huan xing tu

Chapter 211 The Abyss

The rumbled, and suddenly there was a violent vibration on the calm earth. A group of soldiers with an excited look rushed out of the demon army and headed for the inland.

In front of the big tent of the Chinese army, Yuege looked at the rising and falling dust and couldn't come back for a long time.

"What, Moon Song Demon Sect, you still have time to regret it now." A majestic voice sounded behind his back.

Hearing this sound, Yuege Demon Sect quickly turned around and saluted the man, "I don't know that the marshal is coming. Please forgive me."

The person who came is the supreme commander of the demon army, the marshal of the demon army, the blood demon emperor. It is rumored that the Blood Demon Emperor is a bloodthirsty and ruthless magician, but now it seems that the Blood Demon Emperor is a middle-aged man with a scholarly atmosphere. Instead of the so-called bloodthirsty breath, there is more elegance on the body.

"Ha ha, okay, Yuege Demon Sect, it's not a military affairs meeting now. Forget those red tape." After waving his hand, the Blood Demon Emperor looked at the distant dust and continued to say, "Mosong, I don't understand why you did that."

It is no wonder that the Blood Demon Emperor has such a question. In the whole army of the demon clan, everyone knows the feelings of the Moon Song Demon Sect to the Star Trace Demon Sect, but the two have not developed for a long time. The stirred dust seen by the Blood Demon Emperor and the Moon Song Demon Sect is the troops of the Star Mark Demon Sect that left from the army of the demon clan.

The original order of the Blood Demon Emperor was to let the Star Trace Demon Sect stay and let the Moon Song Demon Sect lead the troops to leave. However, to his surprise, the Moon Song Demon Sect and the Star Trace Demon Sect both chose to oppose it. Their decision made the Blood Demon Emperor very puzzled. If the first star mark wants to rise from the Demon Emperor, it must draw more energy from the battlefield, but now he chooses to leave the battlefield. Second, the Yuege Demon Sect has long wanted to go home to have a look, but now she is so determined to stay. Although this made the Blood Demon Emperor very incomprehensible, since both sides agreed, he did not say anything more.

So, Xinghen Demon Sect, who received the order, led his team and immediately set off and returned to the mainland without stopping at all.

"Can I choose not to say the moon song? Marshal. The Moon Song Demon Sect said with some embarrassment.

The Blood Demon Emperor smiled indifferently and said, "Of course, this is your own private matter, and I have no right to ask. However, as you know, the army of our demon clan will return soon. At that time, only your legion will be left in the whole fairy and demon meteor fortress, and the other party can be very clear about your power. In case something goes wrong, how can you ask Benshuai to explain to your Cangyue family?

Although the Blood Demon Emperor is respected as the commander of the demon army, and with his own cultivation, he is also a prince in the demon world. However, I am very afraid of the Cangyue family represented by the Moon Song Demon Sect.

"In a few days, Yuege will tell the family everything, and this matter will not involve the marshal."

"I think you misunderstood the meaning of Benshuai, Moon Song Demon Sect. You need to know what happens once it happens. Millions of troops of the other party gathered together, and you and I don't have a chance to live!"

"The marshal doesn't have to worry. Since Yuege entered the fairy meteorite fortress, he was ready to fall. Of course, the moon song will be with the fairy meteorite fortress. On the contrary, the three-legged Jinwu appeared in the mainland, please bother the marshal.

"This is natural." Looking at the mainland, looking at the heavy army of immortals not far away, a deep worry rose in the heart of the Blood Demon Emperor.

On the side, the waves kept beating against the coast, drawing a moving white line on the golden beach. On this beach, there are four figures walking continuously towards the west. These four people are Carter, Moon Dance, Southern Blade and Star Silence from Wolf Warring College.

"Carter, isn't this the end of the sky? What are you bringing us here for? Stepping on the soft beach, the southern blade asked angrily. No matter what means you use along the way. Carter just refused to say their destination, which annoyed the southern blade.

"Ha, it's almost there, it's almost there, it's coming soon." Looking into the distance, Carter replied with a worried smile.

"Where the hell is it? If you don't say anything, be careful that I will throw you into the sea!" The southern blade waved the cold dagger in his hand and said coldly.

Carter's face suddenly turned pale, but the moon dance beside him laughed.

"You, okay, Nanjian, don't scare Carter!" Yuewu persuaded.

"But, Mr. Moon Dance, look at Carter. He has been gone for so long, and he won't say anything." Nanjian complained with a resentful face.

"Actually, Nanjian, where do you think we can go in this direction?"

Hearing the reminder of the moon dance, the southern blade looked at the distance and muttered, "This is the westernmost part of the demon world, and also the westernmost part of the fairy and demon world, the end of the sky. If we go further west, there will be only,,,, sunset abyss.

Moon dance nodded with a smile, while Carter whispered, "As long as you are not a fool, you will remember!"

"You!" Nan Jian said angrily and stared at Carter fiercely.

Just as the southern blade was about to take action, Yuewu suddenly said, "Look, there is the sunset abyss."

If the end of the sky is the westernmost edge of the fairy and demon world, then the sunset abyss is the end after the edge zone. How to put it, it's like a mountain in the fairyland, so the sunset abyss is the abyss under the cliff on the edge of this mountain.

The closer to the sunset, the more cautious the four people are. After all, in case Carter guessed, there must be a three-legged golden crow under this abyss. Judging from the current strength of the four people, they will definitely die under the attack of the three-legged Jinwu. This has to make them cautious.

"Teacher, do you think the three-legged golden black will be here?" Looking carefully at the movement around, the southern blade asked in a low voice.

Feeling the strong high temperature rising from under the abyss, Yuewu frowned and said solemnly, "I think we'd better go back. Whether the three-legged golden black is under here or not, the sunset is always a dangerous place."

Carter, with a stiff expression on his face, nodded quickly like a chicken pecking rice. Looking at Carter's move, the southern blade snorted coldly, " Coward!" After saying that, the southern blade continued to walk inside.

Carter shrugged his shoulders and said, "Who is a coward! Go, who is afraid of whom?"

Carter, who was about to move forward, was suddenly blocked by the star silence.

"What are you doing, stupid?" Carter waited angrily for the star silence and said angrily.

The dull expression on Xingji's face suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a layer of cold frost. His eyes flashed, looking at the abyss of flames, and said coldly, "If you don't want to die, exit immediately."

Carter also had the moon dance, and he was suddenly scared by the performance of the star silence and stayed in place. If the previous star silence makes them feel like a dead water. Then the star silence at this moment is a solid ice condensed by water, sharp and cold.

"Who the hell are you? I've already found out that something is wrong with you? Say, what's your intention?" Turning around, the southern blade in his hand pointed directly to Xingji and questioned.

"Ha ha, who am I? Who are you?" There is a cold light in the star's eyes, which makes people's hearts chill. Although there is no Yuanli in Xingji's body, the murderous spirit is still there, which makes the three people feel awe-hearted.

At the same time, under the sunset abyss, in the flame-blow valley, a big tree with branches and leaves bathed in flames. At the top of this big tree, there is a bird burning with flames, which is the three-legged golden black. Surprisingly, in the flames of the three-legged golden black and the whole valley, the huge tree not only did not turn into ashes, but was safe and luxuriant.

The three-legged golden black perched on the tree suddenly opened its closed eyes, followed by a rattling sound echoing in the valley.

Wwaving the wings of burning flames, the three-legged golden black roared loudly and soared into the sky.