Chaotic Thief

Chapter 348 Zurong condensed by purple jade

Zhu Hongzhi watched the teenager stand on the mountain in distress and watched Li Qiurong disappear at the foot of the mountain, and then returned to the hut disappointedly.

The teenager and the old man with the white beard practiced magic called the ancestral dragon, which is a spell to derive the divine dragon with the energy of heaven and earth. The teenager seems to be very stupid. He can't learn it after practicing in the mountains for several days, and condenses a powerful dragon like a small loach.

Li Qiurong has also been here several times in the past few days, but the teenager did not know that a man practiced the ancestral dragon in the bamboo forest behind the house, and did not notice that there was a person behind him who looked at him for a long time.

Zhu Hongzhi was anxious for a while and couldn't wait to remind the teenager, but he tried his best to shout, but he couldn't shout a word. He could only open his mouth like a mute.

That day, Li Qiurong came up from the bottom of the mountain again, but this was a surprise. As soon as he ran halfway up the mountain, he shouted, "Hey, the person above..."

The teenager heard Li Qiurong's voice and ran out of the bamboo forest in a panic. He stood on the top of the mountain and saw her standing there with a smile on her face.

"Why haven't you come up these days?" The teenager asked.

"Well, I don't have the leisure time to come to see you. I came to you this day to do me a favor. Would you like to?" Li Qiurong said.

"Of course I do!" As soon as the teenager heard it, he nodded desperately for fear that Li Qiurong would not admit it.

As a result, Zhu Hongzhi saw that his feet tripped and rolled down as soon as he rolled, he couldn't help screaming, but Li Qiurong laughed and moved his lower body slightly to stop the teenager.

"Fool, why are you so stupid?"

At this moment, Zhu Hongzhi suddenly felt that there seemed to be a piece of light in the sky. An infinite light curtain fell violently, pressed himself down, and then fell into a coma.

"Fool, wake up!" Halfway up the mountain, the middle-aged man saw that the apprentice he had chosen had been sleeping in the room and couldn't help pushing him up and pushing him around. The young man still did not respond. Finally, he couldn't help stab him with a sword on the buttocks, which woke him up.

"Fool, I'll teach you how to practice today." The middle-aged man sighed.

"Good." Zhu Hongzhi woke up from his dream and seemed to be stupid again.

"Cerivation is divided into six realms: God, Cultivation, Tongtian, Wanhua, Heaven and Man, and Chaos. What I'm going to give you today is a spell in the divine realm, which is used to attract the energy of heaven and earth into the body to refine the decadent body.

After saying that, the middle-aged man gave Zhu Hongzhi a detailed skill. Zhu Hong only kept that, and did not nod or say anything, which made the middle-aged man really want to slap him.

"Do you understand!" The middle-aged man frowned and asked.

Zhu Hongzhi looked up at him slightly and moved slowly with his hands. It was exactly the purple jade formula that the middle-aged man just talked about to refine the energy of heaven and earth.

With Zhu Hongzhi's stiff movements, there was nothing at the beginning, but within a moment, the middle-aged man was shocked to see a small amount of earth energy introduced into his body and refined into a trace of purple aura by the purple jade formula.

Zhu Hongzhi seemed to be dissatisfied, but still did not speak and condensed desperately there until he filled his body.

Middle-aged people have been paying attention to his movements. Day and night, they watched a person who stepped into the cultivation world for the first time and had just learned the purple jade formula, and simply replenished the purple jade aura to the top.

"Genius!" This word suddenly appeared in the hearts of middle-aged people. Although Zhu Hongzhi looked a little stupid, he couldn't stand his talent.

"Okay, good disciple, you work hard today. Let's practice tomorrow." The middle-aged man folded Zhu Hongzhi's shoulder and ordered a list of handymen to bring some food for Zhu Hongzhi to satisfy his hunger.

When Zhu Hongzhi began to eat quietly, the middle-aged man returned to his residence happily. Although the food delivery servant looked down on Zhu Hongzhi, he did not dare to express his attitude clearly.

"Brother, how many senior sisters may pass by here later? Do you want to go and say hello?" This handyman is here to frame Zhu Hongzhi. There will indeed be several senior sisters passing by, and their appearance is also very noble, but each of them is not good. If this fool flirts with him, he is likely to be directly taught a lesson.

But Zhu Hongzhi still condensed the purple jade aura as soon as he ate. Although the purple jade aura in his body had reached its peak, he still did not notice it.

When the handyman saw that he ignored him, he did not dare to force his hand to pull. He cursed in a low voice and cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks on the ground and left here.

However, he walked in a hurry, but he did not see a purple light flashing in Zhu Hongzhi's hand behind him, and then a lively purple dragon emerged, waved his head and tail in the air, and finally flew quickly to the back mountain.

After this purple dragon, Zhu Hongzhi still kept condensing the purple dragon, but one purple dragon after another was condensed by him and sent to the back mountain one after another.

Not long after, a man came from behind and shouted angrily.

"What do you mean, are you demonstrating to me? Is it possible that a good apprentice will no longer pay attention to us!" The man stood outside the middle-aged man's door and shouted loudly.

"Zhou Ling? What do you mean? The middle-aged man came outside and looked at the man doubtfully.

"Wang Feng! Why have you been bombarding Ziyu at my house? Do you want to assassinate me secretly?" When this man saw the innocent expression of the middle-aged man, he was even more angry.

"Do you think I'm going to beat Ziyu Zhenqi to you?" Wang Feng, a middle-aged man, looked surprised and looked at Zhou Ling and didn't know what he wanted to do.

"Don't admit it? OK, do you dare to follow me to have a look? Zhou Ling said angrily.

Wang Feng's eyes turned and suddenly thought of the fool he had just received today. He also knew the purple jade formula. Is it possible that he really made this purple jade angry?

Thinking of this, although Wang Feng felt that it was unlikely and did not want to be entangled in detail, he leaned over Zhou Ling and saluted him with embarrassment.

"Brother Zhou, it's really not right. Just for a moment, my hands were itchy and I released a few things randomly. I didn't expect to happen to hit Brother Zhou's residence. I'm also a little embarrassed." Although Wang Feng apologized, he didn't think much in his heart.

"Just admit it. I'm going to see the master tomorrow and let him deal with this!" Zhou Ling stared at Wang Feng, full of pride, and no sense of urgency when he just came.

Wang Feng sent him away randomly and eagerly ran to Zhu Hongzhi and opened the door. Sure enough, he saw him sleeping inside. * Gently pressed on his chest and found that the original purple jade aura had suddenly disappeared.

"Apprentice?" Wang Feng shouted slightly, but Zhu Hongzhi ignored him and slept more soundly.

Seeing this situation, Wang Feng stopped calling him, gently closed the door, and then cast a spell around to isolate the hut, so as not to make him sleep.

At this time, Zhu Hongzhi entered the dream again. The teenager in the dream was walking with Li Qiurong, as if he had come to a desolate village.

The people in this small village are all closed, and only a few green smokes come out of the rooms. Occasionally, a few children cry and immediately sink down, as if they had been covered by someone's mouth.

"Qiu Rong, what is this place?" The teenager looked nervously at this quiet place.

"I don't know, but I heard that it has not been very peaceful recently. It seems that something is causing harm here. If it is removed by us, it may be rewarded by the inner door." Li Qiurong said this, his eyes were shining, and he had seen infinite benefits piled up beside him.

"Okay, I'll listen to you. I'll do whatever you ask me to do." The teenager pondered for a moment and finally nodded solemnly. His body also took the opportunity to get much closer to her. Standing next to her, a good fragrance lingered beside him. For a moment, his mood was like spring flowers blooming.