
Chapter 308

Qing Rouer patted the table and shouted angrily, "Then why have I never drunk this wine, and these two girl not only drank it, but also often?!!"

"...I thought you didn't have any bad hobbies!"

"You are addicted to gold, and then I will become a bad hobby?" Qing Rouer said angrily, "It's obviously bullying me alone. You wait to provoke me again. I'll take you away first, and then sell those two girls to the brothel!"

"...didn't I take it out and share it now?" Zhuo Tian touched his nose and said, "Is it like this for a bottle of wine?"

"As for! What's your stupid head thinking that I don't know?!"

Zhuo Tianxiang bowed his head and said no to the mouse of a cat.

The people around the hall nodded secretly... It's no wonder that this guy is weak and incompetent. This lady is also good enough. She should be bullied a lot on weekdays. Maybe the man's character and temperament were also cultivated the day after tomorrow.

The red slave suddenly stood up, walked to Tang Feng's table, and smiled at the four people.

Zhuo Tian blinked his eyes and thought to himself that this girl should not do anything arbitrarily? Does Qingrouer, a dead girl, think that things have not caused enough? ...It was mostly instructed by her.

It is estimated that these four unlucky children will be guilty again in a moment.

Without waiting for invitation, the red slave sat down and reached out to touch Wang Zezhong's injury.

"Oh, I hurt you... That stinky boy is also nosy. We have a drink with four of your brothers, and he also takes care of his own business. It's really a dog with rats."

"Hmm! When I can't see it?" Wang Zezhong gritted his teeth and said, "That boy also fell in love with that beautiful woman and was jealous of us. He should know that we are not easy to provoke! When our master comes, we will call him good-looking!"

"Do you still have a master? What kind of person is he?"

"Hmm, our master can go to heaven and earth, call for wind and rain! He is..."

Tang Feng interrupted Wang Zezhong and said, "Lao San, don't talk nonsense!"

The red slave held Wang Ze's hand with his tender little hands, shook it and said, "Tell me, the family is easy to imagine you, but don't you know that he accepted female disciples?"

Wang Ze's bones were almost crispy. He only felt that the beautiful woman's jade hands were warm and smooth, and he couldn't help holding them tightly.

"Of course I will accept it. My master is an elder who steals the door!"

I wipe it, steal the door?

Zhuo Tian remembered that he had acquaintances, Guo Qiansui... but he had been pinched to death by the golden armor demon, and his empty-eating beast came from that sect!

The news of this sect is really well-in-apparent. Where can there be a secret treasure?

Tang Feng's face is a little ugly, but Wang Zezhong has said that there is nothing he can do.

Hongnu smiled and said, "My wife wants to invite the four of you to taste the wine together. I wonder if you would like it?"

The four people were overjoyed, and even Tang Feng's face eased. They looked at Qing Rouer from afar and saw that although the stunning woman was vomiting with the boy at this moment, she added a little more coldness. She was lowering her eyes, and her long eyelashes were particularly touching.

"Okay! OK!" Four people connected.

Zhuo Tian sighed secretly... Can you provoke Qing Rouer? I can't even provoke her! What on earth does this dead girl think? Is it necessary to destroy my good deeds and force me to take action?

When the people in the restaurant saw that the four people had just been taught a lesson and were still injured, they couldn't help shaking their heads secretly.

Four people came over happily. Even the wounds on their bodies did not seem to hurt much.

This table is a large table, but it can only seat eight people.

Kou Quan shouted to Zhuo Tian: "Go and sit at another table!"

Zhuo Tian didn't say a word, stood up and left. He said to himself, Qingrouer, aren't you a dead girl trying to cause trouble? I don't take action even if I kill you. I don't believe you will make four unscrupulous people mean to you! ...The one who sells sunstone won't come back, will he? No, is there still an accomplice of the killer in black on top of the restaurant?

Scanning at the restaurant, there were still several empty tables. As he was walking over, he was suddenly pulled by his clothes.

It was the little boy who ate with the woman in blue.

"What do you do?" Zhuo Tian smiled.

"Come here!" The little boy said.

"Aren't you hate me?" Zhuo Tian said with great interest, "Why do you want me to sit here now?"

"Alas!" The little boy sighed like an adult and said, "I understand you now. It has something to do with marrying a female tiger as your daughter-in-law, right? And the tiger is still confused with other men in front of her husband... I pity you."

"Alas!" Zhuo Tian patted the little boy on the shoulder and sat down and said, "The front car is overturned!" Take the uncle as a lesson! When you grow up, you must recognize people and not let the tragedy repeat..."

"Well, you're right. Strength is very important." The little boy nodded solemnly and said, "If you were also a fairy and better than them, your daughter-in-law would not have been close to those people."

"Oh, children know a lot!"

After Zhuo Tian sat down, he went to look at the woman in blue opposite.

The appearance of this woman in green is indeed more incommensurate with her dress. She is very enchanting and touching. In a blink of an eye, she seems to have thousands of amorous feelings. She is not like an ordinary woman at all. Although she is not as good as a fraction of a red slave, her charm is far better than that of a red slave. She saw Zhuo Tian sit down and didn't say anything, but drank slowly with a drink.

"Is this your mother?" Zhuo Tian asked the little boy.



I heard the woman suddenly say, "If you sit here, sit quietly, or get out of here."

Zhuo Tian smiled and said, "I won't ask."

With slanting eyes and sweeping away with the afterglow, I saw that Tang Feng and other four people were already talking and laughing with the red slaves. The bracelet and the hairpin wanted to stand up and walk away several times, but they were stopped by Qing Rouer and could only sit there aggrievedly and drooping.

The four people of Tang Feng became more and more bold, and their words were more fearless.

"All four of our brothers have not married yet. It's too late to meet the four beautiful women today. I don't know if we can still get into your eyes?" Tang Feng laughed.

"Okay!" Qing Rouer smiled and said, "Well, I think the red slave is a good match with this Wang Zezhong!" I can also be the betrothed to Liu Shihai and Kou Quan... It's just that I have a husband, and I can only end up guarding the cowardly husband's depression. They have been married. Who can look at me!"

Tang Feng said urgently, "I don't dislike it! I still feel that the little lady is so beautiful as a fairy!"

"...but I have a husband!"

"Just ask him to divorce you!" Tang Feng smiled gistly and said, "Otherwise, I will kill him!"

On this side, the little boy quietly said to Zhuo Tian, "It's over. Now not only do you have a good relationship, but also your daughter-in-law belongs to someone else..."

Zhuo Tian sighed and said, "Kid, we are sick together. Do you also like the girl in red?"

"I don't like it now." The little boy said.

"Why?" Zhuo Tian teased him and said, "Is this child also playing with you since you were a child?"

"The woman I like can only like me, but she likes everyone!"

Zhuo Tian sighed and said to the woman in blue, "This child is too early..." They ignored him.

At this time, I don't know what else he said. Tang Feng shouted to Zhuo Tian from afar: "That boy! Now your wife doesn't like your coward and wants to divorce you! Don't pester her anymore! Otherwise, I will smash you into ten thousand pieces!"

Zhuo Tian rolled his eyes and said, "You don't have to forcibly break up other people's loving husband and wife. This matter must be told by her!"

Qing Rouer seemed to compete with him. She sincerely wanted to force him to take action and said, "I'm willing to follow him. If you have some backbone, come and grab it!"

Zhuo Tian said, "That's it! From now on, we will be passers-by!"

Qing Rouer turned pale with anger and said hatefully, "Okay, that's it! You rogue are so ruthless that you don't even care about hairpin bracelets!"

Tang Feng was overjoyed and said, "Little lady, let me go!"

Qing Rouer said, "What's the hurry! It's not too late to drink for a while and then leave!"

On this side, the little boy said to Zhuo Tian, "You are really neat... But it's okay if you don't want such a daughter-in-law!"

Zhuo Tian smiled and said, "That's right, why does a man have no wife? Maybe he will lose this marriage, and in a moment, my other fate will come again! Don't you think so?"

The little boy curled his lips.

At this moment, I heard the sound of the stairs below, and then the voice of the shopkeeper who had come up said, "Dear everyone, our restaurant has recently changed its owner. In order to thank you for your support, the owner added two pots of wine for each table for free, one dish!"

Everyone looked back, and Zhuo Tian also followed him and couldn't help but be stunned.

Why did she come here?