Jun, I'm here to assassinate you

Chapter 17 Five-leaf Corpse Fragrant Flower

Everyone finally retreated to the tomb in the north, and saw an ancient statue of God placed in the whole tomb. The stone wall next to the statue was engraved with a pair of patterns, and below the statue was a stone cylinder.

"Look at the waves! The engraved patterns of these stone walls!"

Tang Saier pointed to the pattern on the stone wall and shouted.

A total of seven patterns were engraved on the stone wall. The first one was engraved with a tomb. A python was fighting with more than 100 people in the tomb. These little people were fighting to death with the python with long knives. Many broken arms scattered on the ground, showing the fierceness of the war.

"Isn't this... when we came in to fight against the python... How could it be carved on the stone wall?"

Ji Mingli looked at the pattern on the stone wall strangely and asked doubtfully.

"You think too much! Maybe it's someone else's painting? These little people didn't write your names. How do you know it's you? Besides, the lifespan of the python in the ancient tomb is at least 100 years, which may be engraved to commemorate the fight between someone else and the python.

Usriel said with a smile.

"No! Look at the second pattern!"

Ji Mingli said doubtfully.

The second picture shows several little people falling into a snake cave. The little man clings to the stone wall of the snake cave. There are countless poisonous snakes below. The poisonous snakes are biting several fallen little people.

"This is the scene where we fell into the snake cave!"

Ji Mingli shouted.

Looking at the third picture, the third pattern is engraved with seven little people walking into a tomb. A coffin is placed in the center of the tomb, and a huge flower hangs above the coffin. At this time, countless poisonous snakes surrounded the little man in the picture and slowly pushed towards the north of the tomb.

"This picture is engraved with us. There are seven little people in the painting, and we happen to be seven now."

Don Saier pondered for a moment and said slowly.

The fourth stone wall is engraved with seven little people walking into a tomb. There is a statue in the tomb, and the villains are standing next to the statue and looking at the stone wall.


When everyone saw the fourth pattern, their faces changed greatly and their hearts sank.

"I've heard before that the ancients predicted, and the prophecy is very accurate. I believe it today."

The wandering wave was silent for a moment and suddenly burst into laughter.

You mean? Someone knew hundreds of years ago that we would come to the Wangling of Huaibei and draw a picture of what will happen after we come in?

Tang Saier's eyes opened wide and asked unbelievably.

"Yes, they not only calculated everything that happened after we came in, but also the number of us was extremely accurate."

The waves laughed as if it were a very happy thing.

When everyone saw the fifth pattern, the expression on their faces changed greatly. They only felt a cool air and their right feet rose slowly and rushed straight to their brains. The fifth pattern saw seven little people pick up their weapons and began to kill each other. The tomb was full of blood stains left by the little people.

"No! No! It's not accurate at all! What a bullshit prophecy! I said he was not accurate at all! How can we kill each other here!"

Tang Saier was furious and pointed to the stone wall and cursed.

"This fifth pattern is really a little strange. How can we kill each other?"

Ji Mingli also frowned and said doubtfully.

Seeing the sixth pattern again, everyone couldn't help but realize that the sixth pattern was engraved with a person kneeling in front of the statue with a scroll in his hand, and the bodies of six dead villains were scattered on the ground behind him. The stone wall behind the statue was opened to both sides.

Seeing this, everyone knows that they no longer speak, but silently look at the seventh pattern.

Because this seventh pattern is engraved with the little man with a picture scroll standing on the top of the mountain and escaping from the sky. Behind him are two cracked stone walls.

What does it mean? The ancients meant that we would kill each other here, and then the last living person would walk out of the cracked stone wall behind the statue and escape?

Tang Saier said doubtfully.

"Inexplicable! Why do we kill each other? There is no reason for us to kill each other here! I think this is simply a trap set by the ancients. He calculated that we will come here to see these patterns, so he deliberately carved them in order to kill each other when we see these patterns!"

Usriel scolded angrily.

"Not bad! How can we kill each other!"

Don Saier looked at the crowd and said.

"Wait! If the pattern is true, that is to say, behind the stone wall, it is the exit!"

Ji Mingli pondered for a moment and suddenly said in surprise.

"Not bad! Let's find out if there is any mechanism in the tomb to trigger the stone wall!"

Youlang also said in surprise.

The crowd seemed to see the way to life again and began to grope around the tomb, looking for organs.

But everyone searched for a long time, but there was no gain, and the stone wall remained motionless.

"Daw! There is no mechanism! There is nothing in this tomb except this broken statue!"

Usriel cursed dementedly.

"Can we break the stone wall and run out of here? According to the description on the pattern, behind the stone wall is the way out!"

Tang Saier suddenly pointed to the stone wall in surprise and said.

"Yes, yes! Since behind the stone wall is the top of the mountain! Then we'll smash it!"

Ji Mingli also said in surprise.

"You might as well give it a try."

Youlang thought for a moment and said.

So everyone took out their weapons and began to use various methods to destroy the stone wall. They had no choice but to work for a long time. Except for a few stones, there was no change in the stone.

"Daw! Damn it! It doesn't work at all! This stone wall is too strong!"

Tang Saier angrily threw the long sword in her hand to the ground and scolded angrily. As she scolded, she walked to the statue. The more she looked at it, the more angry she became. Suddenly, she kicked the statue, as if she wanted to vent her resentment on the statue.

Just after Tang Saier kicked out, there was a sound from under the statue, and then a big mouth cracked in the middle of the statue, and a volume of books was placed in the middle of the mouth.

Youlang picked up the book and watched it carefully for a moment.

"Now... with this volume of books, everything matches the patterns depicted on the stone wall."

Ji Mingli looked blankly at the pattern on the stone wall and muttered.

"This book says that if you want to escape from the sky, you must sacrifice the statue with blood. When the blood covers the whole tomb, the god will open the stone wall."

Youlang put down the book in his hand and said slowly.

The atmosphere in the whole tomb became extremely heavy because of the words of wandering waves, and everyone bowed their heads and said nothing, as if they were thinking about their own thoughts.

"It seems that... we can only go out alive... If that's the case..."

Ji Mingli suddenly raised his head and said in a low voice while holding the long sword in his hand.

"Not bad! If only one person can live... Saier! You go out! You still have a big task! When you return to the rudder, tell everyone what happened in the tomb, and then go to the palace to assassinate the emperor. Don't delay and continue! Anyway, I'm highly poisoned, and I don't know if I can detoxify it.

Youlang looked at Tang Saier and said.

"Brother You! I'm afraid it's up to you who goes out! All seven of us want to live! Let's do our own thing!"

After saying that, Ji Mingli pulled out a long knife and stabbed the officers and soldiers standing next to him. Before the officers and soldiers could turn back, they screamed and fell to the ground and died.

"Then let's look at our respective skills! Saier! You hid behind me! Although I was injured, it was more than enough to deal with them!"

Youlang pulled Tang Saier behind him and rushed up to fight with Ji Mingli.

"Good, you ungrateful things! I don't even think who rescued you from the snake cave! You want to kill me now!"

Usriel flashed the long knife that cut in front of her side, looked at the crowd angrily, and a cold light flashed in her eyes. Then she raised her hand and stabbed at the officer and soldier who waved the knife at her.

"Miss Usriel! You saved Ji! Ji is very grateful for your life-saving kindness! So Ji doesn't want to hurt you! Get away from me! If you block Ji, don't blame Ji for not thinking about great kindness!"

Ji Mingli waved a knife and shouted at Usilier.

"Bah! Well said! In the end, you won't kill me to live! Humph! Only when I'm blind can I save your conscienceless things! Instead of waiting for you to kill me! Why don't I kill you first!"

After saying that, Usriel rushed up and fought with everyone.

At present, only Tang Saier stood behind the wandering waves. The two officers and soldiers with poor martial arts had already fallen into a pool of blood, and the other four fought into a ball.

"Stop fighting! What are you doing?

Tang Saier looked at the four people fighting together with red eyes and shouted.

"Sier, stand behind and be careful not to get hurt!"

While resisting Ji Mingli's long knife, Youlang turned around and said to Tang Saier.

"Wandering waves... Be careful..."

Tang Saier was so anxious at this moment, but she didn't know what to do. All she knew was that her companions who wanted her to fight side by side would kill them. She really couldn't do it, but at this moment, when she saw these people fighting together with red eyes, she had no choice but to stand here and jump.

"Everyone! Sorry! My Ji Mingli must not die here today! Miss Usili, even if you saved Ji's life! Ji has no choice but to say sorry to you!"

After saying that, Ji Mingli cut off Usili's head with a knife.

"Hmm! I have known for a long time that men don't have a good thing! With one mouth, you will say something nice, but what you do is more vicious than anyone else!"

Usriel avoided Ji Mingli's long knife, and a cold light of resentment flashed in her eyes. She snorted sarcastically at Ji Mingli, and the two thorns in her hand rushed to Ji Mingli.

At this moment, the three officers and soldiers have fallen to the ground and died. The whole tomb is full of blood, and there are mottled fresh blood stains everywhere. The other three are holding weapons and looking at each other warily, waiting for a fatal blow to the other party, all of which coincides with the fifth pattern engraved on the stone wall.