huan xing tu

Chapter 15 Mysterious Man

In the depths of the mountains, there are wisps of blue smoke, and the air is filled with a strong smell of sulfur. With green smoke as the center, there are no plants within three miles. Before getting close to it, there is a feeling of roasting.

Wang Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead, and the high temperature here made him very uncomfortable. But why did he come here and why did he come here?

When he came to the place where the smoke was ethereal, Wang Feng stopped moving forward. He tidyed up his clothes, stood there respectfully, and said loudly, "Your Honorable, Wang Feng, the supervisor of the human world, came to see you!"

As soon as the words fell, a blood-red flame appeared in the green smoke. After the burning of the flame, the smoke disappeared in an instant, as if it had been burned by the flame. Wang Feng, who stood aside, retreated in a hurry and looked extremely frightened.

"Wang Feng, what's the matter with you coming here?" A voice came from the depths of the earth and echoed in the mountains, giving people an invisible pressure.

Wang Feng sorted out his messy emotions and said cautiously, "Your Honor, the person you let me pay attention to is about to go to the world of cultivation. You,,,

When Wang Feng said this, he would not go on. Because he can't guess what the owner of this voice means. If he says something wrong, will he be angry? Although Wang Feng has never seen this person's face, he has still seen his horrible means.

At the beginning, the place under Wang Feng's feet was still a continuous mountain, and when the man waved casually, it became like this. The three cocoon-breaking supervisors fell without being able to walk under him, and their souls flew away. What's more, the place where he stood under his feet was a fire vein in the earth. The flame inside had to retreat even if he touched it slightly, and the man stayed in it for more than ten years. According to Wang Feng's own guess, this person's lowest cultivation is also the period of disaster. No matter how high it is, he can't imagine it. Because he is not accessible to him, a small human supervisor.

"What is the formula he practiced?" There was a trace of trembling in the majestic voice, as if the owner of the voice was a little excited.

"That man's physique is a water attribute. He has just broken through and has not practiced any formula yet. However, as far as I know, he seems to break through the mortal world by practicing foreign skills.

"What? Water attribute constitution? How is this possible!" Hearing Wang Feng's answer, the man was extremely surprised, but after a while, he seemed to have figured out what was going on and muttered, "So it is, but it's like this! Haha”

"Ser, what should I do now?" Although he was very confused, Wang Feng did not have the courage to ask.

As soon as the words fell, two dark shadows flew out of the flames, and then the voice said, "These are two space rings, and the yellow one is given to you by the Lord. And give him the silver one, do you understand?"

"Wang Feng understands!"

"Go away and don't come here again!"

"Yes!" After Wang Feng finished speaking, he left quickly. Here he always has a feeling that his fate is controlled, which makes him very uncomfortable and even afraid.

After Wang Feng left, a red figure flew out of the flames. Looking at the flamed hole, the figure muttered, "It's time to leave!"

The rumbling, the earth trembled violently, and the valley disappeared. The original place was buried by a majestic mountain. If Wang Feng saw it, he would be very surprised. Because the current appearance is exactly the same as before, and there is no change except for more lush vegetation.

On the vast grassland, the last ray of sunset dissipated, but strangely, the western sky is still red. And this red is released by a huge fireball. Next to the fireball, there is still a man standing with a square halberd in his hand. This person is Lv Bu. He stared at the shrinking fireball in front of him.

Inside the fireball, Xingji is still struggling, but his struggle is so weak in the fireball. The shrinking fireball beat a ferocious flame and rushed to the star silence with a smile.

Ah! Xingji shouted desperately, but his shouting did not get any mercy from the fireball.

The skin cracked violently, and the oozed blood had turned into a wisp of red smoke before it flowed out. Xingshi's heart is now extremely regretful and extremely angry. He regretted that he had promised to fight with Lv Bu, and even hated Lv Bu for his words and using such a means to himself. However, it is obviously useless to think about these now!

Just as Xingji felt that his body was burning, the necklace between his neck suddenly changed. The white silk rope emitted a white light and quickly wrapped the star silence firmly in it. With the protection of this white light, a cool and rapid flowed into the body of the star silence. Feeling this coolness, the star silence took a long breath. The intense heat of the flame was isolated from the outside without a trace of heat coming in. What's more strange is that at the moment when the silk rope disappeared, the red crystal emitted an extremely dazzling light, making people's eyes unable to open at all. The star silence was like this, and so did Lv Bu.

Lv Bu didn't know what happened in the middle, and the star silence in the fireball didn't know.

When the two opened their eyes again, the scene in front of them stunned Lv Bu. The fireball is gone, and there is a white mass of light where the star silence is located. Below is a piece of land burned by flames, and the soil is still red, like charcoal. If he hadn't seen this, Lv Bu would have even believed that nothing had happened here. And the star silence wrapped in white light is also changing rapidly. The silky coolness with strong water elements rushed into the body of the star silence and ran to his Dantian.

Originally, the poor water power in Dantian also began to grow rapidly, but Xingxi did not know where these water elements came from. Because of the roasting of fireballs, there are no water elements in the air here, so where do these rich water elements come from?

Before he could figure out this problem, Xingji had to transfer all his thoughts to his body. With the continuous influx of water elements, rapid changes have also begun to take place in Dantian.

The water element entering Dantian is like a torrential water, flowing along the edge of Dantian. And slowly flowed to the center of Dantian.

A whirlpool, and the water elements of Dantian form a whirlpool. Although the water element is constantly increasing, the vortex shows no sign of disappearing and is still rotating sharply. The water elements in other places are slowly changing, the color is getting darker, the texture is getting thicker and thicker, and there is even a feeling of turning into a solid.

Hmm? Lv Bu was stunned. When the white light disappeared, the star silence appeared. The star silence is safe and sound under the protection of white light. Even the cultivation has increased greatly. Now the star silence has obviously broken through the early stage of agility and reached the middle stage of agility. However, it seems that Xingji doesn't understand what's going on.

The water element was gone, and the last drop of water element in the body flowed into his Dantian. However, Strange is not over yet.

In Dantian, a light flashed, and the star silence felt light on his neck. The moment I opened my eyes, the red crystal on the necklace disappeared, and the white silk rope disappeared.

"What's going on?" Xingji was about to continue to think, but he saw Lv Bu, who was holding a peerless halberd, walking towards him step by step.

Xingji snorted coldly, with an angry look in his eyes, and said in his heart, "Since you are not kind, don't blame me for being righteous!"

You know, if it hadn't happened just now, it might have been a dead body. No! To be precise, there is not even a body. Thinking of this, Xingji clenched the sword in his hand tightly and rushed up murderously.

Looking at the star silence that he wanted to kill, Lv Bu already knew that he must have misunderstood him. Just as he was about to explain, Xing Ji didn't give him a chance. The broken sword, with a strong murderous atmosphere, came straight to himself.

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