Chaotic Thief

Chapter 34 Chapter 35 Changes of Xie Yunsheng

"Are you two looking for this? It's a pity that someone is going to disappoint you!" The man did not get up and lay on his back and looked at Chen Ying contemptuously.

"Brother, be careful, this man is He Yixiong, the owner of Jinling City!" Hong Kexing ran over when he heard the sound. As soon as he saw the man, he knew that there was trouble.

"If you come, you don't have to leave. Leave it for me." He Yixiong said, stretched out his finger a little, and a tragic green aura flew out of his fingertips, gradually turning into a baby staring into a pair of horrible eyes, floating towards the two of them.

Hong Kexing said strangely at first sight: "What kind of spell is this? Can it still change into a human form?"

"No, get out of the way. That's the third place of cultivation, the aura transformation!" Chen Ying suddenly flashed an idea and immediately thought that what He Yixiong used was not a spell, but the third overlapping spirit essence of the real realm, the transformation of the spirit. As the previous mother scriptures once said, the essence of this form of aura can already be used as a separate spell in the realm of cultivation, and the huge aura condensation Hundreds of spiritual seals are gathered and scattered all over the body. When you attack people, they emit extremely compressed aura through various spiritual seals, which is very terrible.

Hong Kexing patted his hands, and the black wind spit out from the palm of his hand and blew on the green baby, but he was waved by his little hand, and the black wind turned into invisible.

When Chen Ying saw this, she punched it out, as heavy as a mountain, as continuous as a long river, boom! The ground hit the baby, and a huge force smashed it into pieces.

"Good kung fu!" He Yixiong was not surprised to see Chen Ying's punch. His hands bounced one after another, and more than a dozen miserable green babies popped out one after another. This time, the baby also had a silky white flame, and a coldness filled the whole room in an instant.

"Dodge!" Chen Ying pulled Hong Kexing behind him. The first type of the ten-style burial of demons was hit in a cycle of five magic-free moves, and his body rushed with a phantom, banging... Five punches scattered five babies in a row, and the remaining five still flew to the two through Chen Ying's fists.

"It's so cold..." Although Chen Ying scattered five in this round, the unique ice cooling in the five babies' bodies deeply invaded his body. Looking at the five babies who were about to bombard him, he quickly took the black bamboo out of his body and waved a fan in front of him. Stacked in front of you.

The five babies opened their mouths, but they couldn't make a sound, but it could be seen from the expressions on their faces that they were very angry and danced with their hands, trying to block them through the aura released by the black bamboo. This slightly relieved the numbness of the lower body, and Chen Ying rushed forward and smashed them one by one with five punches in a row.

He Yixiong was even more surprised. He didn't expect that so many aura babies would be blocked by a teenager on the other side. He had no choice but to pop up more than a dozen babies from his fingertips and fly towards Chen Ying.

"Is it over? Do you want to change to a new China Merchants Bank? I know that this move is useless to my eldest brother, and it's endless. Hong Kexing shouted on the opposite side.

He Yixiong can't do anything about it, and no one has passed on other spells to him. The original magic weapon has not been refined into a spiritual weapon, and it is useless. Now under this kind of emotion, this is the only trick that can work a little.

Chen Ying was no longer in a hurry. First, she rushed up and punched five babies, and then used black bamboo cloth to make a group of aura to block the remaining five. When her body recovers, she will go up and solve the rest quickly...

Seeing that it failed again, He Yixiong popped out ten from his fingertips and flew up with himself, kicking his legs on Chen Ying's head.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ying ignored him, but focused on repeating the movements to break up the ten babies one by one, and He Yixiong's flying legs also kicked him on the head fiercely. Dong! After a dull sound, a piercing pain came from his leg and involuntarily hugged his calf and shouted.

Chen Ying took the opportunity to punch his abdomen. He Yixiong didn't have time to hide and bombard! With the couch behind him, he hit the wall and turned into a piece of wood. He Yixiong stared at the fist hole in his chest in disbelief and stared closely. A mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, and his eyes could not move to die.

"Brother, you are so bad." When Hong Kexing saw Chen Ying beat He Yixiong to death, he felt that his vision was superior.

"Is this the thing?" Chen Ying came forward and took out the green jade wall from He Yixiong's hand and looked at it carefully. The jade wall was cool, with a hexagonal pattern printed in the middle. Other than that, there was nothing unusual.

"Big brother, show me."

Hong Kexing excitedly grabbed the jade wall, squinted at the moonlight outside the window for a while, and said happily, "I know what this pattern is."

"What is it?" Chen Ying asked.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be a transmission array layout graphic. After the volume of magic skills I got, there is a transmission array method, which is very similar to this figure.

"Transmission array? So according to this pattern, the transmission array can lead to a certain place, and maybe that is the real treasure place. Chen Ying thought for a little and came to a conclusion.

"It must be right, but it is said that in addition to refining an item with the imprint of the place of transmission, it also needs some ethereal stones. If that item is not unexpected, it should be this jade wall, but the ethereal stone is a kind of extraterresist divine stone, which must be more than three masters of the heavenly realm, which takes endless time. It is not very rare that infinite magic power can be pulled down from the extraterritorial starry sky, but the price is a little expensive. I'm afraid we can't afford it. Hong Kexing said with regret.

"How much money do you need? We must find a way to buy the ethereal stone. At that time, maybe the destination will give us a big surprise!" Chen Ying blinked her eyes and a slight light came out of it.

"Look at this pattern, the number of ethereal stones should be at least six, or twelve, eighteen, etc. It depends on the distance of the road. Each piece of ethereal stone needs 100 pieces of spiritual stones." Hong Kexing Road.

"What is the lower spiritual stone?" Chen Ying asked strangely.

"Brother, you don't even know this? How did you get this cultivation..." Hong Kexing couldn't believe that Chen Ying didn't even know this common sense.

"Don't ask about these questions. Let's leave here first and tell me more about it on the way." Chen Yingdao interrupted Hong Kexing's words and pulled him up. The black bamboo rose into the air and flew out of the city with a yellow light.

"Brother, this spirit stone can be divided into three types: top-grade, middle-grade and lower-grade, which are generally produced from spiritstone mines around the world, but most of these spiritstone mines are generally graded, with fewer middle-grades, and top-grades are even more scarce. We practitioners can also condense spiritual stones by themselves. However, the divine realm and the real world can only condense the lower quality. The heavenly realm can condense the middle grade, and the Wanhua realm can condense the supreme spiritual stones. However, if you condense with aura, the speed is too slow and too much affects the speed of cultivation, so in addition to some poor people No one wants to waste time to condense the spiritual stone. For example, I can condense up to one piece a day, and I heard that two can condense three pieces a day. If the two of us want to buy an ethereal stone, it will take a long time..."