Fantasy Country

Chapter 40 Conditional Call

When Lu Xuedao stood up, Nocino also flew from the outside and sat quietly on a crooked shelf.

"Have you finished killing?"

"Of course!" Nocino nodded as a matter of course. By the way, let me tell you the good news. In fact, the cry of the first desire species has not spread far. The few you just met are all the desire species nearby.

The others were also relieved when they heard Nocino say this. After putting down all the tension in their hearts, they felt weak and could hardly stand. Although I have thought about what I may encounter before, when this kind of thing really happens in front of me, everyone knows the huge difference between imagination and reality.

"Why didn't you save Cai Wenwen just now?" Wen Haijing suddenly asked.

Lu Xuedao, who was about to take Nocino back, suddenly stopped in place, and everyone's eyes looked at Nochino. Nocino sat calmly on the shelf, with his hands crossed and propped his head, and suddenly showed a smile. Although it was a smile, everyone could find arrogance and indifference from it. Obviously, other people were asking Nocino, but everyone was looked at by such a smile as Nochino, and their hearts flinched first.

"I'm tired!" Nocino said, and the virtual electronic light disappeared in place.

I always felt that Nocino seemed to come from a noble background, and the smile just now was like a real nobleman contempt for fools. Shen Yilin is in the upper class, so he has a deep feeling about temperament. Although Nocino was just a goblin, the temperament revealed at that moment was deeper into the bone marrow than the so-called bigwigs he had seen.

What is the identity of this little goblin of Lu Xuedao?

In fact, Nocino himself is wondering what her identity is. At that moment, that smile appeared in her mind, like a phantom, but it seemed to go deep into the bone marrow. That smile has many different appearances, incomparable kindness, incomparable arrogance, incomparable indifference... She just subconsciously imitated once.


In a spacious room, Lu Xuedao quietly used spiritual healing, while several other people were discussing future trips, and it was definitely impossible to continue to rush outside.

"I care more about what these desires are?" Cheng Xi suddenly said something.

"What's wrong?"

"Why is almost every woman humiliated before she dies, and then she is torn and swallowed up like this? What on earth are they?" Wen Haijing was also a little exposed. If it hadn't been for the other two girls around, she wouldn't have been able to stand it.

"Of course it's desire!" Lu Xuedao withdrew Lingyu and said...

The three most instinctive desires of human beings. Eat - intake enough nutrition to ensure your own survival; sex - this is the basis of reproduction and also the source of desire; killing - this is the wild killing instinct of all creatures. These are the three most instinctive desires of human beings. As long as they are human beings, they are inevitable. As for the rest, they are just given by the later stage of society. Therefore, under the collapse of social order, other desires will gradually disappear, and these three desires will prevail.

"But they eat people, and why won't you men be humiliated?" Cheng Xi suddenly felt out of it.

"I don't know the reason for eating people, but forget about the reason, we just need to know this fact. As for men..., I have seen an example of a man being pushed by women's desires. But at that time, the guy was dizzy, so he could finish it. Lu Xuedao explained a sentence.

"Can it only be completed if you are dizzy?" Wen Haijing didn't understand for a moment.

"Men have to get up if they want to do that kind of thing. How many men can be hardened when they are forced by women's desires? And you women are different. I have to say that whether you want to or not, it will not affect the achievement of humiliation... You can only passively bear it. Lu Xuedao said indifferently without any embarrassment, as if he was just describing a fact rationally.

Cheng Xi's three daughters were a little embarrassed at the beginning, but when they saw Lu Xuedao's indifferent face for a moment, they knew that it was not the time to pretend to be pure. Moreover, they were indeed not pure little white flowers.

"That man is against a man..."

"Is it interesting for you to struggle with this?"

"What is entanglement? The current society is not very agitated?"

"It is a deformed product of social development! The gap between the rich and the poor makes the loser more awesome and the rich and handsome, while the latter, as a minority, will always occupy most of the most scarce resources... If you can find a woman, who will stir up the foundation!" Wang Xingyu suddenly had a faint sarcasm. However, when he said this, he suddenly shut up and covered his forehead with his right hand. Wang Xingyu looked at Ruan Qingqing through his fingers... and finally sighed silently.

Shen Yilin felt that he seemed to have been shot for no reason, but he looked at Wang Xingyu's eyes with a slight disdain. Loser, that is to say, you, only know how to look at the guy who masturbate A~V. I'm afraid that the girl he likes has long known which rich ** he has slept with.

"There is no need to talk about this topic. It doesn't make sense. What we should think about now is what to do next." Lu Xuedao was very indifferent in his eyes and did not argue about this issue. Lu Xuedao's mentality has changed a lot. Anyway, he has to live in this world.

"What do you think?" Shen Yilin asked.

"I also heard your discussion just now. I think what Wang Xingyu said is very reasonable. Go out directly. With our current strength, it is very dangerous. After the erosion of the center broke out, the desire spread to the surrounding area. After the country reacted, martial law and isolation were carried out in several surrounding cities, so the closer we are to these isolated places, the greater the danger we will encounter. And the center should also not be close, so we can choose the edge of the center. Human beings in these places have long run out, so there are not many people and many desires. With our strength, we should be able to survive. After a period of time, it is estimated that the country will have a solution. Lu Xuedao said.

"What if a country throws a nuclear bomb directly at this place?" Ruan Qingqing suddenly opened his mouth.

"No, the desire species is not contagious. It spreads just panic, so the country doesn't have to do this level. As long as the desire species are killed, the situation will stabilize. The reason why there has been no response for so many days is probably because peace has been too long, so the country has not reacted. Lu Xuedao shook his head.


'Nocino, contact Zai Buzhan and tell him that Wang Xingyu, the suitable person Bai, is not bad. If Bai has not yet summoned him, you might as well let him try it. If he really doesn't like it, just let Bai kill it directly.' Lu Xuedao suddenly called Nocino.

' Kill it directly if you don't like it. In this case, I guess you will agree. I'll contact them.'

'I agree again!' In less than ten seconds, Nocino sent back the sound. Lu Xuedao knew that Nocino didn't know how to do it, and he had a way to communicate quickly with them like a mobile phone.


"In this case, which position is better for the scope of our activities?" Shen Yilin asked.

"Before that, I have something to talk to Wang Xingyu in advance."

"What's the matter?" Shen Yilin and several women immediately looked at Wang Xingyu, but in fact, Wang Xingyu himself was very curious.

"I can help you find an online life. Don't be happy!" Seeing that Wang Xingyu almost jumped up, Lu Xuedao immediately motioned him to sit down. Shen Yilin and others next to him also looked at Lu Xuedao in astonishment. Did he really know more things? He could actually help others find online life.

"I said first that there is indeed one online life, but if you let him not be satisfied, she will kill you directly, that is to say, you will be eliminated." The two 'he and she' in Chinese are pronounced the same, so no one can hear the difference.

"Are you kidding, online life kills its own summoner?" Shen Yilin exclaimed first.

"Kill me directly?"

"Yes, why, I think you can control network life by summoning. Don't daydream like this. First of all, I remind you that network life is just your own partner, independent of each other, and there is no restraint. Remember, I don't want you to be killed the next day as soon as you become a summoner." Lu Xuedao ignored Shen Yilin, but told Wang Xingyu.

"Well, I see!" Wang Xingyu thought for a while and nodded.

"So, does that mean you agree?"


"Turn on your mobile phone. Fortunately, the power has not been completely cut off in the city, otherwise it will be troublesome." Lu Xuedao said that Wang Xingyu had taken out his mobile phone. In an instant, a gentle woman's voice appeared in his mind.

'Wang Xingyu!'

"Well, I am!" Wang Xingyu suddenly said excitedly. Lu Xuedao and Shen Yilin have been envious for a long time, and now he finally wants to have his own online life. Although it seems that his online life is not easy to deal with, it is not bad.

'You don't have to say it. Just think about it in your heart. The conditions are already known. If you can't satisfy you and me, I will kill you directly.' Bai said.

'Hmm!?' If you don't cut and white, then this female voice is...

'Take your mobile phone and don't move.'

The transparent and crystal light instantly spread from Wang Xingyu's mobile phone, covering Wang Xingyu's body. Countless virtual electronic lines kept beating and changing, and the life field began to keep synchronizing. Everyone around looked nervously at Wang Xingyu, especially Ruan Qingqing's three daughters, and was extremely envious.

After half an hour of life field assimilation, countless snowflake-like virtual electronic data quickly converged in the air, forming an elegant woman standing quietly.

"I'm Shui Wuyue Bai. Please give me more advice in the future!" Bai said something to Wang Xingyu.