Jun, I'm here to assassinate you

Chapter 11 Parting

Tang Saier turned away and came to the corridor. She saw that Su Mubai was still sitting there waiting for her. At this moment, she suddenly felt very sorry for him.

Su Mubai saw Tang Saier with a smile on his face and his eyes were full of strong joy.

"Did the helmsman scold you?"

Su Mubai couldn't help frowning when he saw Tang Saier's wet eyes and red eyes.

Don Seer just shook her head gently.

"Why did you cry?"

Su Mubai said softly and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. His movements were so soft and light that he was afraid of damaging her.

"I decided to follow the helmsman into the palace." Tang Saier said.

When Su Mubai heard this, he couldn't help but be shocked. He widened his eyes and shouted, "Isn't it agreed? Why are you going again?"

"I have my reason."

Tang Saier decided to hide her parents' affairs from Su Mubai. She always doesn't want to share bad things with the people she likes. She would rather hide alone and be secretly sad than the other party's sadness with you.

"I'm not allowed to go!"

Su Mubai was so angry that his tough tone was irresistible.

"I have to go."

Tang Saier's tone is tougher than Su Mubai.

"Don't you listen to me?"

Su Mubai didn't understand the reason why this woman insisted on going against him at this moment. He stared at Tang Saier for a long time. He wanted to understand her thoughts from her stubborn eyes. The two were so silent. After a while, Su Mubai finally sighed and waved to Tang Saier.

"Okay...go...go...go...let's go...let's go..., they are like this... so are you... no one ever listens to me... always..."

Tang Saier gently hugged Su Mubai and said, "I promise you that I will come back safely."

Is it so important to assassinate the emperor? Is it so important that you don't even care about your own life?"

Su Mubai looked at Tang Saier in pain, and a trace of desolation flashed in his eyes.

"Yes." Tang Saier said, "He must die."

"Is it more important than me?"

Su Mubai asked again, with a faint mockery at the corners of his mouth.

"Some things must be done, and no one can stop them." Tang Saier said.

"Do you hate him so much? Do you have to kill him?"

Su Mubai smiled coldly.

"Yes." Tang Saier said, "I can listen to you in everything in my life, except this matter."

"Can you listen to me this time in your life? Don't kill him for me."

Su Mubai eagerly held Donselle's hands, and his eyes appeared with hope and begging.

"Mubai... I can promise you anything, but this doesn't work... I... have to go..."

Tang Saier couldn't help but feel soreness in her heart, and her eyes turned red.

"Why? Why! Why do you all have to kill the emperor? Knowing that you are going to die and don't go back, do you still have to go? I really don't understand?"

Su Mubai let go of Tang Saier's hand and shouted in pain.

"Mubai! I have only been capricious this time in my life! When I come out, we will get married, okay?"

Don Saeer couldn't help crying.

"Then you go... Let's go..." Su Mubai sneered again, "I won't stop you again..."

After saying that, Su Mubai turned away and staggered.

"Su Mubai... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... When I avenge... I will definitely come to you..." Tang Saier muttered.

And tonight, several people can sleep peacefully.

The next day, Suzhou Pier.

"Youlang, Su Mubai said that he was not feeling well, so he won't come to see us off." Yang Dali said.

Tang Saier thought in her heart that he really didn't come to see him off. It turned out that he was still angry with himself... This is also good... In this way, he can avenge his parents without concern.

"Let's go..." Tang Saier took a deep breath, showed a big smile, and strode on the bow of the boat.

"Dingli, do you think it's right or wrong for us to go to the palace this time?"

Tang Saier stood in the bow, looking at the flowing river and asked leisurely.

"All I know is that I can see my little sister when I enter the palace this time. The little sister entered the palace draft. This time we will definitely see my little sister when we enter the palace." Yang Dali said, his eyes seemed to shine, and the joy could not be concealed in his words, "As long as I can see my little sister, not to mention being a fake eunuch in the palace, I am willing to be a real eunuch!"

"You..." Tang Saier looked at Yang Dali and smiled, "If you are asked to be a real eunuch, it's no wonder you don't jump up."

"This...hey...I'm just saying..."

Yang Dali scratched his head with embarrassment.

Little sister... Are you all right now... Are you still alive... Can you wait for the day when Yang Dali and I come to the palace to find you...

Beijing, the imperial palace.

Today is the tenth day of Yang Xiaomei entering the palace. For these ten days, she has been staying in the Chuxiu Palace as a rule, waiting for the opportunity to approach the emperor.

"Xia Zhuanger, follow me to the Qianqing Palace immediately." A cold voice came from outside Yang Xiaomei's house.

"Qianqing Palace... Excuse me, is the emperor going to see me?" Yang Xiaomei asked.

"Why do you ask so many questions? If I tell you to go, you can go!" I saw someone staring at Yang Xiaomei fiercely and said angrily, "Why don't you come with me?"

So Yang Xiaomei had to leave with the people.

The more she goes, the more Yang Xiaomei feels that something is wrong. She is a little girl, who will find herself in the middle of the night, unless her identity has been discovered.

"This father-in-law, where on earth are you taking me?" Yang Xiaomei said.

"It's here, go in." The man stopped from a small house, looked at Yang Xiaomei fiercely, and said angrily, "Why don't you go in? What are you waiting for?"

After saying that, she pushed Yang Xiaomei in. Yang Xiaomei hesitated and fell to the ground.

When she raised her head, she couldn't help taking a breath of cold air, knowing that she couldn't survive today.

Just because she saw seven people standing in the room, four Mstresses, three eunuchs, plus the eunuchs outside the door, exactly eight people. The eunuch outside the door closed the door and walked in.

At this time, Yang Xiaomei was already sweating like rain, but she still calmed down and said, "Excust you and father-in-law, what's the matter with me?"

"Yang Xiaomei, a person from Tai'an, Shandong Province, entered the cloth clothes to help Suzhou divide the rudder at the age of eight. This time, she entered the palace to pretend to be a beautiful girl Xia Zhuanger and was killed for her crimes." The eunuch said coldly.

"My father-in-law joked. I'm Xia Zhuanger. What are you talking about? I don't quite understand. I don't recognize Yang Xiaomei you mentioned." Yang Xiaomei said.

"Do you recognize me?" I saw a man slowly walking out of the inner room.

"You..., it's you!" Yang Xiaomei stared in disbelief, and her mouth was also "O"-shaped because of extreme surprise. "It's actually you... You are a mole..."

" No wonder... No wonder... I finally understand..."

Yang Xiaomei fell to the ground, her eyes were lax, and she kept muttering to herself.

"Xia Zhuanger, a beautiful girl, died of a serious illness and died in Chuxiu Palace at the age of 18." I heard someone say coldly, "The body has been cremated tonight."