huan xing tu

Chapter 290 Strange Easter Egg

Chapter 2920 Strange Easter Eggs

The land sank into a sea, and a vast ocean that was still expanding without sight appeared on the earth under its feet without warning. And in the center of this ocean, there is a very prominent symbol - the Easter Egg Dome. Yes, this inexplicable ocean is rapidly expanding around with the colored giant eggs as the center.

Above the calm and waveless sea, there are milky white and green light spots, like a colorful rain of light. However, the light and rain in front of us was so strange, like the white light spots of raindrops. At the moment they touched the sea, they were not immediately annihilated. Instead, they turned into living organisms swimming happily one by one. These creatures quickly grew, grew and dispersed in this ocean caused by the fall of the earth.

Water plants slowly swinging with the sea, rapidly changing coral trees, swimming fish of different sizes, and in a blink of an eye, the originally silent ocean in front of us has become a paradise for living beings.

The Easter eggs suspended in the center of the ocean rotate slowly, and those light spots are sprinkled with the rotation of the Easter eggs. Everything was originally so quiet, but this tranquility suddenly shattered at the moment when a figure appeared.

"Hahaha, you can't escape the palm of your hand after all. Haha!" Dongtian Emperor Aoki stared hotly at the colorful giant egg in front of him and roared almost crazily. If you look closely, you can definitely see Aoki's eyes covered with flames.

After several emperors of the demon clan left, the three emperors of the immortal clan also decided to leave. However, in the middle of the journey, Aoki, the Eastern Emperor, left the team as an excuse.

Aoki, the Eastern Emperor, who had completely occupied his eyes by greed, did not notice at all that at the moment he appeared, the light released by this colorful egg suddenly became stronger.

"What the hell is going on there?" Looking at the sea that kept spreading under his feet, Xing Ji frowned and thought.

And the southern blade beside him was also puzzled and muttered, "What the hell is going on? The ocean is constantly expanding. I really don't know if this ocean will cover the world and devour everything.

Indeed, as the southern blade is worried, the sea under its feet seems to be like a monster that doesn't know how to stop, constantly devouring the land under its feet. If the words of the Southern Blade really come true, then there is no doubt that the final result will be that the expanding ocean will devour everything and occupy the whole world.

The idea kept expanding and tried its best to search for the opposite side of the ocean, but except for the emerging creatures in the sea, Xingji did not find any trace of anyone at all. However, just as Xingshi was about to give up the search, his closed eyes suddenly opened and stared at the distance with a shocked face.

Aware of the change in the star's expression, Nan Blade suddenly asked, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Xingji shook his head with surprise and joy and said eagerly, "No, no, just now, in the depths of the ocean, I felt the simple breath. That's right, it's him, Da Han, the breath of Xuanyuan Yujing!"

"What? "Big naive?" Hearing the name, the southern blade was also shocked, and he did not expect such a result.

Touching the colorful giant egg in his hand, Dongtian Emperor Aoki completely left everything behind. In the blurred eyes, it has been completely occupied by the colored giant, and it will not notice that the giant egg in his hand is undergoing silent changes.

A little color slowly dissipated. From afar, the huge Easter egg has completely become a pebble at this moment, but the volume is slightly larger, and there is nothing special at all. However, if you look carefully, you will find that there are a circle of subtle ripples on the surface of the Dome. And the center of this ripple is exactly where the palm of Dongtian Emperor Aoki is located.

The enthusiasm in his eyes gradually dissipated, and his expression gradually changed from the original excitement to doubt, and finally became shock. Even at this moment, there was only a strong sense of fear in the eyes of Dongtian Emperor Aoki. He didn't seem to believe that what was happening in front of him was real and struggled hard, but the result made him so disappointed. The colorful egg was like a huge stone pressing on him, making him unable to move at all.

The mouth kept opening could not make a trace of shouting, and Dongtian Emperor could not imagine that he could not control the immortal power in his body at all. The strong immortal power in Dantian is now like a flood breaking the dike, quickly escaping out. However, Dongtian Emperor Aoki was very clear in his heart that the immortal power in his body was not dissipated, but was forcibly absorbed by the huge thing in front of him.

"No!" He shouted hard in his heart, but it was of no use at all. The power in his body quickly dispersed, making his struggling strength become weaker and weaker. In the end, he resisted and accepted it helplessly.

Aoki, the emperor of Dongtian, thought that the colored egg was just to devour his power. When his power disappeared, the colored egg would naturally let go. However, gradually, Aoki Xianzun became more and more frightened. Because when the immortal power in his body completely disappeared, the color giant still did not stop its suction power.

Yes, Xianyuan power is gone, and there is blood, blood is gone, and there are veins and blood, and finally the bone marrow and even the soul,,,

In an unknown place, Nantian Emperor's heart suddenly ached, and then shouted, "No!!"

Just when both demons felt puzzled, the Northern Heaven Emperor's weak water sighed feebly. With sad eyes, he looked at the direction he came from afar and muttered, "Is this exit right or wrong?"

At the moment when the Eastern Heaven Emperor Aoki fell, the Fire Immortal and the Weak Narcissus also felt it at the same time. However, to their disbelief, Emperor Aoki did not even leave a soul transmission. That is to say, the Eastern Emperor Aoki's soul was completely scattered.

What makes the two very strange is who is the poisoner under Dongtian Emperor Aoki?

Looking at the insipid giant egg suspended in the air in the distance, the star's eyebrows suddenly locked, and his heart was full of confusion. I just felt a powerful breath, but at this moment, there is nothing in front of my eyes except the giant egg.

Is it wrong to feel it? Doubtful in his heart, the star walked slowly towards the Dome. And the southern blade behind Xingshi suddenly came a strange feeling in his heart,,,