huan xing tu

Chapter 83 Giants Gather

The noisy village suddenly quieted strangely, and everyone's eyes condensed in one direction. Several figures quickly appeared in people's vision. They were Tiandao Sect. I saw the face of the visitor. Whispers were carefully transmitted in the crowd.

After listening to it slightly, Xing Ji understood. It turned out that the person who came was Tieding Taoist, the patriarch of Tiandao Sect, and his younger brother Tiejian Taoist.

"I didn't expect that in order to seize the strange treasure, Tieding Zhenren, the suzerain of Tiandao Sect, came." There was a sound of discussion in the crowd, but Tieding walked straight to his camp as if he hadn't heard it.

Looking at Tieding Zhenren, a voice snorted coldly, "Not to mention their monks who survived the disaster period, I'm afraid that even the last session will send people down!"

"What? Will the upper world also send people down? What level of character is that?" Another one responded with surprise.

"This is not clear. I heard that it will at least be at the level of Xianjun."

"Senior, what does the fairy level mean?" Xing Ji asked doubtfully.

"The fairyland is also the same as this cultivation world, with the difference of the upper level of cultivation. The level of Xianjun is just like the foundation period in the cultivation world. Because each world has its own rules, it is impossible for the upper world to send high-level strongmen. In the fairy world, the cultivation levels are immortals, immortal masters, immortals, immortal emperors, immortal emperors, immortal saints, and immortals. In addition, there are some god-level strong men above the immortals. Qinglong explained.

"What is a god-level strongman?"

"Ha ha, in fact, there is still a realm above the fairyland, known as the 'divine world'." Long Ying said with a smile.

"What? Is there still a level above the fairyland? The star silence was shocked. He thought that the fairyland should be the end of cultivation, but he didn't expect that there was a "divine world" above the fairyland.

Looking at Xingji's surprised look, Qinglong smiled and said, "Kid, this is nothing. Just like your cultivation, there is no end to Taoism, let alone a world?

Nodding mechanically, Xingji was still surprised that he had not completely retreated. At this moment, Xingshi's heart was extremely curious about the world above his head.

Deep in the misty forest, there is a simple palace with a plaque hanging at the top of the palace, on which several ancient characters are written: the Star Temple.

In the hall, there is a bright glowing body like stars everywhere. In the center of the hall is a statue in a running posture, with more than a dozen people standing in front of the statue. The front man in black with a star pattern is slightly similar to Xinglang's face. He is the current main star saint of the Star Temple. Behind him is a teenager about the same age as the star saint. He is the son of the star saint and the young master star mark of the star temple.

"Star marks, how's the situation outside?" The star saint asked.

"To report to my father, the news of the birth of the Star God's Staff has caused a sensation in the whole ancient heritage continent, and I'm afraid even the upper world will come down! I heard that it is at the level of Xianjun, but it is not clear who it is. Xinghen thought for a moment and replied.

"Fairy-level figure?" Xingsheng hesitated and said, "Where are they now?"

"Because of the fog, everyone is temporarily stationed in a small village outside the forest. However, in a few days, the fog will be the thinnest time, and I think they will take action at that time.

After listening to the report of Xinghen, Xingsheng nodded with satisfaction, and then said, "Tianshu Xingshi and Yuheng Xingshi, according to Bensheng's meaning, you go!"

"Yes, I'm going now!" A man and a woman quickly walked out of the hall and disappeared into the vast night.

The people of Tiandao Sect just sat down, and two powerful breaths came to this small village quickly.

is the people of Luolei Mountain and Demon Realm. In the crowd, Xingjing saw the King of Tengjiao, as well as thunder and thunder shock with a strange expression.

"He's not dead?" Seeing Lei Zhen, the last fierce picture came to my mind. Xing said in a hateful voice, "I didn't expect that I didn't kill him last time!"

"Kid, you'd better be careful. His breath is very strange, and he actually has the power of immortality. It seems that there is also one on the other side of the demon realm. It seems that this time the birth of the strange treasure has made a big noise, and even the fairyland has participated in it.

Looking at those people, Xingji's fist clenched tightly and said firmly, "No matter who it is, you can't take away the treasures of our star family."

Several people slowly gathered together.

"Oh, haha, I didn't expect the Thunder God to come, hahaha!" Tieding Zhenren, dressed in Taoist clothes, smiled, but his smile was so hypocritical in the eyes of others.

"It turned out to be Brother Tieding, and I didn't expect you to come in person!" The two came together with a smile, exchanged a few words, and then glanced in the direction of the demon realm.

It was a middle-aged man in gray clothes, with a sharp breath all over his body and a deeply hidden fierceness in his eyes. Seeing this middle-aged man, Lei Zhen showed worry and even some fear on his face and said to Lei Zhen, "How did the demon realm send this lifeless guy down? Didn't you say that it was the flying tiger sent down?

Tieding Zhenren also had a puzzled face. He glanced at the middle-aged man and said secretly in his heart, "Why is this guy who eats the sky? It seems that this treasure hunt is not an easy thing!" Thinking in his heart, his eyes shuttled to Lei Zhen and Tian, and a cold smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"I'm not sure. However, Brother Thor, it seems that we have to join hands this time!" Looking at the blood-red eyes that devouring the sky, Tieding said.

"Hands together? I don't know what's on your mind yet! Humph! However, it is beneficial and harmless for me to join hands for the time being. I'd like to see how many waves your iron tripod can make in my hand!" After thinking quickly, Lei Zhen smiled and said, "Okay! Just in the sense of Tianmu Xianjun, join hands! After we get the strange treasure, we will discuss the ownership of the strange treasure!"

After saying that, the two looked at each other and smiled.

"Senior, it seems that Tiandao Sect and Luo Leishan have joined hands!" King Tengjiao stood aside and said respectfully.

The indifferent eyes did not move, and he said, "Even if they work together, they can't get the strange treasure. Tengjiao, go down and be careful! I think these people will do something illegal!"

"I understand! I'll go down and do it!"

The night regained tranquility, only the roar of beasts from the forest and the sound of waves from the bonfire.

A melodious music came from the depths of the forest. Listening to this music, all the monks seemed to fall into a deep sleep. The silent mind was also dizzy, immersed in the wonderful music.

"Ky, wake up!" In Dantian, Qinglong shouted nervously.

Suddenly, the star shook his drowsy head. Before he could speak, he felt that the earth under him was trembling slightly and became more and more violent.

"Senior, what's going on? What's wrong with me?"

"It's too late to explain. Get out of here!" Qinglong said anxiously.

"What's going on?" Xingji asked, it was impossible for him to leave at this time without asking clearly.

"You,," Long Ying sighed deeply before he could say his angry words, "Oh, it's late!"

The vibration of the earth shocked the birds living in the forest. The star looked at the violently rolling fog in surprise, and suddenly rushed out countless figures from the fog and rushed towards the village. The messy figure gradually became clear in the starry vision, which was a group of crazy beasts.

I just came back from school, and I haven't had time to eat yet. I will send the chapter first. I'm afraid that the brothers will be in a hurry!!!

If you have a vote, there is a free space on the bookshelf to collect it!

Lei is going to have dinner, and there is a class in the afternoon, hehe!!