Fantasy Country

Chapter 13 Consciousness Enter

"No!" Baron Flame shook his head.

"Little girl, you are very smart, but don't forget that although the form is different, in essence, we are all online lives. Therefore, you think it is impossible to learn from the ability of ordinary people. Any ability and cultivation system in it have very strict requirements. If there is no assimilation in the life field... it should not be able to learn.

Xie Sutong was stunned when she heard the words, and then frowned.

"Of course, this is just the information I got from other online lives, but you can try the online world, maybe you can learn anything." The Baron Flame said again.

"Try the online world?"

"Yes, just as we appear in the real world, with the help of another summoning technique, human consciousness can also enter the online world. Learning to use power is in the online world, and what you learn in the online world can bring back to reality. The Flame Baron nodded.

"Can the power of the virtual world bring back to reality?"

"I had three summoners, the first one was a fool. He thought I was his pet and was shot to death by me. The second is Liu Gaopeng. Maybe he was bullied too much before. After suddenly gaining strength, he always wanted to turn over and couldn't accurately find his position. It's okay to die. As for Zhao Zhenxi, our life field is not assimilated enough to bring your consciousness into the online world. The Baron Flame said.

"So, my summoners have not been to the online world, but I have heard from other online life that other summoners have indeed brought back power from the online world." Baron Flame explained.

"Power is divided into three types: body, soul and consciousness. Only the power of consciousness is the most mysterious. As long as you gain some kind of power in consciousness, you can imperceptibly drive changes in body and soul. Nocino suddenly said mechanically, as if stating a fact.

"Nocino, what did you say? Where did you see this passage?" Everyone looked at Nocino in astonishment. After being disturbed, Nocino seemed to suddenly wake up and regained his agility.

"Ah, what are you looking at me for?" Nocino said foolishly.

Everyone thinks that Nocino is abnormal, not like a simple 3DHGAME goblin. However, looking at her confused appearance, she obviously can't ask anything. Only the Flame Baron was the most deeply touched. The last time he attacked Nocino, Nocino had an instantaneous outbreak, and the breath was definitely stronger than the flame demon Lagnaros he had seen.

"Baron, do you know the summoning technique to let human consciousness enter the online world?"

"I know!" The Flame Baron nodded.

"Can you teach me this little fool?" Lu Xuedao asked. Although Lu Xuedao's mouth * Nocino belittled miserably, he affectionately rubbed Nocino's little head and seemed to like it very much.

"Idiot!" The Baron Flame said meaningfully. It's not difficult to teach her. Baron Flame said and immediately looked at Nocino. Like electronic data transmission, a series of complex electronic data flowed through the air and entered Nocino's mind.

Lu Xuedao and the three were envious for a while. Is this teaching? Learning things from online life is really simple. Isn't it just copying it? However, Lu Xuedao knew that even if the fool Nocino copied it, he would not be able to master it for a while, just by looking at the blind appearance of using the summoning technique for the first time.

"Your Baron!" Suddenly, Xie Sutong said something.

"What's the matter?"

"Excuse me, how can I get the favor of online life and become their partner?" Seeing that Lu Xuedao and Zhao Zhenxi have their own summoning lives, Xie Sutong must also be envious.

"If you want, I can ask a few friends to try whether you are their suitability. However, I think it's better to let nature take its course and surf the Internet more. Maybe any network life will find you. Of course, you must know one thing. Network life has its own sense of independence. Even if many network life knows that they need to contact human beings to continue to become stronger, many of us do not disdain at all..."


"That's it. It's time for me to go back to the online world, otherwise Zhao Zhenxi can't stand it." Baron Flame said and began to slowly turn into electronic data. At this time, Lu Xuedao and Xie Sutong found that Zhao Zhenxi was gasping heavily and looked very tired.

"By the way, I would like to remind you that consciousness entering the online world is not absolutely safe. If your consciousness dies in the online world, in reality, you will also die." When the sound was still echoing in the room, the Baron Flame had disappeared.

The three stayed in the room, still shocked by the last words of the Baron Flame.

"Su Tong!" Zhao Zhenxi looked at Xie Sutong.

"There will be nothing wrong. My brother and Sun Cangjing must have died like this. They must have died in the online world, so they also died in the real world. Xie Sutong gritted her teeth and her body trembled slightly. Her brother's death was not a death of acute failure, but after learning the answer, Xie Sutong was even more sad. Was her brother's death just her own carelessness?

"Almost, it should be like this!" Lu Xuedao nodded.

"One more thing, Baron Flame just said that you can't stand it. Obviously, there is a time limit for summoning online life. It is estimated that according to the strength of the life field, the strength of the summoned network life is different, and the time it can be summoned is not certain. That is to say, you can't summon cyber life at will, otherwise if you can't summon cyber life to help when you are in danger, it will be a big deal. Lu Xuedao also saw another thing.


At this time, there was a knock on the door like smashing the door, which made the door frame tremble.

"It's coming!" Lu Xuedao directly lifted the summoning technique, and then motioned to the two women to let them enter the bedroom.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing? Are you burning a kiln in the living room? The floor tiles on me are about to burn red. If I don't feel wrong, wouldn't I have caused a big fire? Did you see it? I took a few steps out, and the soles of my shoes were burned. As soon as he opened the door, a man outside cursed and pointed to his pair of slippers. Sure enough, the soles of his shoes were burned.

"What, I don't understand what you mean. Is the kiln burning in the living room? Are you kidding?"

"Let me see if you get out of the way." The man outside pushed Lu Xuedao directly and came in. The living room is empty, and there is no trace of burning anything. At this time, Lu Xuedao couldn't help but be glad that the Baron's flame was obviously different from the ordinary flame. After deliberately converging, although there was still a high temperature, it did not leave any traces on the ceiling.

Seeing such a scene, the man was obviously stunned and didn't burn anything? The man did not give up and walked to other rooms of Lu Xuedao. Lu Xuedao did not stop him for a moment and was suddenly broken into the bedroom by this guy. The man was stunned at the door, because in Lu Xuedao's bedroom sat two girls with different styles but very beautiful.

"Fuck, beast!" There are all kinds of envy and hatred in this man's tone.

"Hey, what I do has nothing to do with you. You have also seen that my house is normal and burning kilns. Is your head broken? Who the fuck will burn kilns in the living room?" Lu Xuedao's tone was also very rude. He turned in and began to push the man outside.

"Fuck, what's wrong with not burning a kiln?"

"How do I know, but it should be an abnormal phenomenon. Two of our school disappeared during this period, one mysteriously died, and four died in the earthquake two days ago, and I heard that there were many strange things in the city. Do you think the doomsday curse is not over, and now is the real beginning? Lu Xuedao said casually.

It seemed that he thought of something, and the man's face suddenly changed. Damn, it's not really a doomsday curse. There seems to be something wrong with the factory recently. 5-4, May 4th... I'm going to die, doesn't it mean I'm going to die? No, I'm going to move." The man said to himself and immediately thought more from his house number.

Lu Xuedao couldn't help rolling his eyes. His sect number is still 4-4. Doesn't he say that he will die again?

"By the way, you are so fucking lucky that such a beautiful girl can fly two at a time. Why don't I have this luck? If it were me, it would be worth it even if the next moment was the end. After returning to the corridor, the man said mysteriously to Lu Xuedao.

" Come on, it's useless for you to envy. I think you are probably cursed." Lu Xuedao was too lazy to say anything. He pushed the guy away directly and closed the door.

After Lu Xuedao closed the door again, he was relieved. Sure enough, he was found. I'm really sorry for this buddy. His living room is not burned, is it? After Lu Xuedao turned around, he found that the two girls looked at him with a smile. Such a beautiful girl, two at a time, and fly together~" Zhao Zhenxi imitated the man's tone, and I don't know why.

"What, do you think? I don't mind. Anyway, the place is ready-made." Lu Xuedao heard the words and said directly.

"Cut, it's beautiful for you. Su Tong, let's go and let him play HGAME at home by himself. Zhao Zhenxi spit out his tongue, and then pulled Xie Sutong and ran straight out.


Lu Xuedao saw Zhao Zhenxi run out before he withdrew his eyes and quickly became extremely calm. Zhao Zhenxi's mind, Lu Xuedao is not an idiot, how can he not see it? However, Lu Xuedao is not the kind of creature that will definitely ** when he sees a girl is beautiful. If he doesn't hate it, it doesn't mean that he likes it.

"My daily life has been destroyed like this!" Lu Xuedao sighed helplessly.

Well, the current daily life is not annoying, at least it is much more exciting than the previous life of eating and waiting to die. Looking at his mobile phone, Lu Xuedao turned over the number inside. There were not many numbers. Lu Xuedao looked at a number that was very familiar but basically never called.