huan xing tu

Chapter 291 West Tiger Current

Chapter 291 The West Tiger Clan

The giant egg suspended above the ocean has completely become ordinary and has no gorgeous colors. From afar, it's just a big pebble. However, from this huge egg, there came a feeling that the star silence could not calm down. Yes, this feeling is very familiar and profound. Feeling this familiar feeling, a figure appeared in the star silence's mind - Da Han, who is also a descendant of the Xuanyuan family, Xuanyuan Yujing. However, Xingji did not understand why there was a big naive atmosphere in this huge egg, that is, Xuanyuan Yujing.

The frown frowned slightly, and Xingji, who kept thinking in his heart, did not notice the southern blade beside him at all, and the expression on his face changed rapidly.

Doubt, the first thing that appeared on his face was endless confusion, and Nanjian was very confused about this sudden feeling. According to his idea, the source of this feeling can't be here at all. But the closer and clearer breath made him have to believe that everything he perceived was true.

"West Tigers? How can there be their atmosphere here? At the same time as doubting, Nanjian's heart was also extremely shocked. You should know that coming to this fairy and demon world has violated the laws between the cosmic worlds. But at this moment, the southern blade can clearly feel that the powerful breath of countless Western tigers is rushing towards where they are. Their target was himself, and the southern blade was very clear. Thinking of this, he looked uneasily at the contemplative star silence beside him and gently bit his lips.

"I must not implicate him. If the West Tigers see me with him, they will kill him without hesitation. But now, if I leave like this, will he think that I,,,,," worriedly thought that the southern blade was very embarrassed and didn't know how to choose. If you leave and face the strange giant egg, you don't know what kind of difficulties the star silence will encounter. But if you don't leave, then when the West Tiger arrived here, the star silence can't escape for their own reasons. What should I do?

And the star silence completely immersed in the Dome did not notice the embarrassed look of the southern blade at this moment.

A picture full of countless voids, with circular voids close to each other. Looking from afar, it looks like a beehive, a strange object composed of countless holes. However, no one can imagine such a strange thing, that is, the overall appearance of the black hole world. The world of black holes is really composed of these voids. And the space where the star silence is located is just one of these countless voids.

In a certain void, a cold figure looked coldly at everything around him. He held a blood-red sickle in his hand and fiercely chopped the meteorite that hit him. The underworld, the master of the underworld, is constantly hitting the obstacles in front of him.

"Star silence, wait for me! Be sure to wait for me!" While the words fell, the blade of judgment in Ming's hand broke a stone again.

And in the space where the star silence is located, the four figures stood tightly together, looking at everything around them in fear, motionless. However, if anyone sees the faces of these four people, they must be shocked. Because these four people are at the peak of the immortal and demon world: Emperor Yan, the controller of the immortal clan, and Emperor Lei, Emperor Zhongtian. The other two are Shura, the killer god of the demon clan, and Xinghuan, the patriarch of the Xingchen family. Four pairs of eyes, looking at everything around in horror at this moment, no one made any movement.

"Yandi, what do you think we should do now?" Although he was very reluctant, Shura had to ask.

Emperor Yan's expression was very solemn, and he didn't know how to answer Shura's questions. It's not that he doesn't want to answer, but that he doesn't know how to answer.

"Sura, I'm afraid that His Majesty Yan can't tell the mystery. If you can block the time for me, maybe I can guess what it is," the worried look of Xinghuan, the patriarch of the Star family, has the excitement that no one else has.

"Really:?!" Shura, the god-killing demon, couldn't believe it. After all, what he saw in front of him was really strange.

"Although there is no complete certainty, there is also a possibility of * points." Taking a deep breath, Xinghuan said firmly.

"Well, it's better to let go than wait here! What do you think? Emperor Yan!" Shura, the god-killing demon, resolutely said. He glanced at Emperor Yan and said with a smile, "Emperor Yan, are you afraid?"

Yan Di smiled leisurely and said, "Xura, do you think that people like you and I who have cultivated to such a level will still be afraid of death! I'm just thinking, what exactly are these things we see in front of us?

Around them, there is a picture that they don't understand at all. Dispersion, aggregation, explosion, scattering, cohesion, rebirth, death, in a word, everything is intricate and there is no clue at all.

Hearing Emperor Yan's words, Shura looked at the picture around him and said, "Xinghuan, what do you think is around us?"

Xinghuan's voice trembled a little, but it echoed in the ears of several people very clearly: "The changes in the cosmic world!"

The Western Tiger clan, dozens of figures galloped in the sky of the fairy and demon world and flew rapidly to the north. The leading person is the white tiger, the patriarch of the Western Tiger clan. With the unconcealed heat in his eyes, he looked anxiously at the north and desperately urged the people around him to accelerate.

"The patriarch, the smell of Nanqing, the exiled princess of the Nanchi nationality, was found around that thing, and his subordinates were worried..."

Fengzun Baihu said coldly, "No matter who is next to that thing, that thing must be the same. Pass the order and rush there as soon as possible at all costs!"

"Yes, I'm going now!"

Looking at the north, Fengzun Baihu said fiercely, "No matter who dares to block his way, he must die!!!"

In the east of the fairy and demon world, a fiery red figure is also rushing towards the north. The rosefinch god, the guardian beast of the Nanchi clan, not only sensed the breath of Nanqing, but also felt the traces of the Western Tiger clan, which were rushing north.

"White Tiger, how dare you!"

The immortal meteorite is still so calm, and there is even a strong killing atmosphere in the calm. After a wave of air, two figures appeared in the fairy meteorite.

"Water Saint, how long has it been since we came here?"

"Emperor, if I remember correctly, it should be almost 100 million years!"

The emperor looked around with confused eyes and said deeply, "Almost, soon!" Fast! I just don't know if there will be another 'fairy meteorite' in this fairy and demon world this time!"

Hearing the words of the emperor, Shuisheng couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in his heart. He can't forget what happened here 100 million years ago: blood flowed like a river, life is like grass mustard, fairy and demon fall,,,