huan xing tu

Chapter 254 Gathering of the Venerable

What happened there? At the moment when the earth trembled violently, all the eyes of the whole fairy and demon world turned their eyes there. Yes, the blue beam of light that pierced straight into the sky, shining on the whole fairy and demon world. As long as people feel the shaking of the earth, they can't avoid their inner curiosity. Once attention shifts there, they will inevitably be attracted by the blue beam of light.

And in a fairy barracks somewhere in the fairy meteorite, all the soldiers also turned their attention to the north at this moment. However, in the grass not far from the barracks, a pair of eyes attracted by the beam of light were interrupted by shouting.

"Focus and don't forget our current task. If you don't want to die so early, you'd better control your eyes!" The person who speaks makes the person hiding in it feel very strange. Because this person rarely speaks, even if he speaks, there can't be so many words in his words. Ming is known as the Ming of Pluto. The black dagger in his hand exudes a faint cold light. Feeling the dark breath from the black dagger, everyone's hearts couldn't help trembling. Killing spirit is a fierce and ruthless murderous atmosphere. Yes, even his teammates will not hesitate to kill anyone as long as they violate something. No one knows what cultivation is as a killer. All I know is that all the opponents he fought with died at his hands. Whether the opponent is a fairy or an immortal emperor, no one has ever been able to escape from the hands of the underworld alive. Of course, if you meet a powerful opponent, you will also pay a painful price.

As the captain, the southern blade was also shocked. Indeed, as Ming said, once distracted when performing a mission, it is likely to be discovered. And once discovered, there is only one consequence, which is the lesson of blood. At this moment, Nan Blade still remembers that when he went out on a mission for the first time, only five of the 30 people he took back. Others were dismembered in that area.

Al stared at the barracks not far away, and everyone's eyes turned to the north. A cluster of soldiers crowded together and discussed fiercely with each other.

Captain, I think this is a good opportunity for us to act! Now the attention of the fairy barracks is all over that blue beam of light, and they would not have expected such a situation at all. What do you think, captain?

The southern blade's eyebrows tightened and looked at the crowded fairy soldiers. With a solemn face, he knew that this task was extremely difficult and difficult to complete. Even if it is barely completed, it will pay a painful price. And all this is in your own hands. Once your decision is wrong, the situation will be unimaginable.

The big man beside him, with bloodthirsty excitement in his round eyes, his thick tongue licked his lips, and the huge axe in his hand trembled slightly.

Looking around the look of the players around, the palm of the southern blade moved gently. The team members hidden in the grass quickly formed their own teams and quietly marched towards the fairy barracks. Just like a ghost in the night, there is no sound at all. In addition, at this moment, the eyes of the fairy soldiers were all on the beam of light in the north, so no one found any abnormal movement in the grass.

In the far north, there is a vast ocean, and the rolling waves slap the reefs on the coast. The seabird flying on the sea made a rapid cry. Fish jumped out of the sea, with deep fear in their eyes.

A blister emerged from the sea and then burst. And this broken bubble is like a signal bomb, with countless blisters drilling out of the sea and competing. The dense cracking sound gathered together, but also formed a different piece of music.

In the air, several stream lights galloped across and stayed on the sea.

Emperor Yan, the controller in the fairyland, actually appeared here with a solemn face. And behind him stood several people who were not weaker than Emperor Yan. They are the five emperors in charge of the five directions of the fairyland, the Eastern Emperor Duanmu, the Western Emperor Rifeng, the Southern Emperor Lihuo, the Northern Emperor Weak Water, and the Zhongtian Emperor Lei. And opposite them, there is the people of the demon world.

Kill God and Demon Lord Shura, Death Demon Lord Pluto, Ghost Emperor Demon Lord Ghost Shadow, Xinghuan, the patriarch of the Star Family, Yantian, the patriarch of the Yanri family, and Yueming, the patriarch of the Cangyue clan.

"Ha ha, Emperor Yan, long time no see! I didn't expect that a small thing not only made you, but also made Emperor Yan take action, but also the Five Emperor came. Shura, the god-killing demon, said with a wild smile, as if he didn't pay attention to the other party at all.

Emperor Yan's expression did not fluctuate, but smiled and said, "The three supremes of the demon world have arrived, how can I not?"

As soon as Emperor Yan's words fell, several figures flew from the distance. They were the venerable demon clan.

Dragon Demon Master Ao Tian, Phoenix Demon Master Feng Dance, Eagle Demon Purple Electric Lei Peng King and other demon emperor-level figures. Seeing the people from the demon clan, the faces of the people in the demon world changed slightly. Because at this moment, on the battlefield of immortals and demons, the demons have formed an alliance with the immortals. If the coming demons and immortals form an alliance at this moment, their situation will naturally not be too good.

Hahaha, before the person arrived, I heard a burst of cheerful laughter.

"I didn't expect that almost all the venerable characters in the immortal and demon worlds have arrived! Interesting, really interesting! Hahaha, okay, okay, okay!" Lei Pengwang of Zidian laughed and came to the crowd first.

"Why, old bird, are you also going to stand with those immortals?" There is a strong hatred in the harsh voice of the ghost.

"Haha, old man, I didn't expect you to come too! Don't worry, I won't fall to that point. As for the things on the battlefield of immortals and demons, it has nothing to do with us old guys, and we don't care about it. If something hadn't happened here, I don't think I would have wanted to leave my nest."

After listening to the words of King Lei Peng of Purple Power, everyone in the demon world looked slightly better. After all, in the face of pressure from both sides, it is not what they can bear at all.

"Then what are you doing here?" The Immortal Xitian Immortal Emperor said with an unhappy face.

"Oh, what the Rift Emperor said is wrong! Although you are the five emperors of the immortals, you can't control our demons anyway! Besides, this is the north. Even if I divide it by territory, it is under the jurisdiction of the Northern Emperor's weak water! You are out of power!" Fengwu, the demon of the Feng nationality, said with a smile.


"All right! Now that everyone is here, let's have a good discussion about how to solve this matter! You know, once something goes wrong, it's not what we can bear!" Emperor Yan opened his mouth to stop.

"Yandi is right. Since everyone is here, let's have a good discussion about this matter!" Ao Tian said indifferently.

The three people nodded slightly and turned their eyes to the sea under their feet.

Bloody, the tender green grass has already been stained with blood, and a cold body fell vertically in it, and the blood on the body has condensed. The silent battlefield is shrouded in a strong breath of death. The ferocious-faced fairy soldiers stared at the several people besieged in the middle with resentful eyes.

The southern blade raised his knife and killed the immortal soldiers who came up. He looked around and couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart. Yes, there are nearly 50 people brought out by myself, and there are only less than ten left at this moment, and each person is scarred. The exhausted Al is still struggling to support him. He knows that once he falls, he will never have a chance to stand up. The most physically naive man was also out of breath, holding the weapon's palm and squeezing out a wisp of bright red. Ming's movements and speed also began to decline, and the rest of the people also gradually became tired.

"Captain, you take them out, and I'll give you the queen!" Al took the lead in saying that sentence, because he knew that if it was delayed like this, none of the people here would want to go out.

The southern blade's eyes were cold, which shocked the hearts of the approaching fairy soldiers and couldn't help retreating a few steps.

"Al, listen, I brought you here, and I will take you back! Hold on, hold on a little longer, and we can go out!" Nan Jian couldn't bear to say that he knew that the so-called reinforcements would never come back.

Al smiled softly and said bitterly, "Captain, do you think I will believe your words? Don't forget, I have thousands of miles away and the wind! There is no one within thousands of miles around! Ha ha, so captain, you are still...

"Shut up! Instead of chatting here, it's better to save some energy to kill the people in front of you!" The black dagger in his hand trembled, like a viper out of the hole, plunged into a heart.

Ah! With a sad scream, countless knives and guns kept chopping on a lying body. Don't laugh for a moment, don't be chopped into a pile of meat mud. At this moment, there are only seven people left.

surrounded Al, who did not have a trace of gas, in the center. Several people at the southern blade faced the staring fairy soldiers, and a trace of despair flashed in their eyes. Yes, they know that there may be no return this time.

"Do I have to do it again? You should know that it was almost found last time, if this time, "the southern blade can't bear to look at the people standing beside him, and his expression is hesitant." Forget it, even if it is found, I won't let everyone stay here!"

A trace of determination flashed on his face, and the breath of the southern blade suddenly increased, and the surrounding fairy soldiers retreated one after another.

buzz. A slight ripple, a figure appeared in front of the southern blade out of thin air. Seeing the person coming, the southern blade couldn't help smiling bitterly.