Chaotic Thief

Chapter 35 Changes of Xie Yunsheng

"Don't worry about this. It's business to leave quickly!" Chen Ying had seen a large number of armored soldiers pouring out of the city owner's house below and rushed towards her side. The two said no more. Chen Ying tried their best to protect the black bamboo. In the night, the guards on the ground only saw a yellow light flying straight to the sky and lost their trace in a blink of an eye.

Chen Ying deliberately flew around before falling down. Seeing the house under her feet, it should be a small village. At this time, it was quiet. The two easily rushed to the land temple. Chen Ying patted her chest and felt that the jade wall was still there.

"Brother, do you think there is any way to get the spirit stone quickly?" Chen Yingdao.

"This is not easy. Generally, a large number of spiritual stones are in various places. It is basically impossible for us to get them. Unless we can find some natural treasures or something, we can buy them at a good price at auction. Whether this kind of thing mainly depends on luck, it doesn't mean that you will have it if you want it. Hong Kexing shook his head

"Auction?" Chen Ying thought about it carefully. There was really nothing good about her. After thinking about it for a long time, she suddenly remembered something. Chen Ying condensed a ball of Xuanyin real water from her body and said to Hong Kexing, "Do you think this thing is a treasure of heaven and earth?"

Hong Kexing looked at it for a long time and said, "I can't see where you got this thing?"

"This is a kind of ** aura condensed by my unique skills, but I can guarantee that there will never be a second person in the world who can do it. In terms of scarcity alone, it may also be a kind of natural treasure.

"In this case, I'll take you to Biluoxuan to have a try tomorrow. If so, we can get enough spiritual stones soon." Hong Kexing said excitedly.

The two ran with all their strength, and after a moment, they returned to the land temple. As soon as they stepped into the door, they saw Wednesday tied with ropes and fell into the corner.

"Who is it?" Hong Kexing is facing a humane standing in the shadows.

The man slowly walked to the two of them without saying anything, and stared at Chen Ying.

"Brother Xie? So it's you. Why are you here? Only then did Chen Ying see that the person who came out was Xie Yunsheng in the outer gate of the Shimo Palace.

"Brother Chen, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect that your kung fu has progressed to this extent. Even He Yixiong's three people are not your opponents." Xie Yunsheng said coldly.

"So you have been following us." Chen Yingdao.

"You can't say that. That thing is what I'm bound to get, but I didn't expect that it would be known by the people of the Shimo Palace so soon and sent you, an acquaintance." Xie Yunsheng's expression was gloomy and seemed to smile, and Chen Ying felt uncomfortable for a while.

"Do you know what that is?"

"Yes, I also hope that Brother Chen can return it to me. I will never forget him."

Hong Kexing shouted aside, "What are you? What are you? What we two brothers desperately got, and you want to go there in one sentence? You think too much of yourself as a person!"

As soon as the words fell, a little beast flashed from Xie Yunsheng's back and grabbed Hong Kexing's heart. Get out of here!" Hong Kexing shouted loudly and kicked his leg to kick it away. Unexpectedly, the little beast transformed and dodged this leg and still grabbed his heart.

Chen Ying knew that he could not stop it with Hong Kexing'sgong fu, so he dared to block his eyes and let the little beast grab him.

"Squeak..." An extremely harsh voice came from under the claws of the little beast. Xie Yunsheng's eyes widened and he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

Seeing that this blow was unsuccessful, the little beast grabbed a few claws in a row, and still only scratched a few pieces of broken clothes. As soon as it arrived at Chen Ying's flesh, it was as if it had caught a stone, and it couldn't even be pierced.

"What kind of skill are you? How can your body be stronger than mine?" Xie Yunsheng's face was ferocious. He shook his arms to lift his breath, shouted loudly, and stood in front of Chen Ying like a human-shaped beast in an instant.

"Brother Chen, pick me up a few tricks. If you beat me, that thing can be counted as your share, but if you lose, naturally I don't need to say more."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Do you still want benefits after we have? Daydreaming, right? Hong Kexing shouted.

"That's right, I will participate in losing the game. If you don't have me, you don't have to think of any benefits. Believe it or not, come on, Brother Chen, take me first!"

Xie Yunsheng roared like a beast, and his hands with a strong wind blew at Chen Ying at the same time.

Chen Ying had the intention to try the real power of the world without demons, so she also punched Xie Yunsheng. The two met, and their fists collided with each other. In an instant, the two were shot out at the same time.

click! The shabby land temple was knocked out of two big holes, and the bright moonlight penetrated into the temple from the outside, as if there were two more moons in the temple.

"Good boxing! Pick me up a few more tricks." Xie Yunsheng seemed to be crazy, picking up the dust all over the ground and rushed to Chen Ying. There was no gentle and elegant temperament when Chen Ying first saw him at the outer gate of the Shimo Palace. At this moment, Xie Yunsheng's form is not much different from that of an untrained barbarian beast.

Chen Ying didn't have much time to think about it, and fought back with all his strength. The two of them turned into two dark shadows and couldn't help fighting in the forest. The fists and shadows flipped over. From time to time, there was the sound of banging against each other. At this time, the small tree outside the land temple was also unlucky. From time, one of them was broken into two pieces, or simply bombarded by the remaining strength of the two people.

Hong Kexing just quietly watched the fight between the two, his eyes flashed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.



The little beast around Xie Yunsheng seemed to know the master's intention and looked attentively at the scene in the field, looking up to the sky and roaring from time to time.

"Brother Xie, stop it. You are not my opponent." Chen Ying suddenly jumped aside, dodged Xie Yunsheng's leg, and said quietly.

Chen Ying's body was still intact, but her clothes had more holes and scratches, which became more ragged. Xie Yunsheng's body not only had loose clothes, but also had some black marks on his chest, which seemed to be stained with large blood stains.

"I'm not convinced! Why am I still not your opponent? Chen Ying, I, Xie Yunsheng, will knock you to the ground sooner or later and beat you hard. Xie Yunsheng went crazy and roared up to the sky, so he ran away from here quickly. There was a roar all the way, as if there was a herd of beast galloping in the distance. The little beast saw that its owner had left, waved his claws at Chen Ying, and also jumped, and lost his trace.

"What a fast speed!" Chen Ying and Hong Kexing were amazed when they saw this situation.

"Brother, what is this person from? Looking at what you are talking, is it really your brother?" Hong Kexing asked.

"In the past, the two of us did practice together in the outer gate of the Shimo Palace, but now, I am no longer a member of the Shimo Palace. As for him, it seems that he is no longer." Chen Yingjing said quietly.

Hong Kexing didn't seem to understand and didn't ask much, so he followed Chen Ying back to the temple.

After untied the rope on Wednesday, Chen Ying saw that he was sleeping and had no panic and worry after being tied up.

Chen Ying shook her head and sighed, "Your boy's life is really interesting." With that, he walked to the corner, lay on Hong Kexing's bed, closed his eyes and meditated.