huan xing tu

Chapter 127 Wood Spirit

The originally noisy jungle was completely silent at that moment. However, this dead atmosphere is filled with suffocating invisible murderous intent. People who feel this murderous intention rush to the bottom of their hearts, which makes people chill.

The towering ancient wood wrapped in green gives people a very strange feeling. Especially the pair of eyes, like two enchanted flames, shining with the breath of death. The vibrant scene emitted by the lush plants in the jungle disappeared under the pouring of this breath of death.

"I didn't expect that this big tree would become a spiritual spirit!"

The star mark hidden in the dark suddenly dispelled the idea of planning to leave when he saw the towering ancient wood that had changed its shape. He understood that the power of becoming a spirit-level warcraft is that they can't imagine at all.

"I really didn't expect that it was actually a wooden spirit. It seems that it is impossible for King Tengjiao to leave safely this time.

Indeed, although King Tengjiao has survived the thirty-nine-day disaster and the sixty-nine-day disaster, he is also one of the peak monks in the ancient heritage continent. But compared with this cultivated wood spirit, it is not enough. Spirits are different from ordinary warcrafts. Compared with animals, ordinary warcrafts have the most basic thinking. Therefore, it is not surprising that Warcraft can practice. But the spirit is different, because the spirit is only for those plants that can be cultivated to freely change their shape.

Compared with animals, the thinking of plants will be negligible. And the power they need to cultivate is far greater than other creatures. And if a plant wants to germinate a mind, it will take at least a hundred years. From cultivation to spiritual spirit, the amount of power needed between heaven and earth is needless. Even if it is only time spent, I'm afraid it is not what ordinary monks can imagine.

"We still stay where we are. If we are found by the wooden spirit, let alone get the earth beads, I'm afraid it will be a problem whether we can get out of this jungle." Looking at the wood spirit, Xingjing said cautiously.

The star mark nodded with enlightenment, and he understood the meaning of star silence. This wood spirit must be the leader-level figure in this jungle. Once it gives orders, the plants in the jungle will bring them endless trouble.

Looking at the transformed wooden spirit, the worried color on his face became more solemn. He understood that this time, he was afraid that he was really bad luck. According to his own guess, the cultivation of this wooden spirit may have reached the level of immortals. In any case, even if I am at the peak, I may not be the opponent of this wooden spirit, not to mention that I am injured now?

King Tengjiao knows the power of the wood spirit, but the King of Fire Phoenix doesn't know it. However, the attack of Mu Lingjing still did not stop. In her heart, she was very clear that she might still have a glimmer of life if she did her best to fight.

The fire phoenix king stood in the air, and his hands kept changing their movements. A ball of fire flew out of her hand and rushed straight to the wooden spirit. Fire Ben Kemu, this is her only advantage. However, she was eager to forget another thing. That is, in the face of absolute strength, all flaws are no longer flaws.

A group of Fengyan has not yet come into contact with the wood spirit. The tentacle-like stem jumped out of the back of the wood spirit. Compared with before, the rhizome at this moment has become a shining tentacle. It seemed that he cared about the Fengyan explosion of the Fire Phoenix King, and the tentacles he threw directly entangled those Fengyan and then threw them to the magic flames beside him.

From the moment Fengyan was released, the breath of the magic flame flower became very unstable. Obviously, it is looking forward to those flames. Perhaps if it absorbs the flame again, it may evolve again.

A group of phoenix flames did not cause damage to the wood spirit, but was given to the magic flame flower below and became the energy of the evolution of the magic flame flower. If it had been the fire phoenix king in the past, he might have been angry and angry. However, now she not only has no emotions, but also has a strange smile on the corners of her mouth.

"What is she going to do? Those flames have no effect on the wood spirit at all. In this way, a useless attack will only waste power!" Looking at the fire phoenix king who continued to attack but did not see the effect, Xinghen said puzzledly.

However, he didn't think so when he sensed the strange smile at the corners of Huofeng Wang's mouth. He thought that the reason why the Fire Phoenix King did this must have her intention. Moreover, Xingji does not think that the Fire Phoenix King is a brainless person, otherwise she could not have cultivated until the disaster period.

It's just that Xingji did not guess the real intention of the Fire Phoenix King.

Looking at Fengyan who was constantly devouring himself, the expression of the Fire Phoenix King became more excited. Fengyan released in his hand became more frequent. If he didn't know enough tentacles, I believe he couldn't cope with it.

On the ground, the flowers of the magic flame flower are blooming desperately. A mass of phoenix flames fell into the stamens like raindrops falling from the sky. The magic flame flower absorbing the flame, and the branches trembled quickly, just like the look of being overexcited.

But soon, the star silence found something wrong. In the branches under the magic flame flower, small protuberances gradually appeared. These protrusions are rare and small at the beginning; but soon, the number of protrusions suddenly increases and the volume continues to increase. For a short time, the whole branch of the magic flame flower was covered with this kind of protrusion.

"Go to hell! Feng Yan's explosion!" The Fire Phoenix King, who kept releasing Fengyan, suddenly shouted harshly.

A group of Feng Yan, who had countless quilts larger than before, bombarded Mu Lingjing. Facing the huge Fengyan, Mu Lingjing did not dare to be careless at all. Because these monks have given him a lot of accidents. All the tentacles are woven into a huge rattan net. Just like fishing, the rattan net sprinkled towards the Fengyan.

Looking at the wood spirit spirit who was dealing with his Fengyan, the fire phoenix king's expression turned his eyes to the trembling magic flame flower. Angry eyes closed silently. Everyone felt that a strong spiritual consciousness rushed towards the magic flame.

The magic flame that was constantly trembling trembled even more violently when it felt the spirit of the fire phoenix king. The protrusion on the branches of the flame flower suddenly increased a lot at this moment. The slim figure of the magic flame flower became bloated in an instant.

"Hmm?" Sensing the abnormality, Xingji suddenly realized something. So he said to the star marks around him, "If we have a chance, we will leave here later. That wooden spirit is what we can deal with!"

Although I don't understand why Xingji said so, Xinghen still nodded. After all, Mu Lingjing is really not what they can deal with.


With the sound of this explosive word, the protrusions on the magic flame flower suddenly burst. In an instant, the cracks continued, and the branches of the magic flame were fragmented in a short moment.

The Fengyan fireball caught by the rattan net also began to shake quickly. This shaking comes from the inside of the fireball, as if there is something inside that wants to break through.

The fire phoenix king in the air disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the two figures rushed to the periphery of the jungle.

The angry Mu Lingjing just wanted to pursue, and the Fengyan fireball in his hand also came a fierce struggle. Then a earth-shaking sound echoed in the valley.

A green figure rushed out of the smoke after the explosion, and all the tentacles stood up. Mu Lingjing gritted his teeth and looked at the figure that disappeared in the jungle.

Hately said, "It's not so easy to escape!"