huan xing tu

Chapter 146 Revenge of Robbery

The clear night sky was shrouded in thick dark clouds, and the depressing atmosphere made the onlookers almost breathless. The dull eyes stared closely at the lightning cloud. Under the clouds, the star silence holding the staff of the star god stands between heaven and earth like the god of war.

The scene just now is still played back in people's eyes, and a lightning as thick as a bucket has been smashed effortlessly.

Shocked, the two were shocked, and no one would have imagined that there would be anyone in the world who could compete with the most violent power in heaven and earth. Even Wang Feng did not expect such a result, but the general seemed very calm. After all, he has seen such a scene in the fire spirit vein of the Divine Soldier Villa.

While others were still immersed in the shocking scene, the general was deeply worried. Others don't know how to know what kind of person the immortal officer in charge of the robbery is.

I will know that the star silence is also very clear. Therefore, when the first thunderstorm was easily smashed, his nerves tightened.

The whole night sky surged from the place where heaven and earth meet to the place where the clouds gathered. People only felt that the air around them became fierce and blew on their faces, and in a blink of an eye, it became a cold wind in winter, like a knife. Unlike them, several monks clearly felt that the elements of heaven and earth were rapidly confused. Several people with more advanced cultivation are more aware that the lightning power contained in the air is being pulled away bit by bit.

The starry look became particularly solemn, and he clearly knew how stingy the fairy officer in charge of the thunderstorm was. Last time, if he hadn't been lucky, he might have died in his hands and didn't even have scum. And this is entirely because of one word: power.

Thinking of this, Xingji abandoned all distracting thoughts and went all out to deal with the thunderstorm that was about to fall. After all, only through the disaster can we gain the so-called power.

Consolidate! Compression!

This time, the thunderstorm in the sky did not fall in a hurry, but condensed bit by bit and compressed layer by layer. Although the volume of the thunder is constantly decreasing, everyone feels that the power contained in it is increasing exponentially. The reason why the thunder is like this is that the heaven and earth elements in the human world are particularly thin. More importantly, the quality of the heaven and earth elements is not so high, and the power inside is not so great. Through continuous compression, the quality of the thunder element is increasing bit by bit, and the power has begun to double.

Feeling the change of the thunder, all the people stood there completely like sculptures. And Xingji's hand holding the staff of the star god was held tighter, but when he rubbed the staff of the star god in his hand, there was some confusion in Xingsil's eyes. Because in the recent contact with thunder and lightning, the staff of the star god did not conduct electricity. That is to say, the staff of the star god is not a metal attribute, but what attribute is it?

It was too late to solve this problem, and the condensed thunderstorm in the sky landed again.

This time, the thunderstorm has a faint purple color, and the volume has been reduced from the thickness of the last bucket to the thickness of the current arm. But everyone feels the power inside, but it is not comparable to the last thunderstorm.

Xing Ji took a long breath, and a decisive look flashed in his eyes, and he went straight to the thunder.

Wang Feng was completely stunned. He had never seen anyone take the initiative to fight against the thunderstorm.

But the general did not think about this. At this moment, his mind was completely focused on the long knife that was about to take shape in the fire. Just as Xing Si rushed to the second thunderstorm, the pliers in his left hand once again took the long knife out of the fire.

Keng! Keng! Keng!

The dark casting hammer violently hit the long red knife. Mars splashed and the violent impact sounded against the invisible sound barrier. No one noticed that a slight crack quietly appeared on the sound insulation barrier.

The falling thunder seems to sense the power of the star god's staff in the hand of the star silence. Just as he was about to come into contact with it, the thick thunderbolt of his arms divided into eight small thunderbolts without warning, and opened one after another, like tentacles formed by eight thunder and lightning.

Star Silence did not expect such a result at all. Before he could stop, he rushed into the "trap" that had been prepared for a long time.

Eight open thunder tentacles, wait until the star silence enters it. The front end of the tentacles suddenly came together. In this way, the eight thunder tentacles suddenly turned into a cage and trapped the star silence in it. During this period, a fine and imperceptible transparent film was formed between each tentacle.

The star silence that entered it did not panic, but picked up the staff of the star god and hit one of the tentacles. However, the result was a big surprise to him. The mine, which had been reduced by many times compared with the previous one, did not break. Instead, it bent softly and sank down. No matter how the star silence sprints, the depression only becomes deeper, but it is not broken.

"This is,," Xingsi didn't expect such a result. The fierce thunderstorm actually had such a side.

However, at this moment of distraction, a thunderbolt sounded suddenly. The violent sound hit the spirit of the star silence.

The thunder sounded, and everyone trembled coldly.

And the invisible sound barrier, while bombarding the ground at the same time as the sound of tempering and thunder, could no longer persist and shattered in response.

The crisp impact sound spread far away in this quiet night and echoed between heaven and earth.

The spiritual consciousness that had been hit by the explosion had not yet woken up, followed by another explosion. Xingji didn't know how many times the thunder sounded. His consciousness became blurred at this time, and he didn't know what he was doing.

After the last thunderbolt, the eight thunder tentacles suddenly began to contract. The beating electric light shines with a ferocious face. He rushed to the star silence with no consciousness at all.

Boom! The angry thunder and lightning finally collided with the star silence.

The clothes on his body suddenly turned into nothing, and the stick of the star god that the numb hand could no longer hold fell to the ground. The dark body surface exudes a strong burnt smell and a faint meat fragrance. And this thunder didn't seem to intend to let go of the star silence at all. Eight tentacles bombarded the star silence one by one.

Although these eight thunderstorms could not catch up with the power of this thunderstorm, the damage to the star silence was not small. The unconscious star silence was bombarded eight times in a row, and finally fell to the ground heavily.

There was a mess on the ground, and the star silence fell into a deep cave. A faint smoke floated from inside, floating in the air and dissipating with the wind.

"Ji'er!" Guan Yun shouted loudly. If it hadn't been for Zhang Yidra, he would have rushed up.

"You can't go. The disaster can only be borne by himself. After you go, the catastrophe will become two people. Not only can't you help him, but you can only hurt him!" Wang Feng tried his best to stop the impulsive Guan Yunchang.

Ah! Guan Yunchang's roar echoed in the night, and the fierce hatred went straight to the sky!

Bum! Bang! Bang!

The heaven and earth fell silent again, and all people could hear was the sound of the hammer ringing in their ears. Like a heartbeat, the sound of the hammer echoed rhythmically.

In the cave, the star silence has long been unconscious. Between the charred skin, there are even white bones in several places. A few thunderstorms also beat on the surface of the body. However, these thunderstorms are quietly gathering and rushing towards the starry Dantian.

The thunder that condensed into Dantian quietly disappeared. With the disappearance of these thunderstorms, the figure of the green dragon in the starlight Dantian is becoming clearer little by little. However, the energy of Robbery Thunder can't make up for the passing vitality of Qinglong, nor can it stop his soul.

The thunderstorm in the sky did not stop because of the tragic state of star silence. The thunderstorm that condensed again was not as powerful as the second one, but it was much stronger than the first one. It seems that he didn't want to give the star silence a way to live at all. As soon as the second thunderstorm ended, the last thunderstorm fell straight down towards the cave that was still smoking.

If there is no miracle, the star silence will surely fall.

"Alas! Let me help you for the last time!"

A deep sigh suddenly sounded.