huan xing tu

Chapter 191 Source Star Core

In the misty forest, the towering star temple suddenly moved violently. The originally quiet hall suddenly made a violent roar, and this continuous roar came from the dark night-like dome above the Star Temple.

Above the ink-like dome, nine bright lights gathered together and kept hitting a corner of the dome. Under the impact of the light, a ferocious crack appeared on the wall in that corner, and with the continuous impact, the crack became larger and larger. A mass of dust fell from there and instantly filled the whole hall.

The ground under his feet kept shaking, and Xingji followed Xingsheng closely and ran quickly towards the source of the shaking. Walking somewhere, Xingji saw the seven stars with a panicked look.

Seeing the star saint, Kaiyang Xingshi, one of the seven-star envoys, said, "My lord, I don't know why the source star nucleus suddenly became active and kept hitting the dome."

The Star Saint did not speak, but nodded. Several people accelerated their pace and rushed to the Star Temple.

Pieces of dust poured out from the door of the Star Temple, and the towering palace shook violently. In time, bricks fell from the top of the hall. Seeing the situation in front of him, the star said darkly, "If we don't stop the so-called source nucleus. I'm afraid this star temple will turn into a pile of ruins!"

Just when the star silence was vaguely worried, the star saint said to the seven star envoys surrounding him: "The seven-star envoy obeyed the order and quickly stepped on the seven-star lock array to stop the impact of the source star core."

The seven stars responded quickly, and then formed a seven-star lock array like lightning. When the seven-star lock array was formed, the star silence felt a strong force shrouded in the Star Temple. Although the star silence could not see the existence of this power, the gradually stabilized Star Temple was telling him that this power did exist and was extremely powerful.

"Pun, what is this source nucleus? Why does he look so powerful? After the Star Temple was stabilized, the star saint's look also eased. Taking advantage of this moment, Xingji hurriedly asked about the source nucleus.

Looking solemnly at the dusty Star Temple, the star saint sighed and said, "You should know the story of our ancestors, the star god boasting his father chasing the sun?"

Xingshi nodded. He did hear this story. At that time, he was just an ignorant teenager in Qingshan Town. At that time, Xin Yan would tell him some stories about ancient myths. Among them, there is a story: Kuafu day by day.

Originally, the star silence believed that it was just a legend, but the experience of the ice moon mountain made him know that the legend was true. Moreover, I also understood that Kuafu turned out to be the secret of two names. However, he didn't understand why the Star Sage suddenly said this now.

"Our ancestors let the underworld shine and let everything in the underworld grow. With the support of the night emperor Xuanming, he went to chase the sun's incarnation sun god bird Jinwu with the ice spirit unicorn of the winter god Gaoyang. However, the result is,,,

Speaking of this, the star saint's look was dark, and the seven stars in a trap array made his face sad.

Xingji understands that the ending of this legend is tragic. The star god praised his father's fall, and the ice unicorn hid. The originally brilliant star family was angered by the Emperor of Heaven and fled everywhere.

Recovering from sadness, Xingsheng continued to say, "The ancestors have fallen and the family is separated! The brilliant star family disappeared! However, do you know why?

Xingsheng's question made Xingji suddenly confused. Wasn't it because Kuafu wanted to steal the sun god bird Jinwu that made the Emperor of Heaven angry? With doubtful eyes, I saw Xingsheng shaking his head slightly.

"Isn't it,," Xing Ji suddenly asked in surprise.

"Actually, it's not entirely because of this! You know, although the ancestors wanted to steal the sun god bird Jinwu, they would not make the emperor of heaven order to hunt down our star family!" Xingsheng explained.

"What is that for?" At the moment when the star silence asked questions, the stabilized star temple shook violently again. Seeing the trembling star temple, Xing Ji's eyes suddenly lit up and said, "Is it because of this so-called source nucleus?"

The star saint who commanded the seven stars to strengthen the seven-star lock array returned to the star silence, nodded and said, "It is indeed because of the nine source star cores sealed in this star temple."

" uncle, what exactly is this source star core? Why is it sealed in this star temple? At this moment, Xingji's mind was surrounded by this confusion, and he didn't know which question he should ask first.

With a long sigh, Xingsheng looked at the sky from afar, sorted out his messy thoughts, and then slowly said, "In fact, these nine source star nuclei are still involved in another legend!"

"Another legend, what kind of legend is that?" The star silence is getting more and more confused. Why did things suddenly become so complicated?

"H Hou Yi shoots the sun!"

"H Hou Yi shot the sun?" This story has also been heard, and it is also one of the more extensive myths and legends circulating in the world. However, Xingji still doesn't understand how these two stories are related.

"In those years, in the era of the bow god Houyi, there were ten sun god birds in the sky. It is also these ten sun god birds that have almost extinct the creatures in the world. Hou Yi, the bow god, couldn't bear to see such a scene, and finally used the bow of heaven and earth and the sun and moon arrows. Nine of the ten golden blacks were shot down, which restored the tranquility of the three worlds.

"I know these, but what does this legend have to do with the nine source nuclei sealed in the Star Temple?"

"In fact, the nine golden blacks shot down by Houyi of the bow god turned into nine star stones after falling."

"Is this the nine source nucleus?"

The star nodded and said, "Hmm! It is indeed these nine source nuclei. Originally, the ancestors did not know this, but when the ancestors arrived at Yuyuan, they saw the nine source star nuclei. The ancestors understood that it was impossible to steal the sun god bird Jinwu to the underworld. Just when his ancestors felt desperate, he saw nine source star nuclei turned into nine sun gods. Although these nine source nuclei cannot be compared with the heat emitted by the sun god bird, they contain enough heat to make everything in the underworld grow.

Hearing this, Xing Ji suddenly understood and said, "Can it be that the ancestors stole these nine source star nuclei back? That's why the Emperor of Heaven is furious?"

"That's true! The ancestors were respected as the star god. Although they could not catch up with the sun god bird, they would not fall silently like this. The reason why the ancestors fell on Yuyuan, where the sun god bird Jinwu landed, is precisely because of these nine source star nuclei.

"Ah!" Hearing this, Xingji suddenly exclaimed, "What? Did the ancestors die in the hands of these nine source star nuclei?

"Yes! The ancestors did not expect that the power contained in the nine source nuclei would be so powerful. When the ancestors found out, it was too late, so they fell into Yuyuan. But in the end, the ancestors still used the power of the staff of the star god to seal the nine source star cores. The elders disappeared after sending back the sealed source nucleus, and our star family was also angry with the Emperor of Heaven. That's what happens in the future, "

"Have you used the power of the staff of the star god?" Star Silence looked at the staff of the star god in his hand, and his eyes were full of confusion.

"Indeed, the current Star God's Stick is only half of the original, and the disappeared half was consumed when the nine source star nuclei were sealed by the ancestors."

At this time, Xingshi completely understood the whole process of this matter. However, there is still some confusion about why Night Emperor Xuanming did not use these nine source star nuclei to change the underworld.

Just as the star silence fell into meditation, the nine source star nuclei above the dome of the Star Temple suddenly burst out a bright light. The dazzling light made the seven stars that formed the seven-star lock array suddenly lose sight. The star saint, who was also affected by the light, shouted in panic, "It's not good!"

Just before his voice fell, there was a violent sound from the originally towering star temple. Then, it quickly collapsed into a pile of ruins. The nine source nuclei sealed on the dome also escaped from the seal.

PS: It has been more than 500,000 words, and Lei's book is also fattening! Please collect it. If you think it's okay, please give me a ticket and reward it. Lei is even more grateful!

Ha ha, in a blink of an eye, a month has passed like this! In the past three months, Lei has not stopped a day, even if Lei has gone out to participate in activities, attended school meetings, or is sick, or has never been updated for a day, even a chapter.

Believe in Ray's efforts, and the brothers who have been paying attention to Ray are obvious to all. Lei is not here to praise himself, but to say that everyone's choice is not wrong! No mistake! It won't be wrong! Thank you for your support and attention to Ray! As long as everyone supports it, I believe that Ray will stick to it until the end.

Ray is a novice, and there must be many shortcomings in writing. Please forgive me for the mistakes! If you have any ideas and suggestions, you can put them forward! Ray will only thank you!

Finally: Brothers, collect it! For others, it would be better if there is a ticket reward!