Fantasy Country

Chapter 29 Desire Impact

rushed into the suspended broken building. Lu Xuedao couldn't stop bumping into it, and he didn't know what he hit. Suddenly, there was a sound of noise and a few human screams. After stopping, Lu Xuedao grabbed a bracket next to him and stood up... In fact, the standing is a little incorrect, because there is no gravity here now, so he can't control the direction of his body at all.

Feeling something hanging on his head, Lu Xuedao pulled it down and suddenly felt embarrassed... a woman's small inside.

The current has been interrupted for a long time. There was only sporadic light in this building. Lu Xuedao vaguely identified it and confirmed that this should be a dormitory building, probably a girls' dormitory.

Nocino seemed to have failed. Under the strong shaking of Lu Xuedao just now, a common perception suddenly broke out, and as a result, he was silent less than two seconds later. Lu Xuedao looked closer and looked at Nocino and found that Nochino's eyes were not closed, as if there were countless data flowing... He always felt as if he was synchronizing the database.

"Here we are, be careful!" Nocino's body suddenly paused again, and then suddenly opened his mouth.


When Lu Xuedao was stunned, he suddenly knew what Nocino's so-called care was. An invisible spiritual shock suddenly came from the deep darkness of the sky and swept through Lu Xuedao's mind in an instant. Lu Xuedao couldn't describe his feelings at this moment, as if all kinds of desires in his heart were suddenly magnified to the limit.

All kinds of human emotions, desires, and even physical instincts are put to the maximum in an instant, and through the so-called morality, reason, and constraints loaded by society on human beings, they become extremely fragile at this moment, as if they are going to collapse in the next moment. Lu Xuedao's body trembled, and the reason in his eyes became weaker and weaker.

What will happen if you give up resistance?

According to common sense, if you are overwhelmed by the impact of this strong desire, then you will become... Lu Xuedao thought confusedly, and his eyes became more and more confused. At this time, a fierce male and female moan suddenly came from the room not far away. This kind of love voice was extremely abrupt, which made Lu Xuedao stunned, and then laughed dumbly, and his mind returned to a clear mind.

However, this Qingming lasted only for a moment, as if it was going to be submerged again. Even the voice of love next door stimulated Lu Xuedao, making him involuntarily sink to that direction.

With a sneer, thirty-six slender spiritual silks suddenly pierced 36 secret acupuncture points of Lu Xuedao at the same time. For a moment, Lu Xuedao seemed to feel extreme pain in the cells all over his body. He suddenly opened his mouth and wanted to shout, but this extreme shout could not make any sound. In an instant, the extreme pain dispelled all Lu Xuedao's desires, but Lu Xuedao's eyes almost stared out of his eyes became clearer and clearer.

Nocino suspended in front of Lu Xuedao and quietly looked at Lu Xuedao. Thirty-six spiritual threads trembled slowly, bringing more extreme pain to Lu Xuedao.

Lu Xuedao trembled all over, and his right hand slowly closed. Suddenly, he clenched his fist fiercely, and the spiritual power on his body exploded instantly, shocking all the spiritual silk of Nocino. After shocking Nocino's silk, Lu Xuedao gasped and looked at Nocino doubtfully. Obviously, Nochino must have known something again.

"What's going on?"

"I said that the normal consciousness and cognition of human beings have formed those network roles with independent personality and consciousness through the Internet. And negative desire is also accumulating and forming... an unknown life, which you can call it a demon. Now, it's just the sudden release of accumulated desires that have eroded the real world. Nocino explained.

"What will happen to erosion...?"

"What do you think will happen if desire is above reason?"

"How... I don't know." Lu Xuedao thought for a while, but there was still no specific image in his mind.

"Look at them and you will know." Nocino said, and the two spiritual threads suddenly crossed, and the wall suddenly broke, revealing that there was a man and two women crazily together inside. Obviously, it is a weightless room. The three people are suspended in the air, and their bodies are constantly squeezed together, constantly making those twisted movements, hoping to integrate themselves into each other's bodies.

"Is it going to be like them?"

"Not only that... To put it simply, for example, human beings want to eat delicious food, but it is restricted by many objective conditions, such as no money, such as being full... In the end, it is just an idea and will not be put into action. For example, a man always has a sexual impulse when he sees a beautiful woman, but the morality and laws of society will make his reason restrain himself..." Nocino pointed to the three people opposite and explained slowly.

"If the desire is above reason, then any thought in their hearts will be infinitely amplified, and... as long as they think about it, they will do it, and they will not be bound by any reason and morality."

Lu Xuedao felt that he seemed to understand! However, at this time, Nocino pointed behind the three people, and several virtual shadows appeared behind the three people, and then slowly integrated into the bodies of the three people. In an instant, the crazy movements of the three became more crazy, and one of the women even rushed to Lu Xuedao.

When Lu Xuedao was still stunned, a spiritual silk crossed Nocino's fingertips, and a red filament appeared on the woman's neck in an instant, and then her head suddenly fell off. The forward action, coupled with the squeeze of the chest, suddenly splashed blood on Lu Xuedao's face.

Lu Xuedao was stunned in an instant and looked at Nocino, which became very incredible. The petite, cute and confused Nocino actually killed a human so simply...? And looking at Nocino's cold expression, it seems that this kind of thing is very common.

"Those dark shadows can be regarded as creatures formed by desire, demons. Like online life, they also have their own power, but unlike online life, they do not have complete reason... itself is the converging product of desire. And they will adopt the method of erosion to occupy the human body, adhering to the last desire of this body, and... their own strength is far greater than that of ordinary people. Nocino explained.

Lu Xuedao originally wanted to ask something, but suddenly, he felt weak and couldn't hold the railing.

Nochino glanced at Lu Xuedao: "Your life field strength can't support me to continue to exist. I'll tell you more when you survive." After saying that, Nochino suddenly turned into a virtual electronic light and disappeared in place.


Lu Xuedao felt a little relieved after Nocino disappeared. However, Lu Xuedao was even more surprised by the change of Nochino. No matter how long it took, Lu Xuedao never felt tired, and after this appearance, his life field could not support it. According to the duration of Zhao Zhenxi's summoning the Flame Baron last time, doesn't it mean that Nocino's strength has exceeded that of the Flame Baron at least ten times?

However, the stronger the strength of the network to summon life, the shorter the time it can appear, so is this also a constraint? Lu Xuedao thought in a mess, and suddenly felt that his feet were empty and suddenly fell down. The gravity here... has been restored.

At a height of more than 100 meters, Lu Xuedao remembered what Nocino said last and waited for him to survive...!


Lu Xuedao suddenly felt excited, and then suddenly ran outside to the surface of the building. At this time, at a short distance of more than 100 meters, the building also fell to the ground. At the moment before hitting the ground, Lu Xuedao suddenly borrowed strength from the building... and jumped out high. The strong reaction made Lu Xuedao's legs almost break.

At this time, the two men and women who Lu Xuedao thought would die in the room suddenly jumped out, and their physical fitness was much stronger than ordinary people. Moreover, after separating, the man and the woman immediately rushed to the other survivors, not to kill them, but...

Adhere to the last desire of the body!

What the fuck is this? Lu Xuedao scolded in his heart and watched a boy over there who survived was directly torn by the woman and pressed down. Obviously, this self-dizzy boy doesn't know what he will face at all... But is this Yanfu?

And the man rushed towards Lu Xuedao.

"I'll wipe it. Is there any mistake? At least there is a woman." Lu Xuedao cursed casually and didn't know how to deal with this guy. Cut off this guy's head directly like Nocino? Not to mention that Lu Xuedao can't cruelly kill this guy who looks like ordinary people. Even if he wants to, Lu Xuedao doesn't have this ability now.

At a moment of hesitation, Lu Xuedao was thrown to the ground by this naked man and suddenly tore his clothes.

"Fuck you!" Lu Xuedao was not so entangled at this time. A spiritual silk appeared on his fingertips in an instant and strangled the guy's neck. Unfortunately, Lu Xuedao's control of Lingsi is far worse than Norcino. Only a blood stain was strangled on this guy, and Lingsi directly collapsed.

"I'll go!" Lu Xuedao also panicked at this time. At this time, he was not in the mood to calm down and condense the spiritual silk. If he was really given... by this man, did Lu Xuedao still have the face to live?

After a fight that fell to the ground, Lu Xuedao was all tamply to solve the man... He almost had no chastity. At this time, the dizzy guy over there had already been riding on the woman and began to passively... enjoy? Get up. Lu Xuedao laughed dumbly, but in an instant, a sad scream came from the distance, which immediately made Lu Xuedao excited.