
Chapter 310 Rholy Beat the Immortals

Xing Ruyu held Zhuo Tian's arm tightly, a little boy's forehead, and smiled, "What I just said... Did you forget it so soon?"

The little boy said in disbelief, " this the flying dragon you said? A great hero?!"

Xing Ruyu smiled and said, "Who else can he have?"

The whole second floor of the restaurant is listening. They are looking at each other. How can they not believe that this bastard but very cowardly and incompetent person is the sweetheart of this enchanting beauty? ...Why does this boy have such a beautiful blessing? The women in love are indeed blind, and such waste materials are actually praised by her like this?

Zhuo Tian himself was stunned and couldn't believe his ears. He opened his mouth wide and stared at Xing Ruyu.

Xing Ruyu tidyed up his hair and clothes, lay in his ear and whispered, "Bad boy, I'm fighting for your face. Don't take it seriously!"

Qing Rouer wanted to force Zhuo Tian to reveal his identity as a practitioner. Although he could think about it, he still felt uncomfortable to be despised by the crowd. Xing Ruyu's behavior satisfied the man's vanity. Zhuo Tian was happy and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

He reached out and grabbed Xing Ruyu's face, grabbed it twice, and smiled, "Why are you here?"

"Of course I came to see you, otherwise what else can I do for?"

Zhuo Tian smiled and said, "For good, my daughter-in-law has retired me, otherwise you won't make a lot of trouble when you come home like this? Now it's finally done. Come on... kiss!"

He pouted his mouth. Zhuo Tian originally wanted to shine on Xing Ruyu's cheek, but Xing Ruyu also put his mouth up.

Zhuo Tian was at a loss and kissed him. He only felt that Xingruyu's lips were soft and comfortable. Suddenly, he felt her lilac tongue leaning over and teasing her tongue in her mouth... Zhuo Tian's head banged, and he was dizzy in an as if he couldn't remember anything. Coming.

"Oh! This is not your bedroom... There are still children here!" The little boy grinned and protested.

In a blink of an eye, I saw Zhuo Tian sitting there in a daze after separation, with red faces and red ears, and even his neck changing color. I couldn't help but be very strange. Didn't this man take the initiative to kiss the star sister? Why are you so ashamed after kissing?

Xing Ruyu smiled and squeezing Zhuo Tian's arm tightly, so that half of the snow-white breast* room exposed outside was transformed.

The green softer over there sat back on the chair again.

The four people of Tang Feng looked at it in a daze for a while and felt extremely angry: This stinky boy has no virtue, no talent and no appearance. Why is he so happy? Not only did he marry such a beautiful wife... Unfortunately, such a beauty has been ruined by him, and three beautiful girles can hook up at any time; now there is suddenly such a charming and charming lover to make out in public? Why didn't God kill him with a thunderbolt?!

Suddenly, Tang Feng laughed, and the more he laughed, the more energetic he became. In the end, he almost covered his stomach and smiled.

The rest of Wang Zezhong, Liu Shihai and Kou Quan looked at each other and laughed.

Xing Ruyu smiled and asked, "What are you laughing at? Are you happy to be reunited with my heart and my heart? ...Your heart is so good. I'll have to see it later."

Tang Feng stopped laughing, came over and said, "Is this what you call the dragon in the sky?"

"That's right!"

"Why do I look worse than my earthworm? What's the point of a person like him living in the world? Why don't I break this dragon into two pieces and see if he can still live? Tang Feng smiled ferociously and said, "Stand up!"

Zhuo Tian sat there sighing and frowned.

"You! What's the matter again?" Xing Ruyu kissed Zhuo Tian and said, "What are you sighing?"

Zhuo Tian said to Tang Feng, "Do I have a grudge against you?"


"Do I owe you money?"


"Have I hooked up with your daughter-in-law?"

Tang Feng said angrily, "No!"

Zhuo Tian shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands, and said helplessly, "My daughter-in-law has also been hooked up by you, and the girls in Laozi's house have also been frivolous by you. I have been insulted by you, but I still swallowed your anger, but you are still looking for me with your nose... Are you sick?"

"Hey, I just don't like you. What's the matter?" Tang Feng forced him up and said with a ferocious smile, "What can you do to me?" Come and hit me!"

Tang Feng's murderous intention has arisen and is ready to kill Zhuo Tian in one fell swoop. According to his mind, isn't killing a mortal as simple as stepping on an ant?

But he saw the gangster suddenly jump up and punched him in the nose.

Tang Feng sneered in his heart and was ready to grab the bastard's hand to tear off his two arms first, and then slowly torture him to death.

However, his grasp of spiritual power failed... The gangster's hand seemed to shake and fixed his eyes, but there was no change, but his hand scratched it as if it was grasping in the air, and his arm seemed to be nothing.

Then, he was punched heavily on the nose.

Normally, mortals tried their best to punch the practitioners, but it was just like tickling the other party... But Tang Feng received this punch, as if he had been hit hard by a hammer and fell on his back.

When he struggled to get up again, everyone was stunned.

Tang Feng's face was stained with blood, and his original sharp nose has now become as high as his cheek... Simply put, it was this punch that smashed his nose into a touch of meat mud.

Tang Fengsu came from his beauty and beauty. At this moment, he felt that his skull seemed to be cracked. When he touched it, his nose was gone.

"Ah! My nose!" He roared and couldn't believe it was true.

While being crazy, he suddenly saw that the gangster jumped up again. He didn't know when there was an extra black brick in his hand and patted it down on his forehead... Tang Feng could be brought here by his master, and naturally he also had his extraordinary features. He quickly released his spiritual protection in a panic. Cover your body and fly back at the same time.

But the little gangster's action seemed to be indescribably fast, and his spiritual shield seemed to be just a thin soap bubble, and the brick was firmly patting on his forehead.

Tang Feng rolled his eyes and fell again, and this time he couldn't climb up again.

If you are an ordinary practitioners, they still have some rules and professional ethics. At this time, the victory and defeat are divided. If you want the other party's life, you will be killed directly; if you don't want the other party's life, you will worry about your identity and stop taking action.

But Zhuo Tian was an alternative. He rushed over, rode on Tang Feng's body, waved the bricks and bowed left and right, and cut it more than a dozen times against his head. Then he jumped up and kicked Tang Feng, who seemed to be dead again, and spit.

The people in the hall were stunned.

Listen to Zhuo Tian said, "Fuck you, you finally pissed me off! I have been fighting in the underworld for so long and countless fights, but I can't beat you?! How dare you call it a fairy? Ruffian can do martial arts, and immortals can't stop it! Damn, if you don't have this knowledge, how dare you come out?"

In fact, anyone can see the process of Tang Feng's spiritual protective shield breaking. At this time, who dares to say that this bastard is not a realist?!

A senior qi practitioner was killed in an instant, saying that it was bricks and martial arts. What about fooling ghosts?

Wang Zezhong, Liu Shihai and Kou were all stunned.

The upstairs suddenly became chaotic, and some practitioners were naturally calm, but many of them panicked and ran downstairs.

"It's not good! Killed!"

"Go and report!"

Xing Ruyu stood up and smiled and said, "My girl's restaurant has just opened, and now I have died. How can I do business in the future? Alas... I'm worried!"

Suddenly, a bag appeared out of thin air and became huge, covering the exit of the stairs. Those mortals all escaped into the bag unconsciously, as if they were running down the stairs in their eyes.

At this time, there were still more than 20 people left on the second floor, sitting at their desk, and they were also a little surprised.

"Is there anything else you want to leave?" Xing Ruyu smiled and said, "If you want to run for your life faster, or you won't have that store after passing through this village!"