huan xing tu

Chapter 266 Stone Breaking 3

Looking at the stone split in half by the blade of the ruling in Ming's hand, Xingji and the southern blade couldn't help but be stunned. However, the big naive person beside him urged the two to leave here eagerly, and the two stars were exactly the same idea. While the three people were about to walk towards Ming, they stared at the stone with the blade of judgment. The look on his face suddenly changed and he suddenly shouted, "Don't come here, it's still alive!"

Ming's words fixed the steps under the feet of the three people who were ready to go forward in mid-air, and the three people's eyes turned to the stone that split into two halves at the same time. I stared at it, but I saw that the stone, which had been split in half by the blade of the ruling, was squirming little by little.

Yes, the two parts of the body of the stone are slowly merging, and a little bit of metal is like ** just burned from the fire. It squirmed slowly and then fit together. Gradually, a stone with a breath of life will appear again.

"Ouch, I'm a fourth aunt! Why did that guy come back to life again?" The stunned man clapped his thick palms on his thighs. A crisp sound did not wake up.

"Chen Ji! Let's run quickly! That guy can't be killed! It can't be killed! Come on, call Ming here, and let's get out of here quickly! If we can't beat it, we can always run!"

He was completely scared by the stones and anxiously urged Xingshi to leave quickly. However, Xing Ji's eyes stared solemnly at the stones that were being resurrected little by little. He is not as stupid as being scared. The star silence can clearly feel the continuous rise of metal elements in the air. It is also this rising metal atmosphere that makes Xingji have no heart to think about big words at all. Because this metallic smell has covered the whole burial mountain range. That is to say, the whole burial mountain range has become the embodiment of a little stone. Unless you escape from this long mountain in an instant, you will always have to face a little stone. This is also the reason why Xingji did not run away as Da Han prayed for.

"What do you think we should do? I don't think we can escape at all. You also feel the metal elements that are condensing in the air, and the whole funeral mountain range has been covered by this element. That is to say, the whole burial mountain range has been integrated with some stones. Unless we escape from this burial mountain in an instant, we can't escape at all!" The star looked worriedly at the endless mountains around him and said bitterly.

The southern blade also knows the meaning of this sentence and understands the seriousness of the matter at this moment.

"Don't worry, there must be a way! You know, you were not even afraid of the sun god bird in those years! Now I'm scared when I meet this little stone! Ha ha, it will be all right!" Nan Jian talked about the past with a smile and encouraged the star silence.

Hearing the words of the southern blade, a trace of shame appeared in Xingji's heart. You should know that you have broken through the difficulties that are countless times more dangerous than now, but now you are suddenly afraid. What's more funny is that he needs a woman to encourage him like this. Thinking of this, the temperature of Xingshi's face rose rapidly, like fire.

The closest to the stone, the look on his face became more and more solemn. The blade of the ruling in his hand trembled slightly. This does not mean that Ming is afraid, but the increasingly strong metallic atmosphere makes him unable to control the blade of judgment in his hand. As long as you let go a little, the blade of the ruling will inevitably fly out of his palm.

not far away, the stones cut in half by the blade of the judgment are still fused little by little. However, what makes Ming feel uneasy is that although the body of the stone is constantly recovering. However, compared with before, the breath of life of some stones is many times stronger. In the perception of the underworld, the whole burial mountain range has been integrated with the stones. Only in this way can the small body in front of us release such a strong breath of life.

In an instant, they came to the side of Xingji and the southern blade. The cold breath on their bodies shocked the two people, and suddenly staddered in a panic.

"What good can you do? The smell of this monster is constantly increasing, and the smell of metal is getting stronger and stronger. Closing his eyes and feeling carefully, Ming's body suddenly trembled violently, and his closed eyes suddenly opened. His cold eyes were full of panic.

"No, the whole funeral mountain is being assimilated by this guy. Maybe soon, the whole funeral mountain is a huge stone!" There was finally an uncontrollable panic on Ming's cold face, and he was worried. If the ability of some stones is to metalize everything, then the consequences are beyond their imagination.

"It can actually metalize the whole funeral mountain range, which means that this stone may metalize the whole fairy and demon world. If this is the case, the consequences are beyond our imagination. Hopefully, its energy is only enough to assimilate the whole burial mountain range!" Nanjian couldn't bear to say that after all, the situation in front of them had made them at a loss. If the situation gets worse, then he really doubts the end of these people.

fell into a silent star silence and suddenly said calmly, "Whether a little stone has the ability to assimilate the whole fairy and demon world, first of all, we must get rid of him before that. You should know that our life and death are small. Once the whole fairy and demon world is metalized by this stone, we can't afford to gamble, and we can't bet whether this guy has the ability to metalize the whole fairy and demon world.

The three people looked at each other and smiled, and at the same time rushed to the recovering pebbles.

In the Arctic Sea, the venerable figures of the two worlds of immortals and demons all focus their attention on the expanding black hole. The divine consciousness cannot enter it at all. Once it enters it, the divine consciousness will be swallowed up by an abnormal energy in an instant. The venerable who suffered several losses naturally dared not look inside again.

When several venerable people didn't know what to do, an unusually strong metallic atmosphere suddenly appeared in the south of the Arctic Sea, that is, in the direction of the Funeral Mountains. Feeling this powerful metallic breath, the faces of all the venerable people suddenly became ugly.

"What is this? The breath is so strong!" Lei Peng, the eagle demon, said with some shock.

"What a strange thing happens every year, especially this year!" Ao Tian, the dragon demon, said angrily.

"Brother, do you think we should go and have a look!" Lei Pengwang said curiously, after all, the breath from there was very strong.

Ao Tian shook his head and whispered, "No, the killing spirit contained in this breath is too strong, many times stronger than Hu Zun's metal breath. If you rush forward, you will only get us into trouble. According to the order, you are not allowed to go near the burial mountains. However, be sure to send someone to see what's going on there.

Emperor Yan looked at the funeral mountain with worried eyes and said lightly, "It seems that the sky is really going to change! Rift Emperor, please go and see what's going on there.

"Yes, I'll go!" After saying that, the cracked wind of the Western Heavenly Emperor has turned into a streamer and disappeared into the sky.

Watching the immortal emperor Rifeng leave, Shura glanced at the Death Demon Lord Pluto and said, "Shall we also send someone to have a look?"

The Death Demon Lord Pluto hasn't opened his mouth yet, but he heard the star patriarch Xing Huan muttering, "I don't know what strange changes will occur on the astrolabe?"

"Forget it, anyway, the most important thing we have now is to find a way to enter the undersea black hole of the Arctic Ocean." Pluto, the god of death, said, "However, you must keep an eye on the burial mountain range. As long as there is a slight abnormality, you must return it immediately."

Shura nodded and then focused his attention on the black hole in the depths of the seabed again.

As Xing Huanduo, the chief of the star clan, has changed again on the astrolabe in the secret room of the star clan. However, this change is very puzzling.

In the funeral mountain range, the sand and dust floating on the surface slowly shook, and the earth under its feet began to vibrate violently. It seems that there is going to be an earthquake, and the whole fairy and demon world is trembling.

And several people with the Southern Blade of Star Silence became extremely ugly at this moment, and their eyes became very uneasy. Because the petite pebble disappeared, but they could clearly feel that the smell of the pebble did not disappear, but became stronger.

At this moment, the whole funeral mountain range has become the embodiment of a little stone.