huan xing tu

Chapter 267 Stone Breaking 4

The earth under his feet was shaking violently. When the settled dust was thrown again, the surface of ** glowed with a faint golden color. Although this golden color is very weak, it gives Xingji and his party an extremely uneasy feeling. Indeed, this is the metalized power of the stone. It is the performance of this power that turns the whole burial mountain into a metal mountain range. Xingji can't imagine that once the power of the stone expands, it will make the whole fairy and demon world fall into the metal world.

If the metalized funeral mountain range under your feet is a son, then the pebble as the parent body is hidden in this huge son body. At the moment when the stars were silent and several of them were distracted, the stones had quietly disappeared. Although I know that this strange guy is hiding in the burial mountain range under his feet, how can it be so easy to find an adult-sized thing in the long burial mountain range, not to mention that this stone is still hidden inside the burial mountain range?

"What should I do now? The stones have been hidden, and the whole funeral mountain range has become his incarnation. That is to say, we must face sneak attacks of stones anytime and anywhere. As a person who knows a little about stones, Nanjian is very worried at this moment. After all, the fierce name of the stone is also a frightening synonym in their world.

As a new generation of Pluto, Pluto did not speak, but just played with the blade of judgment in his hand. On the face covered with frost, a pair of cold eyes no longer stare at the changes around them all the time. And the fool standing beside him has been completely stunned by the stones. It has made everyone feel lucky to be able to retreat without dragging everyone back.

Star Silent's eyes aimed at the farthest part of the rolling burial mountain range and said firmly, "We must escape as soon as possible. Otherwise, once the stones are waiting, the whole burial mountain range will be controlled in your hands. At that time, I'm afraid we will all be buried here.

Before the words fell, Da Han said anxiously, "Then let's leave quickly!" I don't want to come here anymore. It's really terrible here. I'm a mother-in-law! Hurry up!"

"Go, go north!" Even though the metalization of the stones is constantly increasing, it can't stop the strong call in the heart of Xingshi. With the passage of time, the star silence sensed that this call became stronger and stronger, and even could not be said to be impatient. It was also because of this that Star Silence made the decision to escape from the burial mountain range to the north. He doesn't want to go back, so his efforts during this period will be in vain.

At the same time, in the Star Mountains, in the secret room of the Star Family.

A new unusually simple disk is suspended above the astrolabe. In terms of appearance, this astrolabe is no different from the original astrolabe, just like the one carved in a mold. But from the inside, the difference is much bigger.

In the original astrolabe, there are countless stars. But on the new star disk, there are only a few sparse ones. However, compared with the starlight spots on the original astrolabe, the light spots on the new astrolabe are more dazzling.

At this moment, there are six stars of different colors on the new disk. Red and gold are intertwined, releasing a strong golden light that people dare not look at; blood-colored stars as red and fire; light blue stars, feeling like water; pale yellow stars, giving people a strong feeling of the earth; in addition, there are two strange stars, one full of strong breath of life, and another One is mixed with the smell of death.

As the core members of the star family, it is ridiculous for them to know what these stars mean. Not long ago, Xinghuan, the patriarch of the Star family, said an incredible sentence: the astrolabe represents the cosmic world, and the emergence of the new astrolabe indicates that the new world has opened. Soon, this new world is bound to come.

In the secret room, there is a man sitting cross-legged, who is the best of the Star family, Xing Han. At this moment, Xinghan's eyes are like stars, staring at the new astrolabe without blinking. This is his job. Once there is any abnormality on the new star disk, he must report it immediately.

With an unexpected tremor, he saw a golden star emerging from the original disk below. And with the continuous trembling of the new disk, the golden star is moving towards him little by little.

And seeing all this in his eyes, he quickly stood up and walked out to look for the elders. However, at the moment he stepped out of the secret room, there was another change on the new star disk.

In the burial mountain range, four hurried figures rushed towards the north. And behind them are golden stone waves like undulating waves. However, in this stone wave, there are shocking sharp spikes.

"Quick, we must speed up again! The metallization of the stone is about to be completed. Once it is completed, we really can't escape." The southern blade speeded up while reminding.

"Ming, don't get entangled with these things that block us. This is the conspiracy of the stone. He just wants to use these things to delay time, so we don't have to conflict with them!" Xingji casually smashed a sharp thorn, reminding the ghost who was entangled with those strange things.

But Ming didn't seem to hear it at all, and the blade of the ruling in his hand suddenly stopped. The cold eyes suddenly looked directly at a floating stone not far behind him and said coldly, "In the name of death, I will make a death judgment on you!"

The sharp dagger shines red and blue. The two rays of light merged together to form a deep dark color. The dark light rapidly changed into the same shape as the blade of judgment and cut towards the stone.

But the stone suddenly jumped away and changed into the appearance of a stone. However, at this moment, the pebbles already have facial features and limbs.

"Hahaha, Death Harris? When Ben God was born, he was just a little doll. Give me death in his name??? It's ridiculous!"

The human-shaped stone suddenly laughed wildly. In the face of the death ruling of Ming's release, the stone did not panic at all. Instead, he waved gently, but saw a golden light, which was the same as the death ruling, appeared out of thin air and rushed away against the judgment of death.

"Haha, I was born today, and I will announce the return of my God to the world with your blood! Haha, in the near future, everything here must be God's!" The harsh sound was like frictional metal, putting several people's nerves under unprecedented pressure at that moment.

The southern blade looked at the stone that turned into a human shape in horror and said in panic, "This is the first time I've seen a stone turned into a human shape. Before that, I had never heard of it!"

Xing Ji didn't say anything, with his eyes, staring motionless at the stones. If the previous star silence is still afraid, then the star silence at this moment only has a surging fighting spirit in my heart. This is the star silence. The greater the pressure, the calmer he looks. Because he understands that panic can't solve the problem at all, but will only make the problem worse.

And Ming tightly grasped the blade of the ruling in his hand, looked coldly at the ferocious and smiling stones, and said without any emotion, "I want you to know that as long as you have life, you must be judged by the king!"

After saying that, Ming waved the blade of the ruling and rushed towards the stone.

At the same time, in the north of the burial mountain range, a figure came quickly. And this person is the split wind of the fairy Xitian Emperor who hurriedly came from the Arctic Sea.

Feeling the increasingly powerful breath, the heart of the Xitian Emperor's cracked wind was surging, and the blood in his body also boiled at this moment.