
Chapter 203 I've been waiting for you

Fengtian stood quietly in the middle of the elevator compartment in the dark, and on the floor button panel next to the elevator door in front of him, the floor indicator lights were constantly flashing in turn. Although he did not carry the toolkit now, he still had a lot of guys on his body, just stayed in this metal box. He I don't know where to start for the time being. Although my back is not close to the wall of the elevator, I can still feel chills, as if a wind swept behind me from time to time.

Although he had experienced many such situations, a person was inevitably a little nervous in the dark elevator. Feng Tianxia consciously swallowed his saliva. At this time, the elevator, which had been descending at a constant speed, suddenly accelerated and fell like weightless. The wind was shocked, instinctively stabilized his body and stretched out from his pocket. He took out a plastic bottle, pushed the plug off it with one hand, and threw it into the air.

Suddenly, a sad woman screamed in the elevator. The sound should have come from the control panel at the door. Although it was a female voice, it was obviously electrosynthesized.

Fengtian exhaled gently. It seemed that it had an effect just now. As expected, the elevator shook up and down and suddenly stopped. Due to the sudden stop, Fengtian couldn't help staggering and almost sat on the ground. He hurried back two steps and leaned against the back wall of the elevator.

Suddenly, he felt that the back of his neck was cold and tight, and a pair of cold hands were put behind his neck very abruptly. With the feeling that the hand was about to pinch his neck next.

Fengtian did not dare to neglect. The plastic bottle that had not been lost in his hand was thrown back. ** in the bottle was sprinkled directly on the hands behind him. A rather pungent smell immediately permeated the surroundings, and there was a "squeak" sound in his ears, as if raw meat was thrown into the hot oil pan, and the cold hands suddenly disappeared. .

At this time, Feng Tian was relieved and couldn't help wrinkled his nose. The smell of ** did not smell good.

"It seems that I have been on fire recently." He couldn't help muttering.

Although the elevator has stopped, the door has not been opened, and he is still locked inside.

Feng Tian frowned and shook the small bottle in his hand. There was basically not much left in it. It seemed that this tool was no longer useful.

He stood up straight, raised his leg and kicked the elevator door.

Originally, he didn't make any sense this time. Unexpectedly, after a "dong" sound, the elevator door opened slowly to both sides with a "ding" sound.

The hazy light shot in through the crack of the door in an instant. Compared with the darkness in the elevator, the visibility outside is much better. There is a faint light in the distance. Although I don't know what is outside the door, it is sure it will not be endless darkness.

Before the door was fully opened, Feng Tian suddenly saw a white figure outside the door. He subconsciously thought that the figure was Lao Hou, but at this time, the gap in the elevator door could not be squeezed out by a person. He could only wait, but I don't know if it was his illusion that the door opened seemed to be the time. It is much slower than normal.

When the door crack finally allowed a person to pass by, Fengtian hurriedly raised his legs and walked out of the door. Unexpectedly, he rushed to the door of the elevator and found that an iron fence door was blocked outside the door and sealed the passage. Through the iron fence door on the door, you can see a long passage behind it, but the style should not be a teaching building at all. The original building.

"What the hell is this place?" Feng Tianqing couldn't help blurting out a sentence.

He has come to the place where he works before, but he has never seen such a channel now.

I was about to take a closer look at the situation outside. Suddenly, a face came out from the side and pressed against the iron fence, almost had a face-to-face close contact with him.

This shocked the wind and the sky. Under the reflex, he shrank back and took several steps back to avoid the iron fence door. Then he could see that it was a face that was too old to see his age. The wrinkles were stacked layer by layer. It was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman. The hair on his head was basically almost the same. Only a few rays of sparse hair are scattered behind the head, and the top is completely bald, with a flat nose and a flat mouth. It seems that the teeth in the mouth do not exist.

Because he poked his head out of the door, his face was not facing Fengtian in the elevator, but tilted his head, as if he were looking at him. A pair of gray and cloudy small eyes stared at him without blinking, but Fengtian felt that there was a faint light in his eyes, as if he was telling him something with his eyes.

But without waiting for Fengtian to react, the face suddenly shrank back. Fengtian couldn't help rushing to the door and looking out as far as possible, but he didn't see anyone nearby.

I was surprised, and the situation in the channel behind the door suddenly changed again. At the top of the channel, old chandeliers with about the same distance lit up one after another. The old lampshade and the dusty bulb inside made the light not very bright, but the situation in the channel could still be bright. Illuminated.

At this time, the wind genius found that the passage behind the door could not be seen at a glance, and on both sides of the passage, a gate full of rust was tightly closed, and it was impossible to know what was behind those doors.

Fengtian suddenly had a feeling that the scene in front of him seemed to have been seen somewhere, and there was a feeling of déjà vu.

Before he recalled when he had seen a similar situation, there was a "bang" sound in the channel, followed by a sour "squeak" sound echoing in the air, and one of the doors slowly opened out.

Then, Feng Tian heard a faint "squeak" sound and saw a four-wheeled flat cart slowly sliding out of the door. Soon, he found that after the car came out of the door, there was no one behind the car, or an invisible person was pushing the car out.

After the flat car came out, it slowly turned a corner and continued to move towards the elevator. The car was covered with a white cloth full of stains. It could be clearly seen that a human figure was raised under the cloth.

It can be said that this flat cart is not strange to Fengtian, and places such as the morgue can often be seen.

He stared at all this in front of him, and the increasingly familiar feeling made him so confused that he could not come up with any solution at all.

After a while, the car approached the iron fence gate outside the elevator, but it still did not stop.

It was not until with a "bang" that the car hit the iron fence that he had to stop. Fengtian saw that the human figure under the white cloth on the car shook after the collision, but I don't know if it was for this reason that the white cloth actually hung down from the corner near the iron fence gate, and then began to slowly slide down.

When this corner completely slides down, a pair of feet without shoes is exposed. From the blue and white skin tone, it can definitely not be a pair of living feet.

As the white cloth continued to slide to the ground, the person underneath finally came out. It was a man with his back.

Feng Tian couldn't help staring at the lying man. It was easy to tell that the man had become a cold body, but after seeing his appearance, Feng Tian was still stunned.

He involuntarily took two steps back. At the same time, the male corpse suddenly shook gently and raised his head slightly. On his familiar face, he suddenly showed a stiff smile, opened his blue and black lips, and slowly spit out a word.

"You're here, you know? I've been waiting for you..."