Jun, I'm here to assassinate you

Chapter 16 Five-leaf Corpse Fragrant Flower

When everyone walked to the entrance in front of them, they saw a large tomb. There was a crystal coffin in the middle of the tomb. There was a man lying in the crystal coffin. Strangely, there was nothing in the whole tomb except this coffin, and the empty tomb looked very depressed.

Everyone was very curious, so they went around the coffin to check.

The crystal coffin was engraved with unknown runes, and the whole coffin was transparent. The crystal coffin lay a middle-aged man. His face was slightly red, his eyes were closed, he wore a brocade crown, silk, and his feet were slip-on cloud boots. His skin was as smooth as a good silk satin, and he didn't look like a dead man. , but like a sleeping person.

"If I guess correctly, the one lying in this crystal coffin should be the king of Huaibei!"

The wandering wave observed the crystal coffin and thought for a long time, and said in a low voice.

"Do you think this is the king of Huaibei?"

Tang Saier asked suspiciously.

"Not bad! You can see that the popular color is red, and the skin is as smooth as the best silk satin. It wears a brocade crown, silk satin, and silk cloud boots. At first glance, it is a person who is a well-fed person. Look at the crystal coffin he is lying on. If I guess correctly, it is made from the hard ice of the snowy mountains for ten thousand years. This kind of ice does not melt for ten thousand years, even if it is used fire. Burning will not melt.

The waves said in a low voice.

"And use this coffin made of ice from ten thousand years of snowy mountains, and then put it in the mouth of the night pearl of the North Sea, so that the body can maintain the appearance of death and will not rot."

Everyone saw that the body in the crystal coffin was as intact as new, and there was no rotten weather.

"Brother You, if this is really the tomb of the King of Huaibei, why is there only one crystal coffin and no other funeral objects? The king of Huaibei spent a lot of human and financial resources to build this tomb of the king of Huaibei. How could he not put any funeral objects in his tomb?

Ji Mingli couldn't help asking doubtfully.

"There's no need to think about it! There must be a tomb robber who is the first to go! I have already looted the valuable things in the tomb of the king of Huaibei!"

Usriel said.

"No! If a tomb robber has really come here, it is impossible to just take away the funeral items in the tomb. Think about it, where are the most valuable and precious funeral objects since ancient times?

Youlang looked at the crowd with a smile.

"I know! I heard from my grandpa! The most valuable things are put on the dead!"

Don Seer said slowly with a beautiful face.

"Yes, the most valuable things are placed on the dead, but look at this crystal coffin, but there are traces of being moved. Look at the person lying inside. His clothes are not messy. If the grave robbers have moved this crystal coffin, it is impossible to maintain such integrity. Now I What we see may be a pile of messy carrion and white bones.

Youlang said with a smile.

"So why is this tomb so empty?"

Usriel asked suspiciously.

"Maybe the king of Huaibei thinks that everything in the world does not deserve to be placed in his tomb. He thinks that only one coffin is enough. Maybe the rare treasures in the world have long been regarded as dung in his eyes."

Youlang laughed.

"In this way, it's really a little like a king's demeanor to see through the world."

Don Seer couldn't help laughing.

"Hmm! What a king's demeanor! In order to build this Huaibei Mausoleum, I don't know how many people died and how many people died because of his wife and children! At this moment, he is embarrassed to lie here and pretend to see through the worldly master! It's just a dead man in my eyes!"

Usriel cursed disdainfully.

"It's strange that there are no organs and traps in the tomb of the king of Huaibei. Isn't he afraid that people will directly open the coffin and destroy his body?"

You Lang said doubtfully.

"It stinks! What flavor!"

Don Saier covered her nose and shouted.

When everyone entered the tomb, they didn't smell anything, but at this moment, a strong smell suddenly gushed out. The corpse smell was very strong and dizzy, and everyone had to quickly cover their mouths and noses.

"It's the smell of the corpse! Is the body in the crystal coffin corrupt?

Usriel covered her nose and shouted.

Everyone looked into the crystal coffin and saw that the crystal coffin was intact, and the king of Huaibei lying in it was no different from the beginning, and there was no sign of decay.

"Strange! This body is good. Where did this smell come from?"

Ji Mingli also covered his mouth and nose and asked doubtfully.

"Look at the top!"

Tang Saier pointed to the top of the crystal coffin and shouted in horror.

On the crystal coffin, there is a huge, colorful flower hanging upside down. The peanut has five leaves. At this moment, it opens its petals and emits a strong smell of corpse to everyone.

"Wow! Cannibalism! Run!"

A officer and soldier shouted in horror and hurriedly retreated aside.

"Don't be afraid! This is a five-leaf corpse fragrance flower! Won't attack people!"

said Youlang.

"Five-leaf corpse fragrant flower! Why do you stay here?"

Tang Saier looked at the five-leaf corpse fragrant flower doubtfully and asked.

"It does not grow here, but is raised here. This five-leaf corpse fragrant flower is placed in a large number of corpses when it is young to absorb nutrients. When it grows, it will produce five leaves. This flower is bright and non-toxic, but it will emit a strong corpse smell."

Wang Lang laughed.

"What five-leaf corpse fragrant flower? It stinks! It doesn't match the name at all! It should be called five-leaf corpse stinky flower! It stinks! It turns out that it grew up absorbing the nutrients of the corpse! No wonder it smells so bad! It smells worse than the shit in the pit!"

Usilier cursed angrily.

When everyone heard Usriel's words, they couldn't help laughing.

"It's not good! I should have thought that there would be no traps in the tomb of the king of Huaibei! This five-leaf corpse fragrant flower was released by the king of Huaibei to protect his body! This five-leaf corpse fragrant flower can't help but smell strangely, and once it feels someone approaching, it will quietly emit a strong corpse smell. This corpse smell is not only extremely smelly, but also can confuse people's hearts and make people hallucinate!"

Youlang shouted.

What are you afraid of? It's just a stinky broken flower! There are so many flowers and grass in Miaojiang! I, Usilier, have never seen any strange flowers and plants! A five-leaf corpse fragrant flower wants to faint me! Delusion! Look at me cutting it down!"

After saying that, Usilier jumped to the top of the five-leaf corpse fragrant flower and stabbed towards the five-leaf corpse fragrant flower.

The five-leaf corpse fragrant flower seemed to notice that someone was attacking her. With a flower mouth, a stronger pungent smell sprayed at everyone.

"stinky flowers! I have to cut you down!"

Usriel was furious and waved at the five-leaf corpse fragrant flower. In a moment, she cut the five-leaf corpse fragrant flower to pieces, and the strong corpse smell disappeared.

"Okay, it's all right now!"

Usley looked at the crowd proudly, jumped down to the ground, patted her hands, and laughed happily.

"Girl Lier is good at kung fu!"

Ji Mingli exclaimed with admiration.

"I'm flattered, it's more than enough to deal with this stinky flower."

Usriel laughed.

"Lier, are you not hurt?"

Don Saier looked at Usilier worriedly and asked eagerly

"A stinky flower can't hurt me! There are all kinds of strange poisons in Miaojiang, and there are not a few people who use flowers and plants to make poisons! No matter how poisonous the flowers and plants are, I have seen them!"

Usriel smiled at Tang Saier and whispered.

"It's not good! Listen! What's the sound?"

Ji Mingli's face changed greatly and said in panic.

I only heard the loud sound around, as if something kept gathering people from all directions, and there was a loud "buzz" for a moment.

Everyone's faces changed greatly, and they all looked around warily.

"Be careful, everyone! Keep calm!"

Ji Mingli's face dripped into a cold sweat, but he still shouted calmly at everyone, because he knew that if he wanted to survive, he must keep calm.

Hearing the sound of "zi" approaching, hundreds of poisonous snakes were suddenly drilled from three places in the southeast and west of the tomb. These poisonous snakes were of different sizes and colors. The snake mouths kept spitting out bright red snake letters, looked at the crowd coldly, slowly surrounding the crowd, as if to surround them.

"It's not good! We are surrounded! These snakes are extremely poisonous. Look at these snakes, their bodies are extremely beautiful. The more poisonous the flowers, snakes and insects they are in our Miaojiang, the more colorful they are! It seems that these poisonous snakes only need to bite us gently, and we will be poisoned immediately!"

Usriel looked bitter and said to the crowd.

"Brother You! What should I do now? We have been surrounded by poisonous snakes!"

Ji Mingli couldn't help screaming.

"Now the southeast and west of this tomb are surrounded by snakes. At present, we have no other place to escape to the north!"

Youlang shouted and protected Tang Saier behind him, and everyone slowly retreated to the north of the tomb.

"Brother Ji, let's break up! Let Sail and Usriel go first!"

Youlang stared at the slowly approaching group of snakes and clenched the long sword in his hand.


Ji Mingli also pulled Usriel behind her, stood in front of her, and stood side by side with the waves.

"No! Let's go together! You want to give up your safety to protect me!"

Tang Saier shouted loudly and ran towards the wandering waves.

"Listen! Let's go with Usriel first!"

The waves shouted in a low voice.

"Wait! These snakes don't seem to want to attack us. They just want to drive us out of the tomb. You see, they don't mean to attack us! As long as we slowly retreat to the tomb in the north, we will be fine!"

Usley shouted in surprise.

At a glance, the snakes only slowly pushed the people back to the north, and there was no intention of attacking.

"Good! We slowly retreated to the tomb in the north!"

Youlang was overjoyed, and his whole body relaxed. Tang Saier rushed forward and held Youlang's hands tightly.

So everyone slowly retreated north. The poisonous snakes just looked from afar and did not catch up.