huan xing tu

Chapter 249 Life

The mysterious fairy and demon meteorite, as the first trace left by Pangu's creation, will naturally contain a lot of mystery. What's more, as the center of the Pan ancient world, it naturally has an innate advantage. Of course, in people's cognition, the divine world is the center of the world. In fact, this is not the case. The center of the Pangu world is the fairy and demon world.

When Pangu woke up from chaos, he had no consciousness at all, but knew that he wanted to split this space that made him indignant. Therefore, Pangu's world is constantly chiseled around the place where he woke up. In the end, the clear air rose into the sky, and the turbid air sank to the ground. But when Pangu opened up the world, he was already very tired. Moreover, he can't remember where he started. Therefore, the last extrude space world is transformed into the divine world, that is, the highest-level space world. Then there is the fairyland and the human world.

No one knows what kind of secret is contained in the fairy and demon meteorite, which is the first trace left by Pangu. Although everyone is very curious about this place, the results of no return are daring. After all, not many people will not cherish their lives, not to mention the end of falling into it!

And at this moment, if anyone knows that there is a living person at the bottom of this fairy meteor, I really don't know what kind of expression those people will have.

The fairy meteor is still so calm, dead, and there is no fluctuation. However, under this earth, the breath of starry life still exists.

In the depths of the earth, a khaki giant egg lies there quietly. A khaki local force decomposed from the soil and drilled into the yellow egg. Inside the Dome, the body of Star Silence is wrapped and squeezed by the increasingly powerful local forces. In the narrow space, more and more local forces are constantly oppressing the body of the star silence. The sound of bone rubbing came from the silent body of the stars. The oppressed star silence, his face slowly changed from red to pale, and a little blood beads came out of the pores of the body surface. If Xingji can no longer wake up, he will be oppressed to death by this increasing pressure.

There is no fluctuation of life in the meteorite, let alone the depths of the earth under the meteorite? So no one will disturb the star silence. If you want to wake up, everything can only depend on himself.

Breath is getting faster and faster, and at this moment, the consciousness of star silence has quietly woken up. I wanted to open my eyes, but I found that an extremely strong pressure was oppressing me. A small eye-opening action was suppressed by this pressure, let alone a slight movement. In the veins of the body, the flow of blood is getting slower and slower, and gradually there is a trend of depression. At the same time, the original force flowing in it is also stagnant into a solid existence. After the muscles and bones refined by the power of the stars, there were actually subtle cracks. All this makes the star silence feel very bad.

However, Fortunately, there is no unexpected situation in Dantian. Within Dantian, Mars, Mercury, the Star of Life and the Star of Death are still slowly rotating and are not affected by this pressure. When the idea entered Dantian, Xingji suddenly found that there was no pressure here at all, that is to say, here and outside are completely two worlds.

The conjecture of star silence is not wrong. After the guidance of the heart of space, Dantian at this moment not only accommodates the power absorbed during the practice of star silence, but also a space world that does not want to be connected with the outside world at all - out-road space. However, the little star silence behind him did not expect it, and of course he did not expect such a situation.

"I don't know if my body can come in?" As the idea came in, a strange idea came to Xingji's heart. That is, while the soul can come in, can your own body also enter it? With this idea of star silence, his thoughts suddenly moved, and the result appeared that he couldn't believe. His body also entered this mysterious space world, and the pressure that oppressed him to almost die suddenly disappeared without a trace.

I came in, but can I go out again? The idea was stirred again, and Xing Ji didn't know where he was at all. But that strong oppressive force is still there. That is to say, your thoughts can drive your body to enter the mysterious space, but once you get out, the place you appear is still where you were before.

The pressure is getting stronger and greater. If Xingji doesn't come up with a way out of this dilemma, then when his body comes out of Dantian again, it will inevitably be vividly pressed into meat pulp by this strong pressure.

What should I do? I don't know where I am now, and how did this pressure come from? Although these problems are all difficult to solve the immediate problems. However, the pressure of being domineering or even arrogant no longer gives time to star silence.

What should I do? Just when Xingji didn't know what was good, his anxious eyes fell on the five unawaken source star nuclei in Dantian.

"Maybe there is a way to absorb this pressure in these five source nuclei?" The bad situation could no longer allow the star silence to consider whether his idea was correct, and the idea hurriedly urged the remaining five source nuclei in an attempt to break through the current predicament.

From the huge pressure, Xingji pulled out a clue, and his thoughts hurriedly pulled this clue into his Dantian. This clue has just entered the star silence Dantian, and a big local force that covers the sky and the sun has forcibly overturned the star silence to the side. It was like a flood that broke the dike rushing towards the low-lying, and a source nucleus that had not yet awakened turned crazily as if it had felt something.

With a bang, Xingji only felt the mysterious space he was in and suddenly trembled. The surging local power collided with the nucleus of the source star and disappeared in an instant. Seeing this scene, Xingji also breathed a long sigh of relief. Thinking of the pressure that was powerful enough to crush itself, Xing silence couldn't help but be afraid for a while. If it hadn't been for the sudden awakening of the source nucleus, then maybe I would have only two results. First, the body is crushed alive, and your soul will always hide in this mysterious space. Second, my body also enters Dantian and will never go out again. No matter which of these two results, Star Silence doesn't want to get it.

The rumbling sound continued, and the land forces like rolling waves surged towards the nucleus of the source star. Feeling the power of the earth contained in it, Xingsi is really worried that the source star core will be supported alive by the sudden power of the earth.

Just as the source nucleus absorbed the power of this land, the mind of star silence gradually relaxed. The idle star silence turned its attention to the nine source nuclei. Up to now, he has not figured out what these nine source nuclei are used for. If it is used to absorb the power of different attributes, then why is there still the breath of life and death, as well as the black force that the star silence does not know; but if not, then why is there the emergence of Mercury, Mars, and the huge earth force (big local force) now? Question mark How to explain this?

In a word, these nine source stars were originally formed by the soul of the sun god bird, which always made the stars unable to figure out. Especially now that this so-called mysterious space has been discovered, what's going on? Xingji really has a headache when he thinks about it.

It's really a headache, and the stars can't help sighing.

With the continuous influx of more and more local forces, Xingji found that the pressure on his body was getting smaller and smaller. While opening his eyes, Xingji found himself in a narrow space. It's like the egg in the land of wind and thunder, but it's different from there. It is full of wind and thunder power, and here is a surging local power.

Strugglely stretched out his hand and slowly approached the barrier. After a slight poke with his hand, Xingji found that the barrier was not so strong, but a little soft, just like soil. Gently cut down a piece from above, and Xing Ji just wanted to take a closer look in front of him. But suddenly found that the soil that was originally the size of rice grains suddenly turned into peas, and then the size of a thumb, constantly expanding in circles.

What is this? Seeing this growing thing, the star silence couldn't help but be surprised. He has never seen such a magical thing. He can constantly increase himself, and the speed is so fast.

As the volume continues to increase, Xingji feels that the weight of the shareholder West also begins to increase. Gradually, Xingji gradually felt that it was a little difficult to hold up this growing thing.

"Uh! If I hadn't been crushed to death by the surging power of the earth, but by this thing, wouldn't I be wrong?" With a bitter smile, Xingji no longer worries about this now. Because the space in Dantian can even absorb your own body, not to mention such a small thing now.

As soon as the idea moved, the things in his hand entered his Dantian effortlessly, and the thoughts of star silence also entered.

Entering Dantian, Xingji looked at the disk-sized thing in front of him in confusion. It actually stopped growing, so what's going on?

Just before Xingxi figured out what this thing was, a sudden suction suddenly sucked it away. At first, the star silence thought it was the awakening source star nucleus and mistakenly thought it was earth power and absorbed it. However, when he looked at it, the star silence was stunned. Because it is not the source nucleus that has been absorbed into it, but the already awakened star of life.