Fantasy Country

Chapter 12 The Truth of Summoning

"So, what about your consciousness?"

"Consciousness comes from your human cognition. For example, I am Charles, the Flame Baron in World of Warcraft. The initial consciousness gathered your human cognition. After that, my memory gradually enriched in my subsequent experience. Others are the same, such as other people in the World of Warcraft, such as the ancient gods, the flame demon Ranaros...; in addition, there are other worlds of online life, ancient gods and Buddhas, immortals and demons, angels and demons, Western gods, protagonists in animation novels and games, etc. The Baron Flame said.

"So many, did they all appear?" Lu Xuedao took a breath of cold air in his heart.

"It's almost the same. The more famous the character is in the human world, the earlier it will be." The Flame Baron nodded.

"So, what's going on with the summoning?"

"Ha ha, you really asked about this thing." The Baron Flame suddenly laughed. Instinctively, Lu Xuedao and the other two women suddenly felt that the summoning technique was not as simple as on the surface.

"Well, I think you're more pleasing to the eye, so I'll tell you." After laughing, the Baron Flame said to the three.

"To talk about summoning, you must first talk about a life field. The life field is a kind of thing that every network life begins to generate in the body from the beginning of automatic conception. Through the field of life, we can find the human beings that best fit us. Summoning is a great invention in network life, which can make network life and those who are suitable for each other become partners. The Baron Flame said.

"Great power?"

"Well, even as an online life, there are highs and lows. You can understand." The Baron Flame asked, and several people nodded.

Why did you come to the human world? Do you want to be enslaved by human beings?" Xie Sutong asked.

"Hum!" Baron Flame snorted coldly and did not explain.

Seeing that the Baron Flame did not want to explain this topic, Lu Xuedao couldn't help closing his eyes and began to think silently. When others saw Lu Xuedao's movements, they couldn't help but begin to meditate. After a few minutes, Lu Xuedao opened his eyes again and looked solemnly at the Baron Flame.

"Is it...!" Lu Xuedao and Xie Sutong opened their mouth at the same time, and then looked at each other at the same time.

"You can say it first." Xie Sutong is modest.

"Hmm!" Lu Xuedao nodded and then looked at the Baron Flame. I just thought about it. The environment in which you were born is the Internet, and the main consciousness also comes from human cognition or setting. That is to say, you have a lot to do with the human world. So, can I think that if you want to continue to grow, you must appear in the human world and absorb some power? Lu Xuedao said, looking at the Baron Flame.

"That's right! Continue."

"Good!" Lu Xuedao nodded.

"The summoning technique is a great invention in your network life and can appear in the medium of the human world. However, you have never said that through the summoning technique, human beings can control you, which is completely our wishful thinking. Or, we are affected by common sense, so we don't doubt it. In fact, the so-called summoning is just a medium for you to appear, which has no binding force on you and cannot force you to do anything. Lu Xuedao looked at the Baron Flame.

"You are really smart!" Baron Flame's words undoubtedly show that Lu Xuedao guessed right.

"Yes, I think so too. I said, why an independent life is willing to become a slave to human beings? It seems that this is just a misguided in human common sense. Xie Sutong said and smiled at Lu Xuedao, with a tacit understanding. Zhao Zhenxi next to him suddenly felt a little uncomfortable when he saw the two people.

"Why did you tell us this?" After a while, Lu Xuedao broke the silence.

"I didn't say it at all. It's just that you guessed it. All I can say is that you are smart enough. You don't have to care so much. It's okay to make it clear. The main thing is to let her know, so as not to think that I'm his servant like the last time, and listen to him for everything, and then let me slap him to death. Baron Flame pointed to Zhao Zhenxi and said.

Last time!

Sure enough, this summoning is not binding on online life, and they can even take action against summoners. Zhao Zhenxi couldn't help but tighten his heart when he heard the words. Is it really no problem to put a dangerous creature with such a criminal record around him? Lu Xuedao put his hand on Zhao Zhenxi's shoulder to signal her peace of mind. As Baron Flame said, it is better to make this kind of thing clear, and in Lu Xuedao's view, Baron Flame's character is not bad and not difficult to get along with.

"Actually, I also think it's better. Friends are much better than slavery. However, what is the principle of summoning and is it harmful to us humans? After Lu Xuedao appeased Zhao Zhenxi, he asked again.

"There are not only no harm, but also benefits." Baron Flame said and began to explain.

"Every human being has its own life field, which is a weak electromagnetic field. Network life itself is an electronic organism, and it is an electronic organism that has a lot to do with human beings. With the help of summoning, we can use the summoner's life field to appear in the real world. While the summoner's life field is carrying us, we are also imperceptibly changing their life field and making them assimilate with each other.


"Well, assimilation, Zhao Zhenxi, come here!" Baron Flame said to Zhao Zhenxi.

After Zhao Zhenxi walked over, Baron Flame suddenly put his hand on Zhao Zhenxi's head. At this moment, Lu Xuedao almost couldn't help rushing out. The flame baron's body was a flame. Lu Xuedao saw human beings burned to ashes more than once. However, the current situation is a little strange. Baron Flame's hand was placed on Zhao Zhenxi's head and didn't even light a hair. Instead, Zhao Zhenxi looked a little comfortable.

"This is assimilation. After the assimilation of the life field, in fact, she and I can be regarded as one and independent creatures. Anyway, our injury or death will not affect each other, which is independent. And one is that my flame is my body, so she will not be hurt by this flame. Baron Flame explained.

Lu Xuedao suddenly remembered that when Liu Gaopeng was used to block the flames, it did not seem to cause harm to Liu Gaopeng.

"That's good, at least you don't have to worry about you accidentally burning me." Zhao Zhenxi patted his chest and jumped on his chest. Xie Sutong narrowed her eyes, then secretly compared with herself, and finally helplessly confirmed a fact that Zhao Zhenxi was much more plump than her.

"This is just the most basic assimilation. In fact, human and online life have recently found that the real use of assimilation is much greater than this." Baron Flame shook his head.

"Much bigger, what is that?" Xie Sutong asked.

"It's so that you can learn to use our strength." The Baron Flame said solemnly. Lu Xuedao and the three suddenly became solemn when they heard the words and used... their power... Isn't it?

"Yes, after the assimilation of the life field changes, you humans can also learn to use your own network to summon the power of life. For example, Zhao Zhenxi, when her life field changes to a certain extent, she can learn from me how to use the power of flame. No, to be precise, you can learn how to control the power of flame from all the flame element creatures in the Azeroth world. The Baron Flame said.


A completely indescribable shock rose in the minds of the three people, and they didn't expect that the life field would have this purpose.

"So, if a person's online summoning life is a character such as Sanqing, can this person learn how to use immortality to achieve immortality?" Xie Sutong looked at Baron Flame and asked seriously.

"Almost, the effect of life field assimilation on you human beings is to subtly change your life field into the same mode as your own summoning life. Then you human beings can learn to use what summons life. The Flame Baron nodded.

"I know, I know that if Lu Xuedao's summoning creature is a big cow, you can learn to use chakra and ninjutsu; if your summoning creature is Boyahan Cook, then you can learn six styles and domineering; if..." Nocino immediately jumped out and said, looking very proud. These two people were collected in Lu Xuedao's computer, so Nocino is more familiar with them.

"But my summoning creatures are either them or you. What can I learn?" Lu Xuedao asked.

"Learn...learn." Nocino frowned and thought for a moment, and then suddenly his eyes lit up.


Everyone who was expecting the answer almost fell down. What answer did they think they could get? As a result...3DHGAME, what is that? Can Lu Xuedao only learn H in the future?

"What's going on?" Xie Sutong asked calmly.

"Nocino is different from the baron. It is not a creature of a certain world, but a character developed in the stand-alone game 3D Artificial Goblin I play. He doesn't have any ability and can't be sure." Lu Xuedao said dejectedly.

"HGAME~!" Xie Sutong and Zhao Zhenxi suddenly said meaningfully, and at the same time, they looked at Lu Xuedao strangely.

"Yes, it's HGAME. I'm 17 years old. As an adolescent, it's normal to play this kind of game." Lu Xuedao did not have any embarrassment, but said as a matter of course. On the contrary, the two girls looked a little embarrassed.

"Hum!" The two women snorted at the same time, and then turned their heads away... fool, fool, fool!

"Baron, can't I learn to use any power?" Lu Xuedao ignored the two women and turned to ask the baron. To be honest, Lu Xuedao is very disappointed if he really can't learn any strength.

"I don't think so!" Before the Baron Flame answered, Xie Sutong shook her head.

"What can't be?"

"I mean, you won't be unable to learn to use any power. You know, in many worlds, those profound and powerful abilities start from ordinary people, and you should be able to learn. Xie Sutong explained. In fact, this is not her expectation. Compared with Lu Xuedao, she doesn't even have online life.

Lu Xuedao looked at the Baron Flame. This was just a guess from Xie Sutong. It is estimated that the Baron knows more clearly what happened.