huan xing tu

Chapter 311 Lei Wuji

Chapter 3yi Lei Wuji

In the Dome, Emperor Lei looked at the person in front of him with excitement. Lei Wuji, others may not know who the person in front of him is, but as the emperor of the fairy and demon world, how can Emperor Lei not be familiar with this name?

There is a purple light around, and the majestic eyes flashed with a frightening feeling. When Lei Wuji appeared in the giant, the thunder and lightning around him suddenly became much more docile. Like a pet, the electric snakes slowly surrounded Lei Wuji.

Looking at the thunder emperor who fell in front of him, Lei Wuji nodded slightly and said, "Get up!" What is this place and why is there the breath of the source of heaven and earth here?

"To return to the ancestors, this is the interior of a huge egg. As for the source of heaven and earth mentioned by the ancestors, I don't know why? Lei Di hurriedly replied, and his body was still trembling slightly. After all, standing in front of him is not only his ancestor, but also the controller of thunder and lightning in the three worlds, the god of thunder and punishment.

Hmm. Lei Wuji gave a gentle hum, and his purple eyes glanced at everything around him. He gradually frowned and asked, "How can there be such a strong power of the earth and the sea here?" Is it the Xuanyuan family? However, if it is the Xuanyuan family, why can there be pure wooden power besides the power of the earth and the power of the sea?

Listening to Lei Wuji's muttering words, Emperor Lei hurried forward and said, "Ancestor, this giant egg is indeed a descendant of the Xuanyuan family, but it seems that the immortals of the Qingmu clan have also fallen here."

Lei Wuji nodded and said, "No wonder, but why is the source of heaven and earth here?"

After a moment of silence, Lei Wuji suddenly said, "Is it because,," Lei Wuji's eyes suddenly flashed a purple light, and the purple light pierced the depths of the Dome like a sharp sword.

Although the purple light is a little weak, it also vaguely presents the deep scene. There, a flash of purple light shines with a little light. It seems that there is an object there, but because the light is a little weak, I can't see what it is.

"Ancestor, what the hell is that?" Looking at the unbelievable look on Lei Wuji's face, Lei Di asked puzzledly. What can surprise his ancestor, the God of Thunder Punishment?

Lei Wuji said solemnly, "That's fate, the fate of the universe!"

Although he didn't understand what Lei Wuji's words meant, when the five words of the fate of the universe entered his ears, Lei Di couldn't help trembling. What is the fate of the universe? It can actually control the fate of the universe.

In the black hole space, the white tiger ignored the tragic situation created by the silence of the universe and flew straight to the giant egg in the center of the space.

The source of heaven and earth, the wind and white tiger felt the breath of the source of heaven and earth from the crack above the Dome. This time, the ultimate purpose of Fengzun White Tiger's adventure from the divine world to the fairy and demon world is the source of heaven and earth.

Before coming to the Dome and feeling the breath of the source of heaven and earth flowing out of the Dome, Fengzun White Tiger couldn't help but be excited. As long as you can get the source of heaven and earth, then Fengzun White Tiger can achieve the goal in his heart.

"After all, the source of heaven and earth is the original. As long as I can get the hand, I will be able to get rid of the shackles of fate and transcend fate. Hahaha, at that time, everything will be under my control. Fengzun Baihu smiled unscrupulously, and then his figure shook and entered the Dome.

Just as the white tiger entered the Dome, the silence of the universe raging in the black hole space was like a beast that got rid of the bondage, crazily tearing the black hole space that had already been on the verge of collapse.

Hmm? Lei Wuji, who was thinking about it, suddenly turned his eyes to one side, because he felt a very familiar breath from there. It's him, Feng Zun White Tiger.

"I didn't expect this guy to come here. However, why is there no breath of Water Holy Green Dragon, Earth Emperor Xuanwu and Fengshen Rosefinch? Where did they go? Lei Wuji said puzzledly, then looked at Emperor Lei and continued, "Get out of here first. However, I don't know where you should go. After all, I'm afraid there is no pure land now.

"I don't understand what the ancestor means?" Lei Di didn't understand why Lei Wuji said that, and he didn't understand what he meant in his words.

"Fate has come, and I'm afraid no one can get rid of the shackles of fate. All right, get out of here quickly!"

"Yes!" Although he didn't understand, Lei Di still resolutely obeyed Lei Wuji's arrangement. He bowed deeply to Lei Wuji, and then left quickly in the direction indicated by Lei Wuji.

Just after Lei Di left, Fengzun White Tiger appeared in front of Lei Wuji.

When he saw Lei Wuji, Fengzun Baihu was stunned first, and then relieved. After all, he understands that the source of heaven and earth is ** for their gods, but he doesn't understand why the water saint Qinglong and the earth emperor Xuanwu have not been traced yet.

"Lei Wuji. I didn't expect you to move faster than me! Ha ha, how's it going? Have you found the source of heaven and earth? Feng Zun Baihu said with a smile.

Lei Wuji looked at Fengzun White Tiger and said, "White Tiger, do you think you can get rid of the shackles of fate as long as you get the source of heaven and earth?"

"Ha ha, Lei Wuji, this is not what you should care about. Also, do you also want to intervene in the source of heaven and earth?

Shaking his head gently, Lei Wuji's eyes threw into the depths of the Dome, a distant place. Then he turned his head and said, "I won't interfere with the source of heaven and earth, but..."

"But what?" The smile on his face disappeared in an instant, and Feng Zun Baihu's eyes also became sharp.

"However, although I won't interfere with the source of heaven and earth, I'm afraid you won't get it."

Huh? Lei Wuji, what do you mean? Fengzun White Tiger roared, and his murderous spirit soared in an instant.

"You will understand right away!"

As soon as the words fell, Lei Wuji's hand instantly appeared his own weapon - Lei Punishment Order!

At the moment when the thunder penalty order appeared, the thunder and lightning dancing in the whole Dome were like wires attracted by a huge magnet, all rushing towards the thunder penalty order. A small thunder penalty order is like an unfillable gully, and the whale swallows all the thunder and lightning.

Looking at the increasingly strong purple electric light, Fengzun White Tiger suddenly roared in panic: "You are crazy! What the hell do you want to do?"

"The arrangement of fate, the location of the mission! Bai Hu, don't you know my title except my name?

Suddenly shocked, Feng Zun Baihu gritted his teeth and said, "Thunder Punishment God! Do you want to punish me? Don't think that I have been beyond the shackles of fate, and you can't punish me!"

"Haha, then I don't know! White Tiger, your fate has already been doomed! Chaos thunder punishment!"

The thunder penalty order in his hand slowly rose and suspended into the air, and Lei Wuji suddenly turned into a purple electric light and drilled into the thunder penalty order.

Whey! The thunder penalty turned rapidly, and a violent energy accumulated rapidly. Feeling the energy contained in it, Fengzun Baihu roared angrily, "What a madman!"

After saying that, Feng Zun White Tiger suddenly turned around and flew towards the crack of the Dome.

At the same time, a voice came from the thunder punishment order: chaotic thunder punishment fell, and everything in the world began!

Boom! A violent muffled sound came from the Dome, and the Dome, which had already been full of cracks, shattered. At the same time, the already porous black hole space also shattered and collapsed in an instant. Without the bondage of black hole space, the silence of the black universe roared out.