huan xing tu

Chapter 14 Stepping on the Stars

On the surface, nothing around has changed. However, the star silence clearly felt that the elements of fire between heaven and earth were passing rapidly. This passage does not mean that they have disappeared, but that they have all rushed to the same place. That place is Lv Bu, who holds a peerless halberd.

The peerless halberd slowly lifted up, and with the rising fighting spirit in his eyes, the sharp halberd blade slowly filled a circle of red halo, and the color of the halo was getting darker and darker.

The star silence sounded softly, and his eyes suddenly lit up and looked straight at the circle of red halo. Finally, he made sure that he was right. It was indeed the element of fire, the element of fire between heaven and earth absorbed by Lü Bu.

With the continuous condensation of the fire element, a sense of heat spread rapidly. Xingshi gradually felt that the temperature of the surrounding air was constantly rising, and he practiced water elements, so this feeling made Xingshi very uncomfortable and **.

On the halberd blade, the dense fire element has condensed into a beating flame. What shocked Xingji even more was that the breath of the flame was tightly locked on him. At this moment, the slender peerless war has become a vicious snake in the eyes of the star silence, and the greedy eyes are tightly locked on themselves.

is coming! Just when Xing Ji said secretly in his heart. A flame was ejected from the blade and shot straight into the star silence.

In this short process, the dancing flame quickly changed shape, and finally the illusion became a pocket peerless halberd. Although the form has decreased, the breath is getting stronger and stronger. The hot breath came quickly, and the star silence had already felt the fury contained in it that could burn everything.

But Xingji was not timid. The long sword in his hand shook and struggled to meet him. He knew that the longer he waited, the more passive his situation would be and the more unfavorable he was.

Boom! The moment the two collided, the star silence had already flown backwards. There was only half of the sword left in his hand, and the other half that disappeared was not blown up, but melted by the flame. Looking at the broken sword in his hand and thinking of the frightening temperature, Xingshi's heart was still lingering, not to mention Lv Bu's strength.

"When you step into the realm of cultivation and store the power stored in your body, what you do is not only to improve your cultivation, but also to turn them into your own use!"

Listening to Lv Bu's explanation, the starlight's eyes lit up. It turned out to be like this, but now the water element in his body is very pitiful. Although he took five water fruits, he still didn't break through the early stage of agility, not even a trace of it. However, Xingshi was not discouraged by this, because in addition to the water element, there is another power in his body - the power of stars.

As soon as the mind moved, the power of the stars in the body began to operate quickly. For a moment, his state has been adjusted to the best, even better than before. Because I didn't understand this at that time and didn't tell myself. Feeling the power of the stars running at a high speed in the body, the confidence of the star silence is also extremely high.

Lv Bu whispered, and he found that the breath of the person in front of him suddenly changed and became stronger than before. However, this not only did not surprise him, but instead became more warlike.

"Come on!" Xing Ji said excitedly.

Lv Bu did not hesitate at all, and the peerless halberd in his hand shot out a stronger flame. The flames on the blade of the halberd ran towards the star silence one after another.

In the face of the flames, Xingji did not panic as much as just now. Instead, he silently transferred the power of the stars to his legs. Suddenly, the shining silver light wrapped the star's feet.

Seeing that a mass of flames was about to shoot on his body, Xingji did not dodge, but stood still, and the expression on his face was also extremely solemn. It seems that he is making a very important decision in his heart.

The temperature of the flame has made the clothes on my body smell slightly, just as the flame is about to hit me. I saw that Xingshi's feet flashed silver and strangely dodged the blow. Seeing this scene, Lv Bu was a little surprised at this moment. However, while the smile appeared on Xingji's face, his forehead was already covered with crystal sweat.

Stepping on the stars is one of the first-level tips in the stars. Before that, the star silence had never been used, and he was not sure whether this star step could really make him avoid the blow just now. If you can't fall all of them, the star silence will really lose your life. Fortunately, he won the bet.

After taking the first step, the star silence doubled in confidence. The broken sword in his hand was regarded as a dagger by Xing Silence, stepping on flames and walking towards Lv Bu.

The flame under his feet is like a stepping stone, and the stars step on it leisurely. Except for the slightly burned shoes on the feet, the star silence was not damaged at all.

Looking at his unscathed star silence above the flames, the peerless halberd in Lv Bu's hand was red. Above the blade of the halberd, a mass of flames surged towards the star silence. Countless fire masses have formed a wall of fire to block the star silence and move towards the star silence.

Xing Ji was about to retreat, and suddenly there was a burning sensation behind him. It's a wall of fire, and I don't know when a wall of fire formed behind it. There are two sides, and there is only a way to go on both sides. While the star silence hesitated in which direction to avoid the attack, the two final retreats on the left and right were also ruthlessly cut off by the sudden fire wall.

The four fire walls moved quickly. Where they passed, the grass turned into nothingness, and the land under the grass was also burned into charcoal, and the red color was frightening. The four walls of fire slowly closed, and several narrow gaps were also burned by the slowly fused flames.

hiss, a few slight sounds, and several red lines of fire shot out of the wall of fire. The lines of fire sprayed into the air were intertwined, rapidly forming a net of fire to capture prey. This fire net not only cut off the last retreat of the star silence, but also became a huge mouth that slowly devours his life.

Uh! Xingji was really a little flustered this time. The grassland under his feet suddenly turned into nothingness, and the four fire walls surrounded the star silence within a radius of ten square meters. The high temperature of the flames made Xingji have a tendency to faint, but Xingji knew that he could not fall down. Once you fall, there is only one result, that is, you are swallowed up by this ruthless wall of fire like the grassland under your feet.

Lv Bu outside the wall of fire, his pale face is covered with bean-sized sweat. Strangely, he didn't seem to be launching an attack. But when he saw it, a wisp of flame slowly separated from the wall of fire and then absorbed into his body by Lv Bu.

What the hell is going on?

It turned out that I saw the star silence using the star step and dodged my arrogant blow. Lv Bu's competitive heart was completely stimulated, and the previous agreement with Xing Si was completely thrown behind. It was not until the moment when the four walls of fire surrounded the star silence that he suddenly woke up. It was just a competition. However, it was too late at that time, and the huge fire power was beyond his control. That's why the scene just happened, but now it seems that his efforts have no effect at all.

Puff! A mouthful of blood spewed out, Lv Bu's body was blown out by the fireball, and his clothes were burned into ashes in an instant. The clenched fist hammered the earth under him fiercely, looked at the slowly closing wall of fire with regret, and regretted that he couldn't jump into the fireball.

In the wall of fire, the star silence calmed down his panic and carefully observed the surroundings. He suddenly found that the moving wall of fire was changing rapidly, which was not a simple contraction, but slowly closing, as if a fireball was quietly forming. The center of the fireball is exactly the star silence trapped inside. The clothes on his body shattered and floated in the air. The water elements in the body are also rapidly depleting. Xingji believes that if it hadn't been for the support of these water forces, he might have become a mummified corpse now.

Sw, countless fireballs suddenly swirled around the inside of the fireball, like meteors, hitting the star silence. The silver light under his feet flashed, and the beauty of stepping on the star step was played to the extreme by the star silence in this short moment. Fireballs passed by, and the strong burning sensation reached the depths of the star silence. However, fortunately, it was not your own life that burned.

Slowly, the number of fireballs began to decrease, but the star silence did not feel relaxed. Because the fire walls in all directions were completely closed together, and a fireball, a closed world of fire was formed. Circles continue to shrink, watching the star silence be ruthlessly swallowed up by the shrinking fireball,,,,

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