huan xing tu

Chapter 126 Shot

The constantly churning vines, led by the rhizomes emerging from the ground, blocked everyone. And when Ao Wuwei dealt with one of the roots in it, it was already a little difficult. However, the magic flame flower that rushed up from his feet rushed at him again. Once the flame of the magic flame is really close, then Ao's fearless situation will be very dangerous. After all, the scene where a scattered repair was turned into a drop of ** has not dissipated.

However, others were completely blocked by the constantly shaking vines and entangled them, giving them a chance to help them at all. And the long blue dragon, under the bondage and sucking of the two rhizomes, is gradually weakening. Perhaps, in a short time, Changlong will completely lose its combat effectiveness and even be completely sucked away by the beard root on the stem.

At this moment, the jungle has completely become a sea of plants. Several people were annihilated in the rolling green waves. Looking at the indifferent-faced towering ancient wood, Xinghen said with some shock, "I didn't expect this old tree to be so powerful. Tighten the two roots of the tree to trap these weak monks. I really don't know what he will look like once he tries his best.

Looking at the expectation in Xinghen's eyes, Xingji said with a smile, "If it really comes to that time, maybe we can't get out of this jungle at all."

The dragon soul thorn in his hand is getting heavier and heavier. As the breath of the blue dragon is constantly weakening, the power of the long gun in Ao Wuwei's hand is also decreasing. After all, that long dragon is half of this long gun. However, what he did not expect was that the cultivation of this towering ancient tree would be so high. Under its three roots, it can make the people present powerless to fight back.

Bum! The towering ancient wood also seemed to notice that Ao's fearless fighting spirit was constantly weakening, and its root took the opportunity to increase the intensity of the attack. Vivid shocks came from the long gun in his hand, and bright red blood gushed out from the cracks in the fingers holding the long gun. At such a moment, as long as the hands are slightly relaxed, they will not withstand such a big shock. However, Ao was fearless but did not dare. He suspected that once he really did that. Then, the hand may have been empty at this moment. Only when he let his hand feel it can he hold the dragon soul thorn in his hand tightly, although this feeling is the pain of the cone heart.

"Roar! Let it all end!" A voice with no emotion came from the mouth of the towering ancient wood.

As soon as the words fell, all the vines suddenly seemed to be crazy. The volume of each vine is rapidly expanding, and more importantly, it is wrapped in a layer of green light on the surface of the vine. It is because of the appearance of this layer of light that it is more difficult for King Teng Jiao and others to get rid of the obstruction of the vines.

On the other side, the rhizome that fought fearlessly with Ao suddenly shrank in size. The reduced rhizomes became a long whip. On the surface of the whip, there are faint thorns exposed. At the same time, the magic flame under his feet also rushed up.

If Ao Wuwei can no longer get rid of these shackles in front of him, then he will have only one end, that is, death. What's more, he may have no bones.

At the feet, a pink flame shot out from the red stamens of the magic flame flower and came in an instant. On the other side, the rhizome of the growing whip was pulled towards Ao, who was about to be unsupportable.

When hit by the flame of the magic flame, there is naturally no reason to survive. But if you are twitched by the rhizomes of the long whip, there may be a chance to survive. Thinking of this, Ao Wuwei accumulated all the remaining power in his body, condensed into a water bomb, and bombed towards the magic fireball.

However, on the other side, Ao Wuwei's body was whipped fiercely. It's just that he didn't expect that this whip didn't end so easily. When the long whip hit Ao Wuwei's body, the inverted thorn on the whip stood up in an instant and plunged into Ao Wuwei's body fiercely. Even though the dragon's defense is very strong, under these inverted thorns, it looks like a piece of paper.

Ah! Ao shouted fearlessly in pain. From the top of the barb, a drop of juice with faint light penetrated into Ao's fearless body along the wound. In an instant, his body was numb. Obviously, the toxins contained in the juice are beyond his endurance.

With a roll of long whips, Ao Wuwei will be pulled to the towering giant wood. There, the rest of the roots, which had already been unbearable, drilled out of the ground.

"Big brother!" Ao Zhan shouted angrily and smashed a vine that blocked him. However, as soon as a gap was broken, it was blocked by the vines surging behind in an instant. In this way, he could only watch his eldest brother being swept away by the towering ancient wood.

Wow! A strong wind passed by Ao Zhan. A black shadow passed through the almost impenetrable vine wall and flew rapidly towards Ao Wuwei.

There was a crisp sound, and there was no stagnation at all. The root that bound Ao's fearless stem broke instantly. A figure appeared beside Ao Wuwei, which was King Tengjiao. Behind him is a pile of cyan wings, emitting an extremely fierce breath. It was this pile of wings that cut off the long whip of the stem and saved Ao Wuwei.

"You take him first!" King Tengjiao handed over the unconscious Ao Wuwei to Ao Zhan and ordered everyone to be humane. He understood that he could not give up after cutting off a rhizome of the towering ancient wood. After all, what greeted them was the stormy anger of the towering ancient trees.

"Leave now! Get out of this forest! It's late, no one wants to go out alive!" Looking at the dull crowd, King Teng Jiao roared angrily.

And Ao Zhan didn't understand why King Tengjiao saved his brother? The Dragon Palace in the East Sea and the Demon Realm don't seem to have any friendship, and there are even some festivals. However, why did King Teng Jiao take action?

"Get out of here!" The fire phoenix king beside him roared angrily. A blazing flame jumped rapidly behind her, revealing her endless anger.

Although Ouyang Shanlian doesn't understand what's going on, he knows that if they really keep procrastinating like this. Then, the efforts of King Tengjiao will inevitably be in vain, and they will all be buried here. Thinking of this, Ouyang Shanlian said, "You keep it, don't worry! I will definitely take him out. If possible, I will also take him to Shuiyuanzhu.

After saying that, he arched his hand deeply to King Tengjiao, and then pulled Ao Zhan to retreat quickly.

Looking at several figures disappearing in the jungle, King Teng Jiao took a long breath. A mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth.

"What's wrong with you, domain owner?" The Fire Phoenix King said with concern.

A crackling sounded. There were actually cracks on the wings behind him. A drop of cyan ** dripped from inside.

"I didn't expect that the rhizome of the ancient tree was so hard. If I hadn't tried my best, maybe the Wings of the Wind couldn't have cut it off.

Hearing what King Tengjiao said, there was a chill in his eyes, staring fiercely at the towering ancient wood standing in the clouds, and the flame behind him burned even more joyfully.

"Domain owner, take a break first. I'll meet this old guy first!" After saying that, King Huofeng rushed up without waiting for King Teng Jiao to answer.

"How dare you hurt me! Then, leave all your lives here!" The expression on the face of the towering ancient wood was crazily distorted. The roots at the bottom all drilled out of the ground in an instant. Then, the earth shook violently, and the towering ancient trees actually came out of the ground. In a blink of an eye, that place became a huge deep pit.

Wow! A burst of green smoke filled the surrounding towering ancient trees. When the smoke dissipated, what appeared in people's eyes was a middle-aged man dressed in green and murderous with a pale face.

He is the towering ancient tree, which has changed its shape.

I haven't asked for tickets for a long time, brothers, please collect and ask for tickets!!!