
Chapter 204 Illusion and Reality

When Feng Tian saw the appearance of the male corpse behind the door, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak. At this time, he saw the man who had become a corpse suddenly speak to him, and suddenly felt that his brain seemed to have been emptied and his mind was blank.

He stared at the face of the male corpse, which was too familiar to him. He would see this appearance when he passed the mirror every day. Moreover, he knew his physical condition quite well. It can be said that the male corpse lying on the flat cart was himself, or exactly the same as himself. The body.

Fengtian felt as if he had been punched in the chest, and his breath suddenly suffocated. At this time, he became more and more sure that he had seen what had happened in front of him, and the feeling was getting stronger and stronger.

Because what will happen after he has flashed in his mind, the "self" outside the door will soon raise his hand and hold his neck with his own hands.

Sure enough, when these situations flashed in his memory, the male corpse, who was exactly like himself outside, sat up slowly and up, and the hands that were originally on both sides of his body were also raised stiffly, opened their hands, and slowly put them on his neck as he expected.

As the male corpse increased its strength, Feng Tian only felt that his neck seemed to be strangled, and his breathing immediately began to be difficult.

At this moment, he suddenly had a feeling that the male corpse outside the door was himself, and now the body standing in the elevator was actually just a fantasy situation.

As he felt that the force pinched on his neck became stronger and more difficult to breathe, the situation in front of him began to become blurred and even distorted.

The air in the lungs is getting less and less, and the lack of oxygen creates a strong sense of suffocation. However, it is this unbreathable situation that saved Feng Tian's life. This feeling actually broke the unthinkable situation just now. At this time, Feng Tian tried his last bit of strength and mixed the mouth with the tip of his tongue. The saliva of blood spewed out.

I have to say that he is really a treasure because he has been keeping the boy's blood. Even if the current wind and sky is weak and his head is completely weak because of his neck, the blood still flies out through the iron fence gate. It is just a part of the saliva that touches the man's body and causes it. Hurt.

As if splashed with strong acid, the place where the man's body was covered with saliva immediately reacted, and the skin began to bubble and ulcerate. Then, the rotten part spread around and spread to the whole body at an incredible speed.

The body of the male corpse began to twist painfully, and the hands holding his neck finally loosened involuntarily. His whole body trembled violently, his head leaned back hard, opened his mouth, and roared from his throat, which sounded like a severely damaged beast.

At the same time, Feng Tian only felt that his neck was loose and he couldn't help inhaling. The air immediately poured into his lungs, but although the feeling of suffocation disappeared, he also felt fire-like pain all over his body, but this pain was still tolerable for Fengtian.

What's more fortunate is that the pain has restored Fengtian's mind's ability to think, but he still does not have a positive answer to what happened.

Although * technology has been widely circulated in today's era, Fengtian never believes that what we see now is related to that kind of science and technology. All of this is more likely to be his own illusion.

But compared with hallucinations, what Fengtian sees, hears, smells and feels is too real, and if it is an illusion, a mouthful of blood can completely break all this, but obviously, the iron gate and male corpses still exist.

Is it an illusion?

Feng Tian couldn't help but have many doubts. Gradually, as the word hallucinations kept flashing in his mind, a bright light finally flashed in his memory.

He knows why he had this feeling of déjà vu. A long time ago, he had experienced a long continuous nightmare, and the dream was the same every time. In the dream, he saw himself lying on a cart through a door and being pushed out of the morgue...

At this time, Feng Tiantian realized that some of the reasons he had experienced these, a force he had never seen before, turned the things he feared in his heart into reality.

This is an illusion, but it is not an illusion. I'm afraid all of this is related to the nine-turn soul suppression array.

Finding the cause, Feng Tian couldn't help growing his breath. Even if all this in front of him is different from ordinary illusions, there seems to be some means to break it.

Fengtian gritted his teeth, opened his mouth and bit his left finger, and drew a curved rune on the palm of his right hand with his blood-stained finger. This is the only blood charm Fengtian can use, the simplest but most effective.

After biting his finger, he hit the closing button on the control panel next to the elevator door with the drawn palm.

At present, Fengtian seemed to see a few red light flashes in the control panel without any warning. The elevator door made a slight "brush" sound and slowly closed.

Then, the elevator shook and began to move slowly.

However, to Fengtian's surprise, he didn't know whether he had lost some sensory ability. Although the elevator was moving, he could not tell whether it was going up or down.

However, this time it was different from the previous situation, and the elevator quickly stopped after shaking slightly.

With a "ding", the elevator door slowly opened again.

To be honest, Fengtian was indeed a little nervous at this time. After the scene just now, he suddenly felt that he could not distinguish between reality and illusion.

But when the light shot into it through the open elevator door, Fengtian was barely relieved, and the light that came in looked normal.

When the elevator door was fully opened, what appeared in front of Fengtian was the corridor he was familiar with in his memory, which was the corridor leading to the underground morgue.

Fengtian has never been as kind as today, but looking at the corridor in front of him feels so kind.

He rushed out of the elevator without hesitation. A moment after passing the elevator door, he couldn't help but tighten his heart for fear that the door would close quickly and vigorously.

For good, so far, everything is normal.

When he stepped on the ground of the corridor, he calmed down and looked back at the elevator that was still black. He vowed not to take the elevator up and down the stairs for at least a period of time, and would rather climb the stairs when he went back later.

Looking at the situation in the corridor, there seemed to be no abnormal situation. Fengtian quickly walked to Laohou's usual duty room.

According to normal circumstances, Lao Hou has been hospitalized these days, and the morgue should also arrange people to work night shifts. However, when Fengtian opened the door of the duty room, he found that there was no one in the room. There was no Hou or anyone on duty for him, but the door was not locked. I don't know if there was something wrong.

In doubt, suddenly, there was an exclamation from somewhere in the corridor outside the door.

Fengtian was slightly stunned, and then turned around and rushed out of the door of the duty room. Although it was only a short sound, he could still distinguish the position of the sound. If there was no accident, it should have come from the direction of the morgue not far away.

When the gate of the morgue appeared in front of him, Feng Tian saw that the door was half open and half closed, and at the door, the upper body of a person was exposed.

is the old marquis.