Fantasy Country

Chapter 14 Being Targeted

The last time the Flame Baron left when Zhao Zhenxi couldn't stand it, so Lu Xuedao and others haven't asked some questions clearly. After discussion, the three were ready to find a place to summon the Flame Baron again to learn more about online life, especially the summoning of consciousness.

The place where the baron is summoned again, of course, it can't be Lu Xuedao's room. It is estimated that the guy above will definitely rush down to check immediately, and it will not be very good if it really causes a fire. Fortunately, if there are more people, she will be more powerful. Xie Sutong said that she can find an absolutely safe place. There will be absolutely no one else in her family's large warehouse.


Originally, everything was progressing smoothly, and Lu Xuedao was about to forget about Jiang Lan and Liu Gaopeng. However, on Tuesday afternoon, Lu Xuedao's door was suddenly knocked. At this time... who will it be? Lu Xuedao was puzzled. He just discussed with Zhao Zhenxi and Xie Sutong to go to Xie Sutong's big warehouse tomorrow.

Lu Xuedao looked through the cat's eyes. A young man with a cigarette in his hand and a big man with muscles all over his body looked relatively simple and honest.

Lu Xuedao is sure that he absolutely doesn't know the two.

In an instant, Lu Xuedao's brain immediately turned around. The two people outside were definitely not like some salesmen; did they find the wrong door? It's so easy to find him here that the ghost believes that it will be such a coincidence. If it's not a coincidence, then their purpose is themselves. Thinking of the recent changes, Lu Xuedao immediately guessed a possibility.

People from the country?

If it is just the disappearance of Jiang Lan and Liu Gaopeng, it may not disturb the special departments of the country. To the extent of those ordinary police, they will certainly not find anything. However, in the second week, another Sun Cangjing died in the school, and unfortunately there was an earthquake, and then four more died.

It is not surprising that such a thing happens continuously if it attracts the curiosity above.

Lu Xuedao sighed silently, but as a result, he still couldn't hide it. Calm down, Lu Xuedao was about to open the door, but at this time, the simple man asked doubtfully.

"Will there be no one?"

"No, I have investigated. Lu Xuedao is an otaku. He must be at home at this time." The young man with a cigarette exhaled a cigarette and kicked the door fiercely with his foot.

At this time, Lu Xuedao's mobile phone ringing just rang, not very loud, but it was just heard inside and outside the door. Lu Xuedao and the two outside were stunned. Lu Xuedao did not expect to receive a phone call at this time, while the two outside did not expect that Lu Xuedao was behind the door. After being stunned, the two suddenly kicked the door again.

"Hey, open the door!"

"Lu Xuedao, Zhao Zhenxi was kidnapped." Lu Xuedao didn't pay attention to the door call outside, but connected the mobile phone. As soon as it was connected, Xie Sutong's anxious voice came.


Lu Xuedao's heart was thrilled. He always thought that the two people outside were from the country. Now when he found here, it was estimated that the old residential building had been exposed. However, after receiving Xie Sutong's phone call, Lu Xuedao instantly judged that it was wrong. The exposure may be exposed, but it is definitely not from the country, otherwise there is no need to kidnap it. Then, act in this way... an organization that has mastered the life of the Internet but is unwilling to submit to the state.

Not everyone has no ambition!

In a deeper place, Lu Xuedao can't think about it anymore, because the muscular man outside has taken out his mobile phone and started the summoning ceremony. It's not the people of the country, and it's also absorbing the power of new summoners by such a forced means... Then it's not difficult to imagine the purpose of this force!

Lu Xuedao's thinking went to the limit at this moment.

He meowed, why did he encounter such a thing? At this time, Lu Xuedao was extremely chagrin. Even if he was absorbed by the state, it was better than joining this ambitious force. At this time, Lu Xuedao even scolded why the people of the country were so useless. This kind of ambitious forces had investigated the old residential buildings, and the country did not move at all.

At this time, the teenager outside has summoned his own online life, a huge monster like a buffalo and dark fur. Soon, the teenager's order let Lu Xuedao know what the monster was.

"Iron, smash this door."

Iron! Damn, isn't this a mythical monster? Although it's not worth mentioning compared with the green dragon and white tiger, at least it's a fierce beast that has left its name. Sure enough, the next moment, the iron directly hit the anti-theft door with its right fist. With a loud noise, the anti-theft door was directly shaken off the door frame and fell into the hall.

At this time, Lu Xuedao had come to the balcony outside and happened to see the anti-theft door falling inside. It's really violent. This method is definitely not from the people of the country. Also, aren't these people afraid of being discovered by others... There must be something big going to happen.

Since they are not worried about being found, what is he still hiding?

[summoning technique]!

The soft white light dissipated, and soon Nocino appeared in front of Lu Xuedao. Nocino, I'm going to jump from here. You grab my collar and don't let me fall to death. After saying that, Lu Xuedao saw that the iron had come to the living room and immediately jumped down without hesitation.

Nocino just appeared and was still a little confused. As a result, he suddenly fell down weightless and realized what had happened. Nocino, who reacted, immediately nervously grasped Lu Xuedao's collar and flew up hard to cushion the momentum brought by Lu Xuedao's jumping down.

Lu Xuedao is on the fourth floor, and there is still a relatively lively street below. When Lu Xuedao jumped off the balcony, the person who accidentally noticed this scene suddenly opened his mouth in shock - someone jumped off the building!

It is said that although Nocino does not have any special ability, his strength is still not small, so the speed of Lu Xuedao's fall has been greatly slowed down. However, Lu Xuedao was miserable that he was almost strangled by his collar.

As soon as the young man and the big man entered Lu Xuedao's room, they found Lu Xuedao jumping down. The two immediately rushed to the edge of the balcony and saw the little goblin blushing and vigorously lifting Lu Xuedao's appearance.

"Yi Tie, follow him and catch him." The big man ordered, and then the black buffalo-like monster suddenly jumped downstairs.

The moment Lu Xuedao jumped off the building, he was found. After a moment of shock, this group of people immediately began to dodge in panic for fear of being hit by Lu Xuedao, otherwise they would not know who died. However, a few seconds later, those people on the street found that the speed of Lu Xuedao's fall... was so slow. Obviously, he could not fall to death at such a speed.

However, before these people were surprised, they found another monster jumping off the balcony on the fourth floor again, dark, like a standing buffalo. Bullhead? Well, it's a bit similar, but obviously the beast is more. Most importantly, the monster fell heavily like a piece of steel and hit a small vendor on the street with a bang.

Everyone suddenly felt that the ground trembled as if there had been an earthquake.

The smashed vendor suddenly broke apart, some boards and metal fragments suddenly splashed, and several unlucky people were cut off in an instant, and a beautiful woman next to him was even directly cut off her throat... The disaster came so suddenly.

Lu Xuedao also fell to the ground at this time and was immediately shocked. He thought he was going to be caught up, but Lu Xuedao found it instantly. This iron may be too heavy and hard to fall into the cement of the street and can't move for a while.

Luck, Lu Xuedao said something in his heart, and then quickly ran into the crowd in the chaos and quickly disappeared into the distance.

"Run away." The big man said.

"Forget it, take it back. I really don't understand why the captain insisted on us taking this boy back. Is his little goblin special?

"I didn't see it." The big man said that after lifting the summoning, the iron that still did not climb up from the cement floor instantly turned into virtual electronic data and disappeared in place.

The crowd around was stunned again, and the scene in front of them was really beyond what they could understand. Only a few people looked at this scene with the same consternment, but the consternment in their eyes was completely different from that of others.


After Lu Xuedao escaped, he began to think carefully about what happened.

There is no doubt that he and Zhao Zhenxi were summoners. The only possibility is that a series of things in the school have attracted the attention of others. However, it was a pity that it was not the group of people in the country that was the first to find something wrong, but an ambitious force.

However, why did this force seize itself and Zhao Zhenxi?

Lu Xuedao looked at Nocino. Is there anything special about Nochino? In addition, since the other party did not hesitate to do it in the crowd, it proves that the other party is not worried that the Internet life will be exposed. If this force is strong enough to be comparable to that of the United States, Lu Xuedao absolutely does not believe it. So, the only possibility... Next, the matter of online life will be completely exposed to the public, and there is no need to hide it.

What on earth will happen?

Lu Xuedao took out his mobile phone and called back to Xie Sutong. As soon as he was connected, an anxious inquiry came from the opposite side. Lu Xuedao, what's wrong with you? Why did you hang up as soon as you answered the phone?

"I was also targeted. The other party's style was very arrogant and just escaped. I don't know the purpose of the other party for the time being, but judging from the fact that the other party did not kidnap you, the purpose of the other party is the summoner, but you should also be careful. After Lu Xuedao finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Xie Sutong listened to the blind sound from her mobile phone and stayed for a moment. There was a sense of guilt that she couldn't help, and there was also a kind of neglected loss.