Fantasy Country

Chapter 39 Life - is cruel!

Not only was Shen Yilin scared and dumbfounded, but the other four girls were stunned. During the vacuum period of more than four minutes... They would definitely be killed, just like the woman they saw before, they were killed. At this time, Lu Xuedao added another sentence, which made their hearts sink to the bottom.

"Moreover, even after these ten minutes, Shen Yilin can summon Mr.1, but he can hold on for more than 20 minutes at most. After that, he and I will definitely not be able to summon network life again in a short time..."

Shen Yilin, who had just felt a great increase in confidence, suddenly turned pale. Cai Wenwen and Wen Haijing sat directly on the ground and their feet were soft. Cheng Xi and Ruan Qingqing had no reaction, but one reason was that the night before yesterday had been silent, while Ruan Qingqing was completely stunned.

"Don't worry, I will protect you." Wang Xingyu came to Ruan Qingqing, pressed her shoulder, looked at her eyes and said.

"You protect me, what do you take to protect me?"

"I will die before you!"

Lu Xuedao looked at Wang Xingyu... 'Diperate before her!' A simple sentence can explain Wang Xingyu's determination. This guy is not a love. In this case, there are not many people who can also worry about others, not to mention that Wang Xingyu himself does not have much strength. Unfortunately, Ruan Qingqing's godless eyes looked at Wang Xingyu and turned to Shen Yilin and Lu Xuedao.

At this scene, only two people can summon life and have the best chance to live from here.

However, the two have no obligation to save others. At the last moment, the most likely way for them is to only care about themselves. How can we occupy more weight in their hearts and let them take special care of them in the crisis? That is, what several girls are thinking now, and what they have been doing since they were rescued... please!

Use the only thing they can give now... body!

'Nocino, what on earth are you going to do?'


'Is there any solution for you to let us come here?'

'Lu Xuedao, don't think too much about things. That kind of happy plot that no one will die. By the way, I would like to remind you that you... don't die.' Nocino said lazily.

Lu Xuedao's heart suddenly felt awe-broking!

Nocino actually said this, that is to say, in the next battle, not only others will be in danger, but even he is part of the Nochino test. Although it has long been found that Nocino's personality is gradually changing as he knows more, Lu Xuedao did not expect that Nochino has changed so much.

There is not only one person who is suitable for online life. For example, ZaiBuzhan and Bai choose the right one among several people. Nocino came to him, which was purely stupid at the beginning. If he still did not grow up, it would not be impossible to be eliminated... Just like the previous two predecessors of Baron Flame and Xie Sutong's younger brother.

Lu Xuedao covered his eyes with his hand, calmed his thoughts slightly, and quickly corrected his mentality. Since Nocino showed extraordinary, although Lu Xuedao did not show anything on the surface, there was not a kind of happiness in his heart and a kind of joy. Because Nocino... is very strong, which is not the same as the original stupid appearance. So even under such circumstances, Lu Xuedao has never really been afraid, and he has never thought that he... will die!


Wang Xingyu just wanted to say something, but Lu Xuedao suddenly rushed past him, and his left hand silk instantly borrowed strength on a shelf next to him. His body rotated in mid-air, his right leg was slightly bent, and a knee hit fiercely against the jaw of a desire that had just jumped out. With a violent impact, Lu Xuedao and this desire flew up at the same time, and then fell to the ground at the same time.

As soon as he landed, Lu Xuedao rushed out again, and two spiritual threads quickly stabbed out and aimed at the eyes of this desire.

However, this desire species is slightly biased, and Lu Xuedao's two spiritual silks only pierced the cheeks of the desire species, which is of no use at all. Hooking his fingers, Lu Xuedao's spiritual silk bent while his hands were quickly crossed in front of his chest. At this time, this desire also clenched his fist, and a standard right straight fist hit fiercely

With a crack, Lu Xuedao's whole body flew up, as if he had been hit by a high-speed train, directly hitting a shelf. A mouthful of blood spewed out, and Lu Xuedao rolled into the flames in the sound of cargo falling to the ground. Just as he was about to roll into the flames, Lu Xuedao suddenly grabbed the collapsed shelf on the ground and stopped.

Everyone looked over and found that the desire to fly Lu Xuedao was a big man of about 1.69 meters. With his upper body and layers of muscles, he looked extremely strong, and that appearance was a standard boxing preparation posture.

This desire looks at everyone with a cruel smile!

"No!" Cai Wenwen suddenly couldn't stand the pressure. She suddenly turned around and ran in the opposite direction. As a result, she ran out less than ten meters and rushed out of his side with a desire to keep saliva and bare body. Cai Wenwen was suddenly thrown to the ground and dragged in the dark. Everyone can see the blood stains left by Cai Wenwen grabbing the ground with her hands.

[summoning technique]!

Lu Xuedao summoned Nocino without any hesitation, and Nochino appeared without any jokes. His little face was full of solemnity and quietly looked at Lu Xuedao. Even if Lu Xuedao was one of the people tested, before Lu Xuedao died, he was at least her summoner, so Nocino was waiting for Lu Xuedao's order.

"Kill all the desires within 200 meters of this building and the surrounding area!"


Nocino took a look at Lu Xuedao, answered calmly, and then disappeared directly in front of Lu Xuedao. Everyone saw only a shadow passing through the air. Nocino appeared on the boxer's shoulder. When he disappeared again, the guy's head flew directly, and the blood in his chest spewed out more than a meter high.

Everyone's eyes subconsciously chased Nocino's figure, but everyone only saw a few shadows in the air, and a few dying screams came from all over the mall building, and then Nocino disappeared here.

Everyone was slightly surprised that that little goblin is so powerful!

'That desire is left to you!' At this time, Nocino's words suddenly sounded in Lu Xuedao's heart.

That kind of desire, which one? Lu Xuedao immediately felt excited, and then suddenly rushed out in the direction of Cai Wenwen being dragged away. When Lu Xuedao ran in that direction, the others reacted. Just now, it seemed that the goblin did not take action there? Several people immediately followed, and when they ran across the corner, they saw a tragic image that they could not bear to see.

Cai Wenwen lay on the ground godlessly and was overwhelmed by desire. While this desire was stirring, it was still constantly biting Cai Wenwen's body. At this time, a huge hole appeared in Cai Wenwen's throat, blood was constantly flowing out, and the two breasts were also bitten off, revealing There is bright red fat in it.

Everyone was as stiff as being struck by lightning. The woman before could still say that they didn't know each other, but Cai Wenwen was a friend who had been with them for several days.

Why, why did you leave this desire?

Lu Xuedao looked at this scene in astonishment, with an inexplicable meaning flashed in his eyes. Lu Xuedao remembered the scene in the dark not long ago, when he... also used human corpses as food, just to survive. No matter how many reasons Lu Xuedao found for himself, he could not completely let go of this matter. Whether it is the desire to eat or something, whether the outside world is peaceful or something, in short, ordinary human beings here are prey and eaten. cruel!

Lu Xuedao wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and slowly walked towards the desire. The greenness and childishness of the peaceful society left in his eyes have completely dissipated.

When Lu Xuedao walked over, this desire suddenly smashed Cai Wenwen's body fiercely, but he followed behind him and prepared to ambush. Lu Xuedao's eyes were calm and waveless. He let go of Cai Wenwen's body without emotion and suddenly stopped the desire behind. You must be precise and attack from the point, otherwise with the strength of his current spirit, he can't kill these guys at all.

Lu Xuedao and desire were intertwined in the air. Lu Xuedao flew out in an instant, and Cai Wenwen's body also fell to the ground fiercely, and the blood suddenly splashed Shen Yilin and others.

"We are too weak, let's not interfere." Cheng Xi looked at Cai Wenwen's dull eyes and immediately trembled.

"Hmm...!" Shen Yilin was about to agree.

"What nonsense, Lu Xuedao just learned from Nocino. Facing a desire alone, he has no absolute strength to win." Wang Xingyu said and suddenly rushed out, holding the fire axe in both hands, and blocking in front of the desire.

When the desire to hit Lu Xuedao slowly turned around and staggered towards Wang Xingyu, Wang Xingyu was trembling and trembling with fear. When the fear reached the extreme, it would become desperate... Wang Xingyu suddenly roared and rushed up, and the fire axe cut down the head of the desire seed fiercely. With a sneer, his brain and blood splashed, and this desire was cut to death by him.

Is this dead?

Lu Xuedao in the back showed a bitter smile.

Just now, he almost ignored any dodge and defense, and was dedicated to controlling the spirit, so he was blown away. While exchanging wounds, Lu Xuedao's spiritual silk also pierced his head directly through the ear hole of this desire for the first time. Although this desire can still stand, it is actually dying. Of course, Wang Xingyu can kill this guy with an axe.

However, if you don't know this, you can still stand in front of him to protect him. This guy... If you haven't chosen a summoner for free, recommend it to him.