huan xing tu

Chapter 253 Evolution in the Mirror

The soft light surrounds the mirror, and the faint halo gives hope to the stars in the dark. It's like a warm flame in a cold winter night.

Star's eyes completely stared at the sudden mirror in front of him, which appeared out of thin air, looking very strange. But Xingsi has already thrown all kinds of doubts behind his mind. After all, this is the first light he saw in the endless dark fairy and demon meteor.

What is reflected in the mirror is his own appearance, but because of the black *, the star's face looks much pale. It's like a calm water falling into a dead leaf, with a circle of soft ripples. And in the slight ripple shaking, the appearance of star silence dissipated. As the ripples in the mirror shook, the soft light suddenly dimmed. And the scene reflected in the mirror also began to change strangely.

Darkness, yes, a dimness appeared in the calming mirror. It's like the gray smoke covering the ground when night falls. In this darkness, the star silence saw nothing.

"What is this?"

The subtle sound, like a stone pene into the water, began to roll up. The rolling clouds are like blooming buds, and the petals open quickly, waiting for the last appearance of the stamens.

When the rolling fog stopped, a huge gray egg-shaped egg appeared in the mirror. That's right, it's just a huge egg with a slight breath of life. And with the passage of time, the breath of life from inside is getting stronger and stronger.

100 million years, it is true that there is nothing wrong with such an exact number in Xingji's mind. That is to say, the scene in the mirror has been 130 million years. The picture inside is still the gray egg, but there are subtle cracks on the egg.

click, the huge egg broke, and inside was a man, an adult man, a sleeping man.

130 million years, another 130 million years before the sleeping man opened his eyes. That is to say, this man slept for 130 million years. If you add the time in the Dome, it will be 260 million years.

The moment his eyes opened, two red lights shot out of the man's eyes. A burst of anger suddenly gushed from his rough face and roared. He didn't know where the man got a sharp axe.

There was a rumbling and a loud noise, and even the mirror couldn't help trembling. A dazzling light flew from the axe, which directly split the whole gray picture in half.

The sonorous sound of the axe echoed in the gray space. As the man continued to exagorize, the overall gray fog finally became two halves. The clear air rose into a blue sky, and the turbid air sank into a solid earth. But the man did not stop because of this and continued to chisel,

"Is this the legend of Pangu's creation? How can Pangu's pioneering legend exist in this mirror? Could it be that the light in the first axe cut by Pangu is the current fairy meteorite? However,,,

Just as Xingji mentioned the three words fairy and demon meteorite, the picture suddenly turned to the crack that was not tens of millions of miles deep. However, the crack was like a wound that could never be healed, and a gray fog squeezed into it. And such a scar that has been absorbing the initial source of heaven and earth seems to have been forgotten by Pangu, the god of creation.

When all this evolved in the mirror, the gray smoke slowly receded. The appearance of the star silence once again appeared in the mirror, but now the star silence looks very confused and falls into deep thinking.

"What the hell is going on?" The dull star silence kept muttering.

A white door was left where the mirror disappeared. Wisps of white fog overflowed through the cracks in the door.

"Where will this door lead to?" As he spoke, Xingji had pushed open the door and stepped in.

In a closed space, several figures stood quietly, without a trace of noise, and even the sound of breathing was hidden as much as possible. If the stars are here, then you will be able to recognize who these people are. Nanjian, Ming, Dahan, Al and a few strange faces, and in front of everyone was Monica, who picked up several people from the vicinity of the fairy meteorite. At this moment, Monica has long been without the seductive demons, and there is a strong sense of murder. In this murderous atmosphere, it makes people feel cold.

After looking down at the people in front of her, Monica said, "You should know the purpose of calling you this time!"

No one speaks, and even the big naive who has always been asking questions has no movement. If you are seen by Xingji, you will be shocked, especially the changes in several people. At this moment, he is simple and honest with shrewdness; Nanjian's face is also more wise and subduous; Elby has become more free and easy before, and his slight smile is so refreshing to people. But those who know him know that what is hidden under this smile is murderous intent, bloodthirsty murderous intent; if it is the person who has changed the most, then naturally say that he has always been silent. A black dagger was clenched in his hand, shining blood-red from time to time. A pair of cold eyes are like lurking poisonous snakes waiting to launch an attack. Indeed, the murder, revealed from his body, makes people dare not approach.

This is the result of their changes in the killing over the past six months.

"The task of your team is to open the passage on the meteorite again. Remember to open it at all costs. Moreover, under the condition of ensuring a smooth passage, keep it for seven days. This is your task. I just want the result, not the process. Monica said coldly.

While the words fell, Monica left here, and then the crowd also left, leaving an empty room.

There was a fragmentary rustle from the dense grass, and several silent shadows lurked in it like ghosts. Not far away, the beating fire is like a guiding light, guiding several people to walk there.

"Captain, do you think these people can complete this character this time?" Looking at the shadowy soldiers swaying in the lights, the big naive throat couldn't help moving. According to those shadows, there are more than 100 soldiers and ten teams in the barracks at least far away.

And as the captain, the southern blade naturally knows the difficulty of this mission. I want to deal with so many people silently, and then open the channel and hold it for seven days. Although the process seems simple, the links in it are not so easy to complete.

However, the southern blade also knows that even if the task is completed, there may be few people left in this team. However, he has no choice. If he can't complete the task, the consequences will be more serious than this. The mission failed and all were killed. This is their fate. Thinking that the living life had already been branded with death, Nanjian's eyebrows frowned tightly.

And the underworld, which is a little farther away from the crowd, is motionless, like a black stone buried in the grass. The black coat and black dagger were completely integrated into the vast night, and the only light was the two star-like eyes, emitting bloodthirsty light.

Pluto, this is the title given to Pluto in this organization. In countless missions, the life that died in his hands can no longer be calculated. But inside the organization, he kept more than a thousand pieces of blood clothes when he returned from each mission. Red blood gathered into a frightening blood light, giving people a strong visual impact.

"Da Han, what's on your mind now?" Nan Jian suddenly asked, which was very surprising, but the simple expression was so calm and the ancient well was waveless.

"It's Chen Ji. I'm wondering where he is now? What are you doing?" Da Han's simple smile bloomed again. Looking at the smiling face, Nan Jian's heart moved. He can't remember how long he hasn't seen a big smile. Since he entered this organization, what he has done every day is to train and complete tasks. Almost every moment spent in an environment of blood and fire, in exchange for a title that makes the immortal army feel headache and even afraid: the demon. In the demon clan, there is another name: Blue Blade Team.

"Captain, do you know why this mission is so important?" Al, who had been smiling all the time, suddenly said.

"What, Al, you know?" Da Han said in disbelief, because every time they just knew how to do the task. They don't know why they should do such a task. This is not to say that they don't want to know, but that they deliberately concealed it.

"Al, you know the organizational rules!" Nan Jian said with a solemn face and stared at Al with fierce eyes.

"Captain, forget about the past, but this time, I have to say it. As you can see, with the power of us, we can't kill all the enemies in front of us. Even if it's all killed, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for seven days. Captain, although the previous task was difficult, at least there was still a possibility of completion, but this time I'm afraid. So the captain asked me to say it," Al pleaded.

The southern blade looked around at the faces of the people around him and turned his eyes helplessly.

"Al, tell me, what is the ultimate purpose of our mission this time?" He asked impatiently.

"Our mission this time is to...

Before Al finished speaking, the earth under him suddenly trembled violently.

Far north, a blue beam of light goes straight to the sky,,,