huan xing tu

Chapter 212

On the edge of the setting sun, the star silence stood in front of Carter and Moon Dance, and behind him was the southern blade holding a dagger. Xing Ji knew that with his current situation, not to mention dealing with the southern blade holding the dagger in his hand, even Carter, who was bare-handed, could not deal with.

"Big fool, what on earth do you want to do?" Yuewu looked at Xingshi, and he knew that the man in front of him had no malice. However, because of the star silence, he had to be vigilant. After all, this is the sunset abyss, not to mention that under the abyss, there is a possible three-legged golden black.

The star star stared coldly at the two people in front of him, then turned his head to look at the southern blade, and finally turned his eyes to the sunset abyss and said, "It's very dangerous under the sunset abys. I advise you to go back immediately."

There has always been an ominous premonition in his heart, which may be because his Dantian has absorbed nine tripod golden crows that have turned into source nuclei. The closer to the sunset, the stronger the feeling. Star silence can be sure that the three-legged golden black must be under this sunset abyss. The three-legged golden black is powerful, and the star silence is very clear. Therefore, he didn't want the three people in front of him to die here for nothing.

The southern blade snorted coldly and said, "You are just an ordinary person. How do you know that there is danger under the sunset? Besides, the sunset abyss is very dangerous. Why should I listen to you? Instead, you have been pretending to be crazy and hiding yourself. What's your intention?

The suspicion of the southern blade made Xingshi's eyes suddenly cold and stared at the southern blade. He said, "I'm hiding myself, and you're not hiding yourself. Obviously, he has the power that even the demon can't be underestimated, but he behaves like a four-star little magician. I'd like to ask you, what's your intention?"

Carter and Moon Dance began to retreat continuously, as if they had a deep grudge for the two people in front of them. It's okay for Xingshi. After all, he is still an ordinary person and can still deal with it reluctantly. But the southern blade contains the power that even the demon does not dare to underestimate. What kind of concept is this?

"What are you, you, what are you?" Carter has been confused by the current situation. What on earth is going on? The fool suddenly became so cold that the people he knew actually hid his cultivation. This made Carter afraid to accept the reality in front of him.

The southern blade, which was recognized by the star silence, suddenly launched an attack, and the fierce murderous intention was tightly locked.

Under the sunset, the flames are burning raging, and the three-legged golden black live in such an environment. It is not surprising to live in such an environment. However, how can it not surprise and surprise that the lush giant tree can grow in such an environment?

The reason why this giant tree has such a name is that it is the place where the three-legged golden black inhabits. Maybe someone knows its name, but no one can understand why it can grow in such an environment.

On the sun and mulberry, the three-legged golden black closed its eyes to refresh and quietly absorbed the surrounding flames. The strong fire element is centered on the three-legged golden black and swarmed in. The three-legged golden black that constantly absorbs the flame is changing rapidly. Perhaps soon, this three-legged golden crow can grow to a mature body. At that time, as a sun god bird, it can become the sun.

For incarnation into the sun, this is the fate of the three-legged golden black. However, what kind of changes will its fate bring to this fairyland? No one knows.

The three-legged golden black closed his eyes, and his eyes suddenly opened, and a golden flame burst out of his pupils. After moving his body, the three-legged golden black suddenly flew from the sun and flew to the top of the sunset abyss.

At the moment when the three-legged Jinwu left, Qi Risang suddenly trembled violently. It seems that there is something that wants to rush out of it.

Dark cold light, chilling temperature. At the moment when the cold light flashed, the flames in the whole valley suddenly trembled, as if they could be extinguished at any time. The bear flame seemed to have a deep fear of the cold light. Quietly, the flames around the sun slowly flowed to the distance. In an instant, there was a clean open space around Qi Ri Sang. Instead of feeling the high temperature, I feel a more comfortable feeling.

On the sunset abyss, the violent southern blade kicked the star silence to the ground. The dagger that was cold and pressed straight to the bottom of his heart trembled on Xingshi's neck. As long as the south blade's hand trembles a little bigger, the little life of the star silence will be completely finished.

The star silence without any power in Dantian is naturally not the opponent of the southern blade, not to mention the power hidden in the body of the demons that the demons dare not underestimate it.

The delicate face was already covered with frost. The cold murderous intention forced out of his eyes, stared fiercely at Xingji, and asked, "Who the hell are you? Say it! Or I'll kill you!"

Xing Ji said with a cold smile, "Who do you think I am?"

"No matter who you are, you already know my secret, then I can't let you live in this world anymore."

Just as the dagger in the southern blade's hand was about to slide, Yuewu, who hid in the distance, suddenly said, "South blade, calm down. He is just an ordinary person. How can he have an intention?"

The southern blade looked at the moon dance with some guilt, and his heart was full of gratitude for the moon dance. However, he then said helplessly and decisively, "Teacher, whether he has an intention to me or not, whether he will hurt me or not. Anyway, he knows my secret, so he must die.

After saying that, the dagger in his hand raised again and pricked towards the heart of the star silence.

Wow! A sudden heat wave blew the defenseless southern blade to the ground, and Carter and Moon Dance, who were hiding in the distance, retreated one after another. And such a strong airflow comes from the sunset abyss beside them. Turning around, he saw a three-legged golden black with flames flying out from the sunset abys and rushing towards the star silence.

Gaga, the eyes with golden flames are full of confusion. The three-legged golden black fell in front of the star silence and looked at him doubtfully.

"Teacher, teacher, it's a three-legged golden black, it's a three-legged golden black. I guessed nothing wrong!" Carter has forgotten the danger of the three-legged golden black at this moment and is cheering for his correct guess.

If it hadn't been for the three-legged Jinwu's convergence of its own breath, then several people so close to it would have turned into nothingness. However, no one present can figure out why.

The southern blade has long forgotten that he wanted to kill Xingshi, but just looked at the three-legged Jinwu in horror. In his opinion, the three-legged golden black has a special feeling towards the star silence.

Just when everyone was puzzled, the three-legged golden wings suddenly waved. The strong airflow is like a storm, sweeping everything in front of us. The star silence and the southern blade, without any psychological preparation, were swept into the sunset abys by this airflow.

The three-legged Jinwu looked back at the trembling Carter and the moon dance, and flew up in an instant and disappeared into the sunset abyss.

"Teacher, they,,, they were taken away by the three-legged Jinwu!" Carter looked blankly at the empty front, and the two people who had just been there were swept into the sunset abyss by the three-legged golden black.

Moon dance looked desperately at the abyss that was still fluttering with flames, and her eyes were full of despair.

Fairy and demon meteorite, in the middle of the night, a team of well-packed soldiers moved foot without making a sound.

"Moon Song Demon Sect, after I leave, everything here will be handed over to you." The Blood Demon Emperor looked at the moon song solemnly with a solemn face.

In the mainland of the demon world, the three-legged Jinwu appeared again, so that the demon army stationed in the immortal meteorite had to be immediately pulled out. The strange scene of two days has made the demons in the mainland * and people panicked. If there is no suppression by the army, it may really be an extraordinary disaster.

"Marshal, don't worry, the moon song will definitely protect the fairy meteorite fortress. As long as Yuege is still alive, the army of immortals will not want to step over the fairy and demon meteorite fortress. Moon Song is determined to say. I don't know whether it was because of Xinghen's departure or because of the heavy responsibility. In short, the Blood Demon Emperor heard the death of Yue Ge from her words.

"If possible, the fortress will be lost. As long as people live, we have hope!" The Blood Demon Emperor sighed, stepped on his horse, and followed the army and left.

There are still so many tents of the demon army, but the lively and noisy atmosphere is gone. However, due to the obstruction of the immortal meteor, the immortal army was helpless even if it sensed the abnormality.

A month later, the moon song sitting on the tent of the Central Army suddenly heard a rapid footsteps.

"Report,,, report that Mr. Yuemo Sect, there is an abnormality in the fairy and demon meteorite!"

"What?" Yue Ge suddenly stood up, hurried out of the tent, and rushed to the fairy and demon meteorite.