Fantasy Country

Chapter 28 First Erosion

In the online world, he was white**... Two hours later, Lu Xuedao really couldn't use any strength. At this time, Nocino suddenly lifted the call of consciousness, and Lu Xuedao suddenly found that his body in the online world rotated and shrank like a whirlpool, and then disappeared in place.

As soon as Lu Xuedao opened his eyes, he immediately found that a simple cabinet next to him fell down, and the whole room was shaking vigorously.


It's not the first time he has encountered such a thing, so Lu Xuedao's reaction was quite timely. However, he only felt that his body seemed to be overindulgent and too soft to use his energy. Shit... The conscious influence of the network plane world, since it can bring the power of learning in the network plane world back to reality, this weakness is obviously nothing.

Unable to stand up for a while, Lu Xuedao could only roll along and then came to the corner of the wall, a safe triangle. At this time, this simple cabinet also suddenly fell down and smashed into ** fiercely. The earthquake was not strong and stopped quickly after a few minutes. There was no damage except for feeling some shaking. Lu Xuedao has also recovered from the weakness of the network plane world, and can already use a little strength.

When he came outside, Lu Xuedao found that many people had come out of the hotel. It can be seen that these people were scared by the earthquake. Now that the earthquake has stopped, it seems that it has only shaken for a while, and these people are also curious and don't take it seriously.

Lu Xuedao took out his mobile phone and looked at the time 2013.04.17-14:36.

Really, I don't remember that there were frequent earthquakes before. Lu Xuedao thought that after paying the bill, he directly flashed away and rushed to the white person. When sitting in the car, Lu Xuedao did not care about others. He supported his head with his left hand and slowly changed his right finger, driving the thin spiritual power in his body and constantly proficient in the cohesion of spiritual silk.

The more you practice, the more Lu Xuedao can't understand. Is this kind of thing really just something on the enlightenment textbook?

I can't ask Nocino why. In the electronic universe, Nochino's house has become extremely slow after suddenly having more than half a room. It is estimated that it will take a lot of time until the second room is formed. As for the whole house, I don't know when it will be. To be honest, Lu Xuedao is more curious about Nocino. If the whole house is formed, what can he find in it?

Intermediate, advanced... or some other secret?


Although it was in a city, it was the third night when Lu Xuedao hid and came to the destination. After not washing for a few days, although Lu Xuedao doesn't look like a tramp, he is also full of dust. Standing outside Sichuan Agricultural University, Lu Xuedao thought about how to contact Wang Xingyu. Wang Xingyu is one of the six suitable people and is now studying in the Department of Animal Medicine of Sichuan Agricultural University...

Hey..., Lu Xuedao just found that the so-called investigation is not as simple as he thought. Not to mention that he is not suitable to appear now. Even if he shows up, how can he contact a stranger? In addition, Lu Xuedao doesn't even know what Wang Xingyu looks like.

Well, let's take a look at the advanced school.

Universities are generally open and the guards are not tight. Although Lu Xuedao looks sloppy, there is no one in the university, so it is not surprising. Lu Xuedao simply entered the university and began to look for the so-called animal medical school. It was about 8 p.m., and the university was still brightly lit, but Lu Xuedao had never been to Sichuan Agricultural University, so he didn't know where the School of Animal Medicine was.

Ask someone?

Lu Xuedao looked at a group of wild mandarin ducks in the dark surroundings and couldn't help curling his lips. At this time, who did he ask? Forget it, Lu Xuedao simply found a place to sit down, lay on a stone table and began to rest. Since his escape, Lu Xuedao has not had a good rest. Not only his body, but also his consciousness have been constantly experienced the practice of the Naruto plane in the network world. Not long after lying on the stone table, Lu Xuedao fell asleep directly, which was very sweet.

I don't know how long he slept. Lu Xuedao suddenly felt the ground shaking and suddenly opened his eyes alertly.

Here comes the earthquake again. This is the third time Lu Xuedao has encountered an earthquake recently. For the first time, his school was directly divided into two halves, killing four people. The second time, it was in a small hotel, which shook without causing any harm. And there seems to be no news about the earthquake on the Internet, and I don't know whether it is to appease the people or to cover up the incompetence of the earthquake bureau.

Maybe it will pass in a while like last time. Lu Xuedao thought to himself, but he also stood up and carefully grabbed the stone table to prevent himself from falling down. There was also a noise in the surrounding student dormitory, which seemed to be a little surprised by the sudden earthquake. At this time, the originally minor earthquake suddenly became violent, and the ground even directly raised huge folds, constantly squeezing or collapsing.

There were harsh screams around in an instant, and I don't know how many people fell into the ground.

Lu Xuedao grabbed the stone table and suddenly felt empty under his feet, which directly cracked a huge gap. At this moment, Lu Xuedao instinctively took a spiritual step, rushed up a few meters on the falling ground and caught a big tree in his arms. However, without Lu Xuedao's blessing, the big tree also began to tilt and fell down. Shit... Lu Xuedao scolded in his heart that this time was obviously not comparable to the previous two minor earthquakes.

However, Lu Xuedao was obviously not in the mood to take care of more things and could only keep struggling to save himself. It was not until he finally fell into the dark cracks of the ground that Lu Xuedao remembered... It was time to summon Nocino.

[summoning technique]!

The soft white light instantly dispersed from the mobile phone, and Lu Xuedao finally summoned Nocino before being hit to the ground by a big tree.

"Bang me to the sky." Lu Xuedao said.

Several spiritual silks appeared in an instant, and the big tree that was about to hit Lu Xuedao was dismembered into countless fragments in an instant. Then a few spiritual threads of Nocino converged towards Lu Xuedao's body, forming a net pocket, and flew up with Lu Xuedao. This time, it was relatively easy for Nocino to fly with the landing learning path. It was not as difficult as it was for the first time. After having the basic spiritual power, Nochino's ability has changed dramatically.

Lu Xuedao hung under Nocino and looked at the ever-overturning ground, with incomparable solemnity in his eyes. Lu Xuedao doesn't know how large the earthquake is, but Lu Xuedao can know that there are very few people who can survive this time. The ground is completely like a wave, constantly undulating and cracking...

"Look up!" At this time, Nocino suddenly said something.

"Hmm?" When Lu Xuedao heard the words, he looked at the top of his head and suddenly found that the dark night sky seemed to be eroded by deeper darkness, gradually swinging around. This situation seems to have been seen once before... Isn't it only on the night more than ten days ago?

"What is this?"

"Erosion...!" Nocino said to himself, and his eyes gradually became empty.

"Human normal consciousness and cognition have formed those roles with independent personality consciousness through the Internet, and negative desires are also accumulating. Also through this power of creation,..." Nocino said here, as if there was not enough information, and he couldn't go on.


"Negative desires are too strong to prevent... so they will be eroded and released from time to time..." Speaking of this, Nocino seemed to have been hit by something. His body suddenly tilted down and then lowered his head. Lu Xuedao suddenly felt that his body was empty and suddenly fell down.

Dizzy, don't choose this time when you hit the plane!

Lu Xuedao complained in his heart, but his body instinctively reacted and was ready to save himself. When the body fell with gravity, Lu Xuedao had already grabbed Nochino and chose a safe place to fall. The ground seems to have come alive, with continuous ups and downs, and it seems that it is not only an earthquake, but also the basic earth's magnetic field, gravity field... There has been great chaos. Lu Xuedao clearly found that a broken building 100 meters ahead is suspended in the air like this.

I don't know what the hell this erosion is!

Lu Xuedao looked at a standing sharp fault stone. When he fell, his calves were slightly bent... spiritual steps! With the help of this stone, Lu Xuedao suddenly ejected. Although he had not learned to walk for a long time, Lu Xuedao found that the more he seemed to be in this crisis, the more he could realize his potential.

The body is floating because of spiritual steps, but Lu Xuedao does not dare to relax at all. The power of the rush is about to end, and it is about to continue to fall. Even if Lu Xuedao learned a little spiritual power, there is no guarantee that he can survive when he falls to the ground at this time. No, or, with his strength, he can't survive 100%.

Looking at the gradually approaching cracked ground, Lu Xuedao's heart was already empty... But even so, Lu Xuedao could not think of any solution. Calm does not mean that you can save yourself, just don't make any mistakes and seize as many opportunities as possible, but... with the current ability of Lu Xuedao, there is no way at all.

"Nocino!" Lu Xuedao shook Nocino vigorously.

"Hmm... common perception!" Suddenly, a circle of law and literature opened, and the subsequent use of a spiritual step instantly appeared in Lu Xuedao's mind. With little hesitation, Lu Xuedao's body twisted and stepped in the air. The air suddenly rippled, and Lu Xuedao's movement suddenly stopped. Next, Lu Xuedao did not dare to hesitate at all. He ran directly through the air with several spiritual steps in a row, and then rushed into the broken building suspended in the air.

I don't know what I hit and fell to the ground.