huan xing tu

Chapter 312 Difficulties of the Three Worlds

Chapter 32 Difficulties of the Three Worlds

There was a muffled sound, and then a violent airflow came from behind. Even if he tried his best to resist, the figure of Fengzun White Tiger still fell from the sky. Fengzun White Tiger, who fell to the ground, still had a strong fear and unwillingness on his face. He didn't expect that as the most mysterious god of thunder punishment in the Protoss, he would give himself such a big "meet gift" as soon as he met.

Ah! He roared angrily, and his blood-red eyes looked at the gray air mass with hatred. That's where the Dome exploded. The Dome is gone, and what appears there is a gray. And the source of heaven and earth hidden in the giant egg also disappeared without a trace at this moment. That is to say, Fengzun White Tiger's trip to the lower world is completely bamboo basket and water, and there is no harvest. Why didn't such a result make him angry? However, when feeling the energy contained in the loud noise behind him, his unwilling expression was also mixed with unconcealed fear.

"Is this really my life?" Thinking of what Lei Wuji said before and looking at the results he got at this moment, Feng Zun Baihu's heart was a little shaken. However, this wave was soon swallowed up by the raging silence of the universe.

The fragmentation of the Dome did not completely offset the power of the chaotic thunder. The chaotic thunder that rushed out of the bondage of the Dome also took an extremely violent impact on the already devastated black hole space again. Just as the energy of Chaos Thunder hit the edge of the black hole space, the black universe silence also took the opportunity to launch its strongest blow. It seems that the silence of the universe also understands that this is his only opportunity to get rid of the shackles of black hole space.

Hiding in a hidden corner, the water saint Qinglong and the earth emperor Xuanwu quietly looked at what happened under their feet. The Dome was broken, and it had become a fog, gray fog. Feeling the power of thunder and lightning when the Dome broke, the two shook their heads helplessly.

Fate! Fate has made such an arrangement!" Shuisheng said with a wry smile that he and the earth emperor Xuanwu have been guarding against the wind and white tiger. But I didn't expect that it was the god of thunder punishment that had been unknown that really expanded the disaster, and I didn't expect that the appearance of god of thunder punishment was so sudden, and his decision was so abrupt.

Fate is sometimes so surprising! Even in the divine world, few people know that the thunder punishment god suddenly appeared in the fairy and demon world and made a more surprising decision. Ha ha, I really don't know,,, I really don't know what fate will make next!" Looking at the black hole space that is in danger and may collapse at any time, the earth emperor Xuanwu said worriedly.

Thinking of what was going to happen next, Shuisheng Qinglong smiled bitterly and did not say anything, but looked at it quietly.

In the Dantian world, the whole space trembled rapidly because of the anger of the star silence. The anger in his eyes exploded, and the dome was shattered, which also indicates the complete disappearance of Xuanyuan Yujing, who is expected to become an adult. And the place where the Dome is located is now a piece of gray, and I don't know what's in it.

The idea moved and rolled down a gray gas from the top of the space world, which was left behind after the giant egg broke. Xingji didn't know how many gray fog there were. He only knew that it took a long time for this gray fog to enter his own space world.

"Star Silence, you see,,,"

Looking in the direction pointed by the dark, the screen shows the current situation of the black hole world. But see that the silence of the black universe flows like a trapped beast, crazily impacting the bondage of the black hole space.

Boom, boom, boom!

A deafening sound, not only the whole black hole world is trembling, but also the Dantian space where the star silence is located is trembling slightly.

Kakaka! A rapid sound, then like the sound of glass breaking, the whole black hole world instantly broke into countless pieces. And the black cosmic silence flow rushed out like a fierce beast out of trouble.

After the silence of the black universe, it was the angry and fierce white tiger.

Following the silence of the universe, Fengzun Baihu said hatefully, "Since I can't be the master of the world, there is no reason to leave this!"

While the words fell, Fengzun White Tiger, together with the silence of the universe, rushed out of the collapsed black hole world and rushed out.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Yan, who stood behind Xingshi, suddenly said in panic, "It's not good! The fairyland is not closed!"

Over the Arctic sea, the soldiers of the West Tiger family who still follow the orders of the wind and the white tiger are still sticking to their posts.

With a crash without warning, a column of water soared straight to the sky, followed by the black cosmic silence. Feeling the terrible power contained in the silence of the universe, all the soldiers were stunned.

Ah! A sad scream broke the silence of this moment. Before a soldier closest to the silence of the universe came to his senses, he was swallowed up by the black giant current and lost his soul. The tragedy of this soldier made the rest of the people wake up. However, when they hadn't thought of how to resist, the sound of the wind and white tiger came from the depths of the seabed.

"Don't panic!"

Wow, the figure of Fengzun White Tiger instantly appeared over the Arctic Sea, with fierce killing, angry flames, and staring at the world in front of him like a knife.

"Let me destroy the world! The silence of the universe proves that it's time for you!"

Boomed, the silence of the black universe made a trembling sound from the bottom of the heart, and then turned around and rushed to the fairyland. Any creatures that come into contact with this black current, whether plants or animals, instantly disappear and dissipate in the air.

The silence of the universe flowed, and everything turned into nothingness, leaving only the laughter of the wind and white tiger that made the world tremble,,,

"I didn't expect this black giant stream to be so powerful! Star Silence, what should we do? At this moment, even the emperor, who had no reaction to life and death, couldn't help but be angry. After all, where the universe is silent, it can be said that there are no bones. If it is not stopped, it won't be long before the whole fairy and demon will be defined as a dead silence.

And before Xing Ji could answer the question raised by the Pluto, he heard Xinghuan's shocked shouts.

"Master, look, there,,,"

Looking in the direction pointed by Xinghuan, everyone's bodies couldn't help trembling again. Xingji smiled bitterly and muttered, "It won't be so fast, will it?"

"Fantasy Star" is about to be completed, and Lei's new book will be uploaded on New Year's Day. I hope everyone will continue to support it!

The name of the new book is "Soul Breaking the Star Dome", and the theme is: I am not a golden scale, but I can also turn into a dragon.

Let's watch Ray tell you a different story of soul fighting!!

Please look forward to it!! 1