huan xing tu

Chapter 84 The Beast Running

The earth under his feet trembled violently, and the frightened birds fled in a mess over the misty forest. The fog permeated the woods and rolled quickly. The melodious music came from the depths of the misty forest. Two figures, standing and sitting one by one, on a huge tree, under their feet were a herd of beasts running forward.

Looking up at the herd that disappeared from sight, the standing figure said, "Yuheng, it's time for us to take action."

Yuheng Xingshi, sitting on the branch, put away the piano coiled on his lap, stood up and nodded. The two figures followed the direction of the herd's disappearance, and soon disappeared into the jungle.

In the village where everyone gathered, in addition to the shaking bonfire, almost all the monks were immersed in the wonderful music. The wood in the bonfire suddenly exploded. It was this explosion that woke up several immortals.

At the moment of sobriety, several people's faces were filled with shock. First, they couldn't believe that there were people who could manipulate the rhythm to make them intoxicated. Second, countless running beasts suddenly appeared in front of him. Every beast's eyes are completely blood red, and it is obvious that they are controlled. Moreover, it is easy to imagine that the person who controls the beasts is the one who makes them intoxicated.

"Wake up. The herd is coming!" Lei Zhen shouted loudly, hopeing that he could wake up more people. Just as his figure jumped into the air, Tieding Zhenren and Shitian also shouted and reached the sky in an instant.

With the shouting of the three people, many intoxicated monks slowly woke up. Seeing the countless beasts with fierce eyes, they had already been at a loss.

Under the moonlight, there will be panicked figures jumping into the air from time to time, gasping violently in their chests, looking at the running beasts.

The earth shook, the smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the herd passed by, and it was a mess. The monk, who had not had time to react when he woke up, drowned in the herd with a reluctant scream. Not to mention those monks who haven't woken up yet.

I don't know why, the herd that ran here suddenly circled in place. The monks who were submerged in the herd had already turned into meat mud. The four splashed blood stained the bodies of the beasts and soaked the land under their feet.

Ah! Looking at the rampant beast, the monk who fled to the air shouted angrily and rushed down with weapons in his hand. Obviously, people related to them fell under this hoof.

The cold light shines everywhere, and the angry shouts are intertwined with the screams of monsters. The gradually strong smell of blood not only did not scare away the herd, but also aroused the animal nature in their bones.

Although these monsters have no high cultivation, they can't stand a large number! As the saying goes, many ants bite dead elephants, and from time to time there will be monks who fall among monsters.

Tieding Zhenren looked at the scene under his feet and came to Lei Zhen's side. Thinking of the wonderful music that made me intoxicated just now, he said in surprise, "Brother Thunder God, it seems that someone deliberately found this group of beasts. However, this person's cultivation is no worse than yours and mine!"

nodded, and Lei Zhen's eyes looked at the depths of the forest, with a solemn look on his face. After a moment of silence, Lei Zhen said, "Brother Tieding, I think there is still hope for the three of us to join hands to seize the strange treasure. Otherwise, I'm afraid none of us will get it."

Lei Zhen's words made Tieding Zhen feel very surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, although this disrupted his plan, at least he didn't have a chance at all. What's more, when you get the strange treasure, there will be more opportunities, and you won't be in a hurry. After thinking for a while, Tieding nodded in agreement, and the two came to the side of devouring the sky.

After explaining his intention, Di Tian did not make any consideration and happily accepted the proposal of the two. Then, under the leadership of the three, they quickly dispersed the monsters wandering here.

Looking at the monster disappearing in the fog, everyone took a long breath. Looking at the messy ground, Lei Zhen and the three ordered to clean up quickly. After dawn, they headed for the foggy forest.

Just as the monsters rushed, the stars quickly jumped to the tree beside them, and then quietly entered the interior of the forest.

"Senior, what's wrong with those monsters?" Thinking of the thrilling scene just now, Xingjing's heart is still a little difficult to calm down.

"Those monsters are controlled by the mind. Do you remember that wonderful music? I want to control the monster. However, this person's cultivation does not seem to be worse than that of Xianjun!"

"What? You said that the cultivation of those who control monsters is no worse than that of immortals. What the hell is going on? Why did so many masters emerge all of a sudden!" Xingji said in surprise. It's all right to talk about the three fairy-level characters from the upper world, but what is this person who controls the monster group?

"Kad, this fog forest*! You have to be careful!" Qinglong reminded.

"Well, I will. But senior, where are we going now? Should I go to the Star Temple or find a strange treasure?

"Wait in place!"

"Wait?" Xing Ji asked doubtfully.

"Yes! Waiting for the arrival of those people. I think after this group of monsters, they will immediately enter the fog forest to look for strange treasures. Then you follow them until they find the treasure, "

"You said it was the profit of the fisherman!"

"It is impossible for three people to really join hands. When they see the strange treasure, their cooperation will disintegrate in an instant, and it will be time for you to take action! However, I'm worried about the man who controls the monster group. He is a huge variable! But don't worry too much. Since he doesn't dare to confront those three people head-on, I don't think he is absolutely sure.

"Hmm!" Xingji nodded, found a hiding place, and began to think about the next plan.

The crazy night could not stop the arrival of dawn in the end. Just before the first sunlight sprinkled on this messy place, the monks for the rest of their lives had already entered the foggy forest.

"Yuheng, it seems that our actions did not stop their footsteps, but made them accelerate their pace." Tianshu star looked at the red and purple land and said.

Gently plucked the strings, and Yu Hengxing made a trace of murder on her beautiful face.

"You go back and tell the Lord first that I will intercept them. When I arrived in the jungle, it was the world of my Tianshu Star. Don't worry, I'll take this breath for you." Tianshu Xing said affirmatively. After Yu Hengxing nodded and motioned, his figure quickly disappeared into the jungle.

Although the fog in the forest has become thin, the visual distance is still so pitiful. The group walked carefully in the jungle, with a look of vigilance in their eyes.

There are thick fallen leaves under their feet, emitting a rotten smell. Among the trees, there are vines like dragons hanging everywhere.

"Stop!" Xitian suddenly stretched out his hand and looked around with sharp eyes.

"What's the matter? Why did you stop?" Lei Zhen asked doubtfully.

The sky did not answer him, but signaled people to silence. When the jungle became extremely quiet, people heard the sound of friction. Hearing the friction, people whispered.

The spirit of eating heaven quickly searched and carefully stared at the movement around. The sound suddenly disappeared, but the silence was so strange to everyone.

The appearance has changed, and the star silence is mixed in the marching team. The slowly moving fog is dissipating little by little at this moment, and the true face of the jungle is gradually showing in the eyes of everyone.

On the lush trees, the thick leaves almost obscured all the light. The deep green makes the originally dim light more dim. Thick vines, wrapped and hung on the branches, swaying gently in the breeze. The cheerful sound of insects echoed in this quiet space.

The environment in front of us is so pleasant, but everyone's face is full of tension. In the jungle, no one can guarantee absolute safety. What's more, entering the fog forest to seize treasures is originally a gamble. Moreover, they had experienced a bloody warning before entering here. That is to say, you may lose your life at any time while seizing the treasure. But the monks in front of him don't care. After all, the real world is a place where they can die at any time.

"Brother Heaven, what's wrong?" Looking at the vigilant devouring sky, Tieding asked doubtfully.

"I always feel that something is monitoring us! But I didn't find anything!" He looked around the surrounding environment and said solemnly. From the moment the monster rushed out of the forest, he had a feeling of uneasiness in his heart: I'm afraid this trip to seize the treasure will not be so smooth. But he is full of doubts. Tieding Zhen and Lei Zhen all have the breath of immortal power? Who the hell are they? Is it from the upper bound, or is it originally from the lower bound? These problems tightly wrapped around his heart also made him very **.

The thunderstorm in the distance is contemptuous. He snorted coldly and said, "I think someone has another intention!"

In the face of the provocation of Lei Zhen, the sky did not react. The iron Dingzhen, who was sandwiched between the two, had a proud smile on the corners of his mouth.

There is no class in the afternoon, so I uploaded it first. It's the weekend, and Ray can also relax a little!

But there will be no less updates!!

Tickets, collect!!! Brothers, awesome!!!