huan xing tu

Chapter 250 Planetary

The star of life, as an early source nucleus awakened in the star silence Dantian, makes the star silence very confused. What can such a planet with a breath of life do? And now the waves rise again and again. I don't know what the star of life can do, although it only absorbs a strange stone-like thing into it.

Seeing what happened in front of us, Xingji really couldn't believe it, and it was more of a kind of confusion. Why is there such a situation that something completely belongs to the earth but is absorbed by the star of life? This is completely inconsistent with any common sense. It is not in line with the reason why the source nucleus that absorbs the power of the earth does not absorb this thing, nor does it conform to the reason why the Star of Life absorbs such an object without the fluctuation of the breath of life. This question really makes a burst of star silence.

"I'd like to see what's on this life star," his eyes locked on life. At the moment driven by his thoughts, the star silence was on such a strange planet.

When it came to the Star of Life, the Star of Life found that the Star of Life, which looked so small, was so huge. Indeed, from the perspective of bystanders, the Star of Life is like a head-sized stone. However, when Xingji really came here, he found himself so small. If you are a drop of water, then the star of life at this moment is a vast ocean.

The star of life can indeed be called a real planet.

The Star of Life once woke up because it absorbed the connected beads. Walking on such a boundless and boundless planet, the star couldn't help sighing. On several awakened source nuclei, this is the first time that the star silence has set foot. This is the first time for the star silence, and the same is true for the star of life.

Star Silence does not know what the situation is like on several other source nuclei, such as Mars, Mercury and Death Star. But the scene on the star of life really amazed the star silence.

On the Star of Life, except for no animals, this is simply an ordinary world. There are mountains, water, trees and flowers, as if all the plants on the whole planet have already been arranged. However, the types of plants are slightly monotonous.

casually picked a plant beside him, stared carefully for a while, and then his expression was suddenly shocked. Because on the leaf surface of this small plant, there are also very small insects that have been crawling quietly. He took the poor little bug in his hand and muttered, "Where did these plants come from? Why are there still some living animals?

fell into the star silence of meditation, wrinkled without suddenly opening, and the confusion in my heart suddenly opened up. He has figured out how these plants come from. If the star silence is expected to be good, then these plants are included by the suction force in the flash that kills the soul of Sui Yan Xianjun. That time, the star silence absorbed a lot of messy things and turned into nothingness with his thoughts. However, before the thoughts of star silence were driven, the breath of life contained in it had long been absorbed by the star of life. It is also because of this that a plant appeared here. Although there are few species, it is also a unique scenery. Thinking of this, Xingji's mind couldn't help but think that if he could go out alive, Xingji would definitely absorb more species to come here. It is not only limited to plants, but also contains organisms.

The problem of plants was solved, and the star silence looked at the gurgling water again. Yes, the Star of Life absorbed the seeds of some plants or other things to reproduce today's plants. So, where does this gurgling water come from? And the towering mountains, how to explain this?

This time, he really puzzled the star silence. No matter how he thought about it, he still couldn't give himself a satisfactory answer.

Just as the stars were sad and ready to leave, a violent activity suddenly came from his feet. Before I could figure out what was going on, a mountain in the distance suddenly spewed out a pillar of fire that rushed straight into the clouds.

"Volcanic eruption?"

It is indeed a volcanic eruption, although all the things absorbed by the Star of Life are full of life fluctuations. However, as the body of the star of life, the source star nucleus, another existence of the sun god bird, there must be an inexilable source of fire. I don't know how much fire power has been stored in this fire source, but some fire power will rush out of the surface somewhere.

While the volcano erupted, Mercury, which was close to the Star of Life, suddenly trembled, and a water force erupted from it and sprinkled on the Star of Life of the volcanic eruption. So a heavy rain fell and turned into the water power of rain. Some were evaporated by the flames and some were absorbed by plants. Of course, some of them formed the slowly flowing water in front of the star silence.

At the same time, wisps of seemingly empty water power slowly floated into the clouds with the scorching sun in the distance, tightly surrounding the star of life. Feeling the water power condensed in the high sky, the star couldn't help smiling. As long as the water force continues to rise and reach saturation, there will inevitably be a burst of rain.

After the eruption, the volcano once again fell into silence. After the flowing magma cools down, it naturally forms the mountain peaks.

The idea covered this star of life, and the star silence shocked again. Because the spiritual knowledge that could only cover thousands of kilometers in the fairy and demon world is actually included in the scope of spiritual knowledge at this moment.

"Is it, this," stunned, Xing Ji thought of the soul of the Sui Yan Xianjun who inadvertently broke into this mysterious space. He can walk around here at will, but the moment Sui Yan Xianjun came here, he became a sculpture. That is to say, this is their own world, and others can't move here at all. However, this conclusion was later overturned by Star Silence. Because there are still insects that can crawl slowly on the leaves of the plants in your hand? How should this be explained?

"Is it possible that species with life fluctuations can only move freely on this star of life? Once they go out, then..." After saying that, the star silence threw the insects into the void. For a moment, the bug was fixed there. No matter how stubborn claws struggle, they can't move at all.

"It seems that I'm right. Except for myself, once someone enters here, he will be imprisoned in the void. Unless they come here, on the star of life. If that's the case,," a smile appeared at the corners of Xingji's mouth, and suddenly came to his heart one after another that he couldn't help thinking.

Under the cover of spiritual knowledge, everything on the living planet clearly appears in his mind. As the owner and founder of the planet, the star couldn't help laughing.

From the moment of leaving the planet of life, Star Silence planned to check the other planets. The first to look at is Mercury and Mars, which are closely adjacent to the living planets, but the things on these two planets also make the stars boring. Because Mars is completely a burning flame, and Mercury has a weak breath of water power, nothing but this. On these two planets, he did not find anything with life fluctuating.

After being disappointed for a while, the star died flew towards the death star. The Death Star was awakened by a breath of death, and then when it came to the mysterious fairy demon, the planet once again absorbed a mysterious power. Star silence doesn't know what the attribute of that breath is, and I don't know what kind of planet the death star will be today.

In an instant, he came to the Death Star. As soon as he stepped here, the star couldn't help trembling. Because it is full of a strong smell of death, in addition to many other attributes. Experience in detail that in this mixed breath, the star silence has successively sensed the breath of death, cold, blood, terror and other attributes. And among these many breaths, the most unexpected thing is that there is also a weak breath of life in it, which is just a thin and pitiful.

"Death and survival are confrontational, just like water and fire. But why is there a subtle breath of life here, and how to explain it? Well, what is that?"

Looking along the starry eyes, I saw several figures slowly shaking in the fog. And seeing the star silence of these figures, his body suddenly trembled. Because among them, he found an acquaintance, Sui Yan Xianjun. It's true that there is nothing wrong with Sui Yan Xianjun. And in addition to Sui Yanxianjun, there are many people who have never seen the stars. Under the cover of spiritual knowledge, the star silence found that they were all dead souls. But in this soul body, there is also this subtle life fluctuation.

"They did not die, but lived in another form of life. This death star is really wonderful!" Star Silence did not disturb the people living on it, because they were not interested in these people. What's more, they are fighting constantly. The killed person will completely disappear in this space. Death and killing are the main themes of this death star!

Looking at the figures who are constantly killing the people around him, Xing sighed and said, "Maybe I should really create another world here. It's like the so-called hell, but where can I find such a soul body?

When it lit up, the starlight suddenly thought of a place. While there was no time to be happy, Xingji suddenly found that there was no major local power to enter in Dantian. And the source star nucleus also awakened, full of surging local forces.