
Chapter 309 Star-like sweetheart

Everyone looked back, and Zhuo Tian also followed him and couldn't help but be stunned.

Why did she come here?

Zhuo Tian was shocked. He was afraid of being recognized and quickly turned his head and lay half prost on the table... The beauty who followed the shopkeeper of the restaurant was like annihilation! Why did she come here?

The others were all bright in front of their eyes. A woman dressed like a flower and was extremely sexy and charming stood at the top of the stairs, and everyone felt dry.

This woman is comparable to the appearance of the little lady of the cowardly man, but it is more enchanting. The breath of the ** mature young woman is more attractive than that of Qingrouer. Her eyebrows are like spring, her eyes are flowing, she is still shy, and her clothes are also very bold, white embroidered with jade edges. The breasts reveal half of the snow-white and plump breasts. It's okay not to walk. When they move, they tremble and attract infinite reverie.

Even Tangshan's group of people were stunned. There are such women in the world who can** all sentient beings!

The red slave and the new young woman are basically the same type of woman.

But compared with her, the red slave is simply a hairless hen standing in front of a colorful and beautiful phoenix that is proud of the world, and the gap is simply 108,000 miles away.

Tang Feng and the four of them couldn't help standing up.

Listening to this beautiful woman's eyes, she smiled without saying a word and said, "Guest officials, the shop has also reopened. If you come back, you will be regarded as a regular customer. You should visit me more in the future..."

The voice is soft, sweet and beautiful, with infinite tenderness. Hearing everyone's ears as if they were their lovers in their own ears, quietly saying love words to themselves, many people blushed and almost answered

Zhuo Tian hugged his head and felt a headache: this woman actually used the soul sound of Yulingzong. What does she want to do?

Suddenly, Xing Ruyu seemed to notice something. Suddenly, he moved to the big table of Qingrouer and Tang Feng, carefully looked at the things on the table, narrowed his eyes and looked carefully at the eight people on the table, but they did not know.

Tang Feng only felt that his heart was pounding and his mouth was dry. He stammered and asked, "This...Madam, what's the matter? Xiaoke... is the thief Tang Feng.

Xing Ruyu smiled, nodded on Tang Feng's forehead, and smiled, "What madam? I haven't got married yet!"

Tang Feng blushed with excitement and said in a trembling voice, "I... have never been married!"

Xing Ruyu bent her eyes with a smile and said, "What does it have to do with me whether you are married or not? Do you still want to pursue me? I just don't know if you have the ability!"

Tang Feng said, "I'm down... I want to try..."

The little boy here has been very excited since Xing Ruyu appeared. Zhuo Tian secretly wondered, is this child really so mature? Do you fall in love with Xing Ruyu again? But I immediately knew I was wrong.

I heard the little boy shout, "Sister Xing, don't listen to that guy. He just forcibly occupied someone else's daughter-in-law. Now, she is the most beautiful girl at her deskmate!"

The little boy actually knew Xing Ruyu, and Zhuo Tian suddenly realized that he felt so familiar with the look of the woman in blue at his desk. It turned out that he was also a desire-killing sect! ...This child is also a true believer? What are you doing when you are so small?

Xing Ruyu turned around and saw the child and smiled, "Little kid, did you pull Sister Tao out to relieve your idbite again? Always sneak out and see if I go back and don't spank you!"

Zhuo Tian is about to bury his head under the table.

Tang Fengwen stammered, "Don't listen to that child! It's just a joke, it can't be true!"

Qing Rouer has also been looking at Xing Ruyu. Seeing that this woman is really beautiful, she was furious when she heard Tang Feng's words. What this man said clearly means that her appearance has been compared with this new beauty?! This is what the woman cares most about. She suddenly stood up and lifted the table away.

"Oh, such a big temper!" Xing Ruyu smiled and said, "Don't be angry. I won't rob your man. I haven't seen it yet... Moreover, hee, besides, he has a love one. He is much better than you. In comparison, it's like a dragon in the sky and a centipede in the mud on the ground... Hee, sister-in-law Mother, you don't have a good vision!"

Tang Feng and other four people were very embarrassed. They thought that this beautiful woman was affectionate and interested in them, but they didn't expect to be evaluated as garbage without mercy.

The red slave crowed for his young lady and said, "If you brag, you will praise your crush. Don't you know that you are a pearl, but in the eyes of others, you are like a broken brick!"

Xing Ruyu sighed, "Unfortunately, he is not here, otherwise I will ask you to see if I am bragging... I smelled the smell of Zhuguoxian wine and thought he was also coming!"

asked again, "This Zhuguoxian wine is not local. It seems to be in the Black Emperor City on the opposite side of the ocean. Where did you little girls come from?"

Everyone in the restaurant was shocked!

Is there wine only available in the mainland? Could it be that these four women are practitioners?

When Chier saw that Xing Ruyu said Tang Feng was worthless, she had a good impression of Xing Ruyu, but she had the intention to hide it for Zhuo Tian and said, "Recently, there have been a lot of novelties selling things in the city. Today, I also saw people selling sunstones. According to the seller, it is also from the mainland opposite the ocean. This wine is also my son. It cost a lot of money to buy it from the people who came from the side!"

Xing Ruyu saw that the little girl was young and very cute. She didn't expect to lie and laughed, "Your son? Who is it? Here?"

Cai'er said, "I have just been retired by my young grandmother, and now the young grandmother has followed this fairy!"

Speaking of Tang Feng, she hated Qing Rouer very much for leaving them here to listen to the frivolous words of the four Tang Feng, and taking the opportunity to tell this to the beautiful woman in front of her, which also humiliated Qing Rouer.

Sure enough, Qing Rouer turned pale and looked at the caret with hatred.

"It turned out to be a fairy!" Xing Ruyu shouted softly, "Is it so amazing?"

Tang Feng's face only replied at this time, and his self-confidence also came, and he said proudly, "Exactly! How about it? Can it be compared to your love?

Xing Ruyu shook her head with a smile and said, "It's still not as good as one, one is the dragon in the sky, and the other is the earthworm on the ground... That's already praises you very much. You robbed someone else's daughter-in-law, but when you see me, you immediately become ruthless. You stinky man!" With that, he pointed to Tang Feng's forehead and smiled, "Don't walk out of this lucky building today!"

Zhuo Tian heard it secretly and laughed. It seems that Xing Ruyu has been murderous... When did she also start to do chivalry things?

He didn't know that Xing Ruyu hated the heartless man in the world most because of his father and mother's affairs.

After saying that, he ignored Tang Feng and others and walked towards the little boy's table with a smile.

The little boy poked Zhuo Tian happily and said, "Do you see it? My sister Xing is angry with you! I guess there will be a good show later!"

Zhuo Tian lay on the table and buried his head in his arm.

Xing Ruyu sat down at the table with the eyes of everyone in the hall and smiled, "Little kid, did you eat well today?"

"It's okay, but it's much worse than at home! Sister Xing, when did you have a good-heart? I heard from you that my future brother-in-law is a great hero!"

"Hee hee, that's natural."

The woman in green had stood up, stood there, and shouted, "Uncle!"

Xing Ruyu pointed with a smile, "Sit down... Who is this person?"

The little boy laughed and said, "This man is the husband of the most beautiful girl over there. He has just been robbed of his daughter-in-law by the immortals, and his wife also took him away. When I saw him pitiful, I let him sit here."

"Oh, look up and let me see."

Zhuo Tian refused to look up, and the little boy forcibly pulled him up with his ear.

Xing Ruyu was shocked at first sight. After a while, she then said happily, "It turned out to be you?"

Zhuo Tian's bitter face grinned and said, "It's me..."

"Why did you come here?! What about Smurfette and Yiyi? Isn't it with you?" Xing Ruyu's eyes were bent with a smile, and he held Zhuo Tian's head in both hands and looked at him carefully.

"They are all very good. I didn't come here for Mr. Gao... Well, it's your father, waiting for him to come back here."

Xing Ruyu knew that the iron-faced ancestor Gao Tongxuan had been severely damaged and needed colorful vein lotus to return to his original cultivation. Although he hated his father, he was deeply affectionate. Seeing his filial piety, he couldn't help but hug him and kissed him a few times on his lips.

The little boy has never seen his sister star so intimate that he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Sister Xing, who is this person?"

Xing Ruyu held Zhuo Tian's arm tightly, a little boy's forehead, and smiled, "What I just said... Did you forget it so soon?"

The little boy said in disbelief, " this the flying dragon you said? A great hero?!"