will never dare to make trouble." The only thing Haka has confidence in is that he has controlled the Ishubar people in the city for more than a decade. And the dense Ishubar crowd below, they themselves, are the best barrier. No matter who wants to rush through, they will be stopped.

Then, the soldier hurried out, led many soldiers on the periphery, went back to the mountain again, and continued to search for Hoffman's life and death, as well as any suspicious people.

After that, a man dressed as a priest came in and said to Haka, "Your Majesty Haka, the time is almost here."

Haka calculated the time by himself. It seems that it was time to hold the ceremony of "Holy Water Day", so he finished his clothes, then picked up an old cane and walked to the square outside.

The square of the ceremony is a high platform, which is located high from the large square where the crowd is located below. From here, you can see all the things below, which can be said to be the highest point of the holy capital of Alama. The site of this ceremonial platform is made of stone, half dilapidated and full of traces of history, while the other half looks relatively new, and the masonry looks like it has been built and repaired in recent years.

In fact, this is not surprising. After all, since more than 20 years ago, when the fascist emperor captured the holy capital of Alma, there was a scuffle in the city, so that many buildings in the city at that time were damaged to varying degrees. This is the most sacred ritual square for the Ishubar people. There has never been an exception. It was because of the destruction of that year that the "golden holy water" disappeared in front of people's eyes. Even if it has been repaired and rebuilt in recent years, it is still impossible to restore the miracle of the "golden holy water" of that year. This is the regret of the whole Ishbarians, and it is also one of the reasons why many of the Ishbars in this Ishbar army do not want to be looted and destroyed by the fire of war again in the city of Alama, the capital of St.

Seeing the battle of the high priest in Haka's hand and walking to the high platform, all the Ishubar people under the stage all fell silent, contrasting with the lively scene just now.

Haka stood on the high platform, cleared his voice, and then began to speak loudly: "Today, the compatriots of Ishbar, we have been looking forward to for a long time, the annual sacred day. Today is the supremely holy peak god at the junction of heaven and earth will bless his sacred water. On the way down, give us the Ishbarians, so that we can get the great blessings of rich and fruitful harvest in this new year. In order to thank the God of the Holy Peak for his love for us, now, let us all silently pray for the arrival of this 'water of holy water'.

Haka was decent. While speaking over there, he sat in strange ritual movements. Finally, he calculated the time and pointed his old battle of high priests to the buildings behind him.

These buildings are actually several statues, with strange characters and strange animals. These statues are built on the mountain and wind up along the mountain wall. They are connected one by one and close to each other, like holding hands and passing things to each other.

Yes, what they want to convey is nothing else, but the "sacred water" that falls after the ice and snow on the holy peak of Alama melts in this city.

Time has arrived, almost unchanged for ten thousand years. At this time in the last day of March every year, the gurgling snow water left from the towering peak landed on these statues and slowly gathered down along the fall of the statues, forming a small stream. Finally, It flowed to the last largest statue.

At the bottom of this huge statue is a huge pool. In the pool, there are water pipes, which lead the water in the pool to all directions of the city of Alama. Now, the "holy water" flowing down the holy peak of Alama finally flows into the big water from the huge statue. It's in the pool.

Haka saw the opportunity and shouted in a loud voice, "Great, 'Holy Water' is coming!"

The Ishbal people under the stage immediately cheered like thunder, with extremely happy smiles on their faces, forgetting the troubles of the past and welcoming the arrival of a new day with the most pious heart.

Haka took the opportunity to shout: "With this 'sacred water', the god of the holy peak will definitely bless us. This year will also be a year of peace and prosperity, and it will also be a year of peace. Let's pray and thank the god of the holy peak again."

"Peace and happiness are not prayers, but can come down, but by your own hands to strive for!"

Haka was furious: "Who! Dare to preach this kind of demagogic words that are contrary to God's will?"

There are too many people on the field. At a glance, it should not have been possible to find the person who shouted like this just now, but this time, Haka actually found a strange place at a glance.

In the corner of the dense Ishbar crowd, there began to make a gap. At the gap, a team of more than a dozen people came in. Obviously, in the crowded place here, every Ishbal person wanted to be closer to the "sacred water", but now, These Ishubarians all took the initiative to give way, which was very surprising.

And Haka on that high platform will not be as calm as the people below. Even Haka doesn't believe in his eyes. He keeps * his eyes and keeps shouting in his heart, hoping that he is wrong.

"Impossible, it can't be him! That guy Falick actually messed it up. Damn it, damn it!"

The reality does not allow Hakata's eyes and heart to deny it. Now it appears in front of Haka, but he is the person he is most afraid to see now. Now, the other party is walking in the front line of the team, and those Yishubars are also because they see this person that they begin to let Taoist.

"Look! What does the old man look like? Could it be?"

"No way, hasn't he left the holy capital Alama? I heard that he has passed away in the foreign country, right?

"No, I know, yes, it's true, it's really the former high priest, the high priest Darien!"

In the crowd of the Izibars, the news suddenly exploded and quickly spread all over the crowd.

Darien, he came, and his goal was to point directly at Haka on the high platform. The kindness and resentment of more than ten years, as well as the truth, will be here to make a final understanding.