Chaotic Thief

Chapter 349 Return of Domineering

Zhu Hongzhi was also the most sober at this time, but he didn't know what he would look like after waking up. He always thought that it was just a dream, and everything in his dream would disappear when he woke up.

He watched the teenager and Li Qiurong enter it together. After walking for a short time, there was another teenager in front of him.

Zhu Hongzhi was stunned. He saw that the two teenagers looked exactly the same, but the new one was black, while the original one was yellow.

"Where did you two come from?" The young man in black asked.

Li Qiurong stepped forward angrily and shouted at the young man in black; "It was you who drove away the people in this village?"

"I didn't catch up with them. It's just their own fault." The young man in black shook his head.

"That doesn't work either. Someone came to our Demon Palace to plead, saying that you occupied their house, and the two of us came to arrest you!" Li Qiurong stabbed him with a sword. The sparkling sword turned into a cold light and stabbed the young man in black, but before the sword reached him, he found that the young man in black had jumped into the air and counterattacked her with one punch.

"There is no law, hegemony for thousands of years! Let me show you the experience of my boxing!" The fist of the young man in black was like a star hitting in the air, and his speed was unusual, but Zhu Hongzhi couldn't help trembling with that momentum.

"What a strong momentum. How good it would be if I could learn such a punch!" Zhu Hongzhi's right fist changed slightly, showing a huge bone hand, imitating the fist of the young man in black, but he could never hit it.

Li Qiurong saw that the young man's fist in black was slowly hitting him, and he was still laughing at his slow speed, but in a blink of an eye, he found that he could not move and watched his fist hit his head.

"The formula of Zulong's transformation!" The young man in yellow saw that the situation was not good. With a slap, a yellow loach flew out of his palm and hit the young man in black in the air.

"Is this the style of your Demon Palace? Unexpectedly, I still have the face of two fights and one. I won't play with you!" The young man in black suddenly changed direction in mid-air, jumped in one direction, landed and galloped away.

Zhu Hongzhi was sighing that he had not learned this domineering boxing. Suddenly, he saw the change of scenery in front of him, and he had come to the top of the teenager in black.

"I'm so angry that I didn't expect that there were two Taoist masters to force me. What should I do? There are big treasures in that place." The young man in black panicked on the ground. He was nothing but worried about the treasure under the ground.

"Well, when I raise my fist to another level, I will kill the two of them together, and then take the treasure and fly away to see who can catch up with me!"

The young man in black jumped to the top of a big tree, and then climbed up with several trunks until he finally stood at the top of the tree.

Zhu Hongzhi felt that no matter how high he climbed, he would finally be above him.

Not long after, a sun appeared in the eastern sky. Zhu Hongzhihun didn't expect that it was noon just now, but now it's morning again.

The young man in black took out a thin fist from his arms and carefully spread it to the ground.

Zhu Hongzhi looked from above and was surprised to find that it was Naba Boxing Jing. He hurriedly opened his eyes and followed him to understand

With the slow rise of the sun, Zhu Hongzhi probably had a little foundation in his heart, but the young man in black did not understand something. He had been thinking about it, and his fists waved slightly, as if he were looking for some trajectory.

Zhu Hongzhi had already seen that he didn't understand, and he was still laughing at him in his heart. He had the intention to give him a few instructions, but he knew that 80% could not hear his words.

After a while, the sun finally rose to the sky, and the young man in black also came down from the tree, no longer felt the mood in it, and began to slowly go there.

The closer they get, just as the young man in black was cautious, Zhu Hongzhi had seen from above that the young man in yellow and Li Qiurong were ambushed at the intersection in front of him.

"It's not good!" As soon as the young man in black arrived at the intersection, he immediately felt something wrong, but without waiting for him to retreat, he saw a yellow loach flying head-on and hit him to the ground in an instant, and the loach suddenly burst.

With the yellow air in the sky, a sword light pierced his heart in an instant. Li Qiurong stood in front of him with a smile on his face after the sword light.

"Sister Qiu Rong, your swordsmanship is really bad, and you killed him all of a sudden. It seems that you can get a reward from the sect." The teenager in yellow looked at Li Qiurong with gentle eyes.

"It's not me, it's the two of us." Li Qiurong waved his hand.

The teenager in black only struggled slightly on the ground, and then slowly recovered his eyes and there was no more breath.

"Let's go back to the Devil's Palace. I will definitely tell the stewmer and report your credit as well."

The young man in yellow immediately became happy and followed Li Qiurong to the Shimo Palace. This trip was a long way, and the two of them could not fly, but just walked on the ground.

Zhu Hongzhi watched the two of them gradually go away, but he had been staying above the teenager in black and had the intention to chase them, but he couldn't help it. No matter how hard he tried in the sky, he couldn't move a step at all.

In the end, Zhu Hongzhi had to give up his efforts and looked at the young man in black below, but felt something wrong. Suddenly, under the sunshine, the young man in black gradually turned into clouds and dissipated in his eyes.

This is just a few things, and the teenager in black seems to have never appeared.

Then the temperature of the sun became stronger and stronger. Zhu Hongzhi seemed to feel that he was about to be roasted. A huge amount of heat fell from the sky, which roasted a layer of green smoke all over his body. Then a fire flashed and he burned.

"Ah!" Zhu Hongzhi screamed and felt that the space had changed for a while. He had turned over and stood up from the ** under him.

At this time, as soon as Donghong Zhi stood up from **, he felt a tingling pain in his head and returned to a stupid state. However, after waking up this time, his fists kept swinging around him, and every move seemed to be like everyone's demeanor.

"Apprentice, what kind of punch are you hitting?" Wang Feng came here to inquire.

"Domineering...domy fist." Zhu Hongzhi blurted out the name of this boxing in his mind.

"Domineering fist?" Wang Feng laughed dumbly after hearing this. Such a slow and fancy boxing method actually had such a domineering name. I don't know whether he was talking nonsense or missed him.

Wang Feng looked at it for a while, but still couldn't see where he was strong, so he stopped him with a smile.

"It has been three months since you came to our Huaxianzong. Today is the strength competition of entry disciples. Let's see how much your strength has reached in the past few months. If there are outstanding ones, there are several prizes for you."

Wang Feng said that it was indeed relaxed at this time, but Zhu Hongzhi was more relaxed than him. He had no intention of answering him, and he was still there one by one.

After three months of adaptation, Wang Feng is no longer surprised. He knows that this apprentice often falls into meditation, but there is no big problem. As long as he stays for a certain period of time, he will naturally wake up, but today's such a thing can't be delayed.

Then a small purple jade hit Zhu Hongzhi's buttocks, which woke him up and stood obediently in front of Wang Feng.

Wang Feng took him all the way up and finally came to the highest point of Huaxianzong, a huge platform on the top of the mountain.

There are several shining circles on this platform.

Zhu Hongzhi followed him from one of the circles into a dark valley. At this time, there were several teenagers standing in the valley, who were taken away by the disciples of the Shihua Immortal Sect that day.

At this time, these teenagers were refreshed. When they saw Zhu Hongzhi appear here, they couldn't help but be surprised. Unexpectedly, he could be selected.

"Fool, look here, you can actually come here. It seems that there are some extraordinary things. I'll take you first later!" A teenager looked over with a sneer.

Zhu Hongzhi bowed his head and said nothing. There were scenes in his eyes. In one place, there was a Xuanhuangzu dragon flying, but in the other place, a huge fist was crushing everything in front of him.