huan xing tu

Chapter 147 The Last Green Dragon

The thunder is rolling and the lightning is shining, and there is an unconcealed sadness in each pair of eyes. They tried their best to avoid the scene, but they couldn't help but turn their eyes there. In the dark cave, bursts of smoke slowly floated out of it and dissipated in the wind.

The lonely moon in the dark clouds looks so desolate. The lightning with teeth and claws frantically tore the silent night. In the light of that moment, the dark cave seemed to be a big mouth that devours life. The faint breath of life came out of it. The keen perception let these monks know that the star silence is not dead at this moment. However, after the last thunderstorm, people don't know whether this weak mortal breath can still exist.

Compared with the unbearance in everyone's eyes, Guan Yunchang looked very anxious, and his eyes kept staring at the deep cave that was still smoking. On the surface of the clenched fist, the cyan veins were like coiled dragons, bursting with strong power. If it hadn't been for Zhang Yide's obstruction, or Wang Feng's advice, maybe Guan Yun would have rushed up. He doesn't care about the value of life or what God's will is not to be violated. He just wanted to save the star silence from the thunder, and only wanted to leave that faint breath of life.

However, he learned from Wang Feng that his impulse would only bring greater damage to Xing Ji. Therefore, at this moment, he suppressed the impulse in his heart and stood there like an angry King Kong. Looking at Guan Yunchang's solemn look and slightly trembling body, people knew that as long as the last thunderstorm ended, Guan Yunchang would rush up desperately.

What is unknown is that the star silence deeply trapped in the cave, and the beating thunder and lightning on the body have long disappeared. To be precise, it was swallowed up by his Dantian. Although the thunder and lightning have all disappeared, the starlight body has not changed at all. ** The surface of the body is blackened by lightning. The cracked and ferocious wounds flashed from the white scalp-tingling bone. As soon as the blood gushed out of the wound, it was evaporated by the remaining high temperature on the skin. The sound echoed in this quiet cave.

The consciousness of star silence also fell into a coma. He didn't know at all if the last thunderstorm came to him again. Then, there can only be one thing that will end, and there will be no bones or even scattered souls.

The thunder and lightning swallowed up by Dantian wandered in the starry Dantian. The area where earth, water and fire are located has rudely driven out all these uninvited visitors. These homeless lightning elements finally surged to the only remaining space - the place where Qinglong slept.

The reason why Qinglong was able to enter the starry Dantian is not only because it broke through the shackles of the dragon soul. What's more, Qinglong, who absorbed the power of lightning, woke up from his sleep and had an independent consciousness. And this time it's the same!

Aware of the bad physical condition of the star silence, Qinglong, who had just woke up from a deep sleep, couldn't help sighing. The skin on the surface of the body is dry and cracked, and countless places are blocked and broken in the veins of the body. The most fortunate thing is that the Dantian that contains all the Yuanli is still intact, but the Yuanli inside has reached the point of silence and exhaustion.

"Alas! Anyway, my remnant soul can no longer exist. Instead of dissipating meaninglessly, it's better to help you in the end! Boy, remember the two things you promised me. One is to find my reincarnated brother, and the other is to help me find the reborn fire wolf. I want to take his head in person. Ha ha, it seems that I can't finish either of these two things. Boy, all this will be given to you. Don't worry, even if I try my best to die, I will save your life! Hahaha!"

The cheerful laughter is so free and easy, but unfortunately no one can hear it.

Bum! Bang! Bang!

People who fell into a sluggish state suddenly heard a powerful hammer in their ears. This clear hammer sound, like coming from the distant void, shocks people's hearts and reaches the depths of people's souls. In the sound of hammering, there is no impurities. It is the purest kind of music that people can hear, calling for the sleeping soul.

The dull look was smashed by a clear hammer in an instant. The people who woke up turned their eyes from the sky to the earth, the fiery casting platform.

Wang Feng, who is the closest to the dry general, was also deeply attracted by the calm dry general at this moment. The casting hammer in his hand fell without hesitation, and at the same time as he fell, his heart also followed. However, in addition, Wang Feng also felt that the earth under his feet also jumped. But it is certain that this beating is not because of the vibration of the hammer, but does come from the earth under your feet.

"What is this?!" Wang Feng was stunned and completely shocked. He knew that the work at this moment would be completely immersed in a wonderful mood. This artistic conception can be encountered but not sought, and has a very popular name: epiphany.

After the epiphany, strength may not be able to increase, but there must be an earth-shaking change in mood.

Wang Feng is thinking about what the mood of Gan will be immersed in, and what will he suddenly realize?

The rolling thunder is no longer so terrible to people. A thunderbolt has long been annihilated in the simple and calm sound of tempering.

Qinglong woke up and was refreshed when he heard the magical hammering sound. Others may not know, but he does know that the sound of tempering has merged with the earth's pulse. The weapons cast under such circumstances must not be ordinary. But what will the return look like? Qinglong doesn't know, and he believes that no one will know, because this situation has never happened.

The arrogant thunder flashed with sharp claws and fell from the sky. Like a dragon, he rushed straight to the dark cave. At this moment, Qinglong, who made the decision, rushed out without hesitation and was intertwined with the thunderbolt.

The sound of the amazing dragon came from the cave. A blue dragon shadow rushed out of the cave, flew to the sky and went straight to the thunder.

Qinglong knows that with his current strength, he is not the enemy of this thunderbolt at all. Therefore, what he did was to weaken the power of the thunderstorm as much as possible, so that the star silence could survive. In the roar, the green dragon's claws were tearing crazily. The thunder that was torn to pieces was swallowed into his stomach without hesitation by Qinglong.

Humph! A cold hum came from the thunderstorm. Then there was another thunderstorm and rushed down.

Cold humming, the weak green dragon, the incomplete soul was shocked, and fell into an instant sluggishness. At this moment of pause, the thunder fell on Qinglong.

Bloody, if the flying cyan clouds are blood. Even if it is just an illusion, this pain goes deep into the soul. The green dragon roared in pain, and the pale lonely moon that the dark clouds could not cover also quietly disappeared at this moment.

The dying green dragon fell straight from the sky, but there was no sound when it landed. At this moment, it is as thin as a fog, a wisp of smoke, slightly negligible.

The clouds slowly dispersed, and a mass of light fell from the sky and fell into the dark cave. Seeing the falling glory, Wang Feng also took a long breath and said, "Finally, it's over!"

But looking at the blue dragon shadow that was about to dissipate, I couldn't help sighing deeply.

fell into the epiphany, and a light suddenly flashed in his eyes as calm as water. After the last tempering sound, a long knife emitting cold light flew abruptly.

"Fate will rotate, when will it be? Qinglong returns to his position!"

PS: Another friend TJ! What else can I really say!

Indeed, as a small writer, what can you expect? It's nothing more than clicks, tickets, collections, rewards, comments!

It's just that these are really extravagant for us!

They dare not ask for it, and Ray dare not ask for it!

Ray can only silently code words, waiting for the completion of this book!