huan xing tu

Chapter 190 Star Temple

In the ancient heritage continent, the misty forest is full of countless mysterious colors. This is not only because there are strange things that outsiders have never seen before, but also because there is one of the most mysterious places in this misty forest almost all year round, the Star Temple.

Although people know such a place, few people have seen people from the Star Temple, because they rarely walk on the ancient continent. Even so, this mysterious palace hidden in the misty forest has never been forgotten.

Walking in the misty forest, feeling the strong elemental atmosphere in the air, the star silence is very calm. However, he understands that such silence is only temporary. When he arrives at the Star Temple, he doesn't know what it will look like.

However, evasion can't solve the problem. What should come is always come back, and what needs to be faced is still faced. Spirituality locked the towering palace, took a deep breath of star silence, and then walked towards the star temple.

In the Star Temple, the star saint standing in the center of the hall stared at the huge statue standing in front of him. This statue is the star god Kuafu, their ancestor, a hero chasing the sun. Looking carefully, the star saint's eyes fell on the dark scepter in Kuafu's hand - the scepter of the star god.

And behind him stood seven people, who were the seven stars under the Star Temple. Their expressions also became particularly solemn, and their eyes also fell on the staff of the star god. No one said anything, just wait and wait quietly. From time to time, they will turn their heads and look out of the palace.

When the star silence appeared in the fog forest, everyone felt the breath of the staff of the star god in his hand. At that time, the whole star temple was boiling, and their faces were filled with uncontrollable excitement. However, this excitement did not last long. Because the main star saint of the Star Temple told them that it was not the star mark that carried the staff of the star god, but another young man. More importantly, there is still a faint smell of stars in the young man who has never seen before.

Although they don't know who the Star Silence is, they can determine that the place where the Star Silence is coming is the place where they are. Thinking of this person who holds the staff of the star god but doesn't know, there is a trace of worry on everyone's faces.

After all, the staff of the star god is the symbol of the star god. Whoever holds the staff of the star god is the owner of this star temple. And of course, all the people here should become his subordinates and fully obey his orders. This is a rule that has not changed through the ages.

At the thought of this, everyone's face has a worried look. After all, who knows what this mysterious teenager will think and what he will make them do?

Although the palace in front is not particularly tall, it has an ancient atmosphere that neither side has ever had. And among them, there are more than a dozen extremely powerful breaths.

"This is the Star Temple!" Looking at the Star Temple, Xingji said excitedly. The originally calm heart also became uneasy as it kept approaching the palace.

Although he was a little reluctant, Xingji finally walked in.

When I appeared at the door, several pairs of sharp eyes suddenly condensed on me. In these eyes, there are curiosity, doubt, worry, threat,,,

Feeling these eyes, the star reality suddenly stagnated, and then calmly walked in and walked to the figure with his back to him.

At this moment, the air in the whole hall condensed.

"Did you get the staff of the Star God?" The back with his back to himself never turned around, so he asked Xingshi.

"Yes! I did get the staff of the Star God. I just don't know that you are..." Xingji has known this person's identity for a long time, but he still asked.

"Star Temple Lord | - Star Saint. Who are you?"

When Xingsheng said his words, Xingji made a move that surprised everyone. That is, he suddenly knelt down on the ground in front of the Star Saint.

At this moment, there was a slight soft cry in the Star Temple. The seven stars did not expect such a scene, and the magnificent star saint also shook violently. Turning around, he said, "Who are you?"

"Aun, I'm Star Silence, and my father asked me to apologize to you." Xing Ji sobbed.

"Are you, you, the son of your second brother?" Afterlooking at the star's silent face, the star saint's expression also became excited.


When Xingji said this sentence, the people in the hall breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the people who got the staff of the star god or their star family did not fall into the hands of outsiders.

In a secret room in the star temple, the star silence told about him and the star mark in the fairy valley. It was not until after the space was moved, that the star mark disappeared in the space turbulence and there was no message, and the star saint who listened carefully stood up slowly.

" uncle, I'm sorry for you. Xinghen Big Brother, "Xing said sadly, and he understood that all this happened was entirely because of himself. If it hadn't been for the request to gather in the Fairy Valley, if it hadn't been for the thunder demon, and if it hadn't been for the space movement, then maybe the star marks would not have been lost in the space turbulence, and the life and death were unknown and there was no news.

Xingsheng didn't say anything, but waved his hand, signaling Xing Ji not to speak.

It was not long before Xingsheng slowly said, "In our Star family, there is such a saying. That is, every star in the sky symbolizes a life. Moreover, in our family's unique learning "Starfire", there is such a skill called cloth art. There is a way to observe every human life star. In fact, not long ago, the fate star of the star mark had disappeared in the vast night sky. But what I want to tell you is that the star of the star did not fall, but drifted to a place I can't see. After that, no matter how I observed, I could no longer find the fateful star. But I can be sure that the star mark has not fallen. Maybe he has come to another world.

"Is this true, uncle?" Xingji asked in surprise, and he still suspected that Xingsheng said so only to comfort himself. Full of expectation, he stared at the face of Xingsheng, hoping to see some clues from it.

"Ha ha, I don't need to lie to you! It's just that I don't know which world the star mark has gone to. Although it is certain that the star mark is not dead, as a father, there is still a strong concern.

"As long as I make sure that the eldest brother has not fallen, no matter which world he goes to, I will find him and bring him back." There is incomparable firmness in the tone of star silence. And feeling this determined star saint nodded slightly.

Just as they were chatting, the nine originally fixed lights of the dome of the Star Temple suddenly swam.

However, the dome of the hall is like a cage, firmly binding them and trying to prevent them from rushing out.

These nine rays are called the "source nucleus".

The nine source nuclei gathered together strangely and suddenly hit in the same direction. In an instant, the towering star temple shook violently. Pieces of dust fell from the dome and filled the air.

The people who felt this abnormal movement suddenly became panicked.

The star saint who accompanied the star silence shouted "It was a strange movement in the source star nucleus" and then disappeared into the secret room. And still wondering what the source star core is, and also closely followed it.