huan xing tu

Chapter 313 Nine Stars

Chapter 3, one, three, nine-star beads

raging, the silence of the black universe has completely become a warcraft that devours everything. After the black torrent passes, it leaves a desolate place that exudes death. However, the so-called controller, Fengzun White Tiger, only slowly followed this black disaster.

Looking at the dissipation of another team of lives in front of him, Feng Zun Baihu's face showed a cruel smile, and it seemed that only at this moment would his face change a little. Feeling the growth of the silence of the universe again, his laughter echoed unscrupulously between heaven and earth.

The fairy and demon world is like the end of life at this moment. The tragic situation described in the Shura field and hell is no longer the same as the current fairy and demon world.

Perhaps because of the silence of the universe, the three forces of immortals and demons in the fairy and demon world have also formed an alliance to jointly resist the invasion of the black torrent. However, their resistance is so pale and powerless in front of this increasingly powerful violent energy.

When life died, it died in the rolling black torrent, leaving no trace. Perhaps, the only thing left is the trace of power condensed into the air. The power of milky white, green, gold, earthy yellow, red, blue, and various colors converge in the sky, and more. In the end, these gathered forces even formed a rainbow across the sky.

With the continuous invasion of torrents, the places where the survivors of the fairy demon clan can live are also constantly shrinking. Some people even quietly opened the passage to the human world and fled there. Although I don't know if the silence of the universe will be able to get there one day, at least not yet. Being able to live one more day is the only idea in the hearts of those fugitives.

Compared with the fairy and demon world that is suffering from the disaster, the silent Dantian world is simply a quiet and peaceful paradise. Of course, except for the lack of vitality.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were completely dull, and even Xingji couldn't believe that what happened in front of them was true. Not long ago, the new source nucleus awakened into a new planet - the fairy star. At this moment, the remaining two source nuclei also suddenly awakened. As a result, it was the gray fog left after the explosion of the Dome, which was absorbed into the world of Dantian by the star silence.

buzzed, and the two source nuclei trembled rapidly. With their trembling, three energy bands of different colors were separated from the gray fog. A dark green, which contains a fresh and comfortable plant smell. The color of the other two strands is a little close, both of which are blue, but one is darker, and the other one is slightly lighter. However, although there are some differences in color, the power contained in it is the power of water. Just like their color differences, the two water forces are also slightly different.

The water power of the lighter color is so pure without any impurities. The water power with darker colors doesn't feel like that. Not only is it not so pure, but it is very complicated. Among them, there is the breath of life, the breath of death, Mu Yuanli, Tuyuanli, Xianyuanli, etc., which are always very complex.

Three energy bands, running to the three source nuclei respectively. The water power with lighter color and purer texture is running to the already awakened Mercury. Their arrival made the long-awaken Mercury absorbed crazily. Compared with those planets that have already grown up, the faint color also begins to change gradually with the continuous replenishment of water power. At the same time, it is the continuous growth and evolution of this Mercury that the air in the Dantian world has become much more moist and no longer so dry and hot.

The remaining two energy bands rushed to the remaining two source nuclei.

"I didn't expect to have three-strand power!" Feeling the power of the different attributes contained in the three energy bands, the emperor said with emotion.

And Emperor Yan's body trembled violently. When he seemed to confirm something, he suddenly bent his knees and knelt down to the ground, towards the place where the dark water force poured.

"He is...," Emperor Yan's behavior raised a lot of confusion in everyone's hearts. What on earth is going on? As a fairy, how could he act like this?

Everyone's surprise did not seem to let Emperor Yan stop his movements and respectfully worshipped the source star core three times, and then got up and explained, "You don't know that this power is the power of the ocean and the symbol of the Xuanyuan clan of the immortals."

"Wait." The king of purple lightning and Leipeng suddenly interrupted and asked, "Isn't the symbol of the Xuanyuan clan the power of the earth? Why did it become the power of the ocean?

Hearing the question of King Leipeng of Purple Power, Emperor Yan shook his head and said, "You don't know that the Xuanyuan clan, as the founder of our immortal clan, is not just the power of the earth. The power of the earth is controlled by men of the Xuanyuan family, while the power of the ocean is controlled by women. If I say so, I think you will be able to understand! Whether it is the power of the sea or the power of the earth, it is the symbol of the Xuanyuan family.

"Xuanyuan Yujing, Xuanyuan Yujing," Xingjing muttered the name, and the Pluto beside him also fell into meditation.

The volume of the gray fog dissipates rapidly, from which a force is constantly pulled out, and then absorbed by planets with matching attributes. Gradually, Mercury seems to have reached a saturated state, and the rich water element can actually compete with the fire power emitted by Mars.

At the same time, the other two source nuclei have also completely awakened, constantly absorbing energy consistent with their own attributes, and constantly evolving,,,

When the last ray of element contained in the gray fog was absorbed by the awakened source nucleus, at this moment, the nine source stars were also completely awakened.

"All nine source nuclei have finally awakened!" Looking at the nine source stars with different colors and breaths, the silent figure slowly rose. To give others the impression that the star silence is a sky, a sky above their heads.

"In my name, give you a new name: Jupiter."

"In my name, your new name: Ocean Star."

The nine source nuclei have become nine new planets at this moment. Nine planets are suspended in this vast Dantian space.

Taking the sun god bird as the starting point, they are: the golden Venus made by the stones, the green Jupiter awakened by the wooden power transformed by the fairy Dongtian Emperor Aoki, the pure blue Mercury of the water element, the unusually violent red Mars of the fire element, and the fairy demon meteorite. The earthy-yellow Saturn turned from the soil, the star of life full of life, the death star with the breath of death mixed with the breath of life (the undead star), the fairy star awakened by the energy of the immortal southern emperor's departure from fire and the northern emperor's weak water, and the unevolved power of the sea. The star of the ocean.

Nine planets are lined up in turn, forming a different landscape in this vast Dantian world.

And when everyone's eyes were focused on the nine planets, a bright light suddenly brushed over the world of Dantian and then turned into nothingness. But as the master of this world, I suddenly felt something in the heart of Xingjie. Shining with different brilliant eyes, looking at the distant distance. He felt that something was rushing towards here.

"What the hell is it?" Xing said puzzledly.