The same is true

Chapter 63 Encounter

"Brother, how did you know so much?"

Boss Xiang also breathed and said, "Don't worry about it. This time it's not as simple as it seems."

"Brother, what does this mean? They are all brothers. Do they still need to hide it?"

The man said, "I know that all the counties around here have rudders. Why don't they in Yong'an County alone?"


"Some people have opened porridge in the city to provide disaster relief. Those refugees will not starve to death even if they do not enter the Tianyin religion. Why should they be bound by the Tianyin religion? If it hadn't been for the ban, a few members in the city would have been hacked long ago. Those people dared not do it themselves, but they were afraid of leaving a flaw and being retaliated, so they found us.

"Are there also masters in that city?" One person is suspicious.

The man frowned and did not respond positively. The topic turned to ask, "Have you ever heard of the name "Two Elders in Kunlun"?"

"The two elders of Kunlun!" The other two were shaken.

The man continued: "When the two became famous, you and I had just made your debut. The two of them suppressed Liu Cheng and Luo Yunshan, who "one shot shocked the three rivers", and Luo Yunshan, who were famous. Since then, there have been many rumors of two people's comparison with masters in the world, and there was no news a few years ago. I have sent someone to Yong'an County to spy secretly. On that day, I may be the second elder of Kunlun!"

The three were silent at the same time. Boss Xiang suddenly shot a hidden weapon at the treetop and said, "Who is it? Where are you sneaking to eavesdrop!"

I only heard the branches and leaves on the tree shake, but someone really escaped from the hidden weapon and fled. The other two were shocked: "Chasing!"

These three people are not weak in their conceit, and they didn't expect that someone would follow them secretly and talk about secrets. Once it is leaked out, it must be a dead end. At this time, they all tried their best to intercept the person. The stalker was tall and did not slow to reach out their hands at all. The three brothers of the Xiang family specialized in assassination, and their light skills were naturally not bad. Finally, they intercepted the person in a cup of tea.

Xiang Laodao: "You are not bold. Do you still want to eavesdrop on so many secrets or leave? The three of us are not good at martial arts, and we are confident that we will stay with you. If you obey my Tianyin religion, you can save your life.

The man's night clothes showed a big bald head, which was particularly conspicuous in the night. The bald man's voice was loud: "It turns out that the so-called Tianyin religion is just a branch of the Tianmo religion. The flowery words induce me to return to obedience for fear of being killed faster. Don't talk nonsense, look at the trick!"

Boss Xiang snorted coldly and took the lead in launching the attack. The iron dagger crossed a few cold lights. In the dark night, he silently stabbed away, three daggers and three incredible angles. Only three sounds of "bang bang" aroused a series of sparks. The bald man holds a string of huge black beads, and I don't know what material is made of. Block the sharp attacks of the three people one by one.

The bald man swayed the rosary, and the rosary flew straight to Xiang Laoer, followed by a pair of iron fists. When the two dodged, the rosary flew back like a boomerang. The bald man's arm stretched out, and the rosary flew back and wrapped around his wrist like a thin snake. He used his arm wrapped around the beads to resist the dagger of the three Xiang brothers. I saw the figure in the field dodging quickly and sparks splashing everywhere. The thicker trees are only scarred, and the slightly thinner trees are broken with one blow. Broken wood is everywhere, but it does not affect the movement speed of people in the field at all.

This bald man is really domineering, and his blood surged under the hard shoulder. After more than a hundred moves, Xiang Laosan flew out with one punch in his body, and Xiang Lao's left arm was hanging down, obviously dislocated. Only Boss Xiang was slightly injured, but his true anger was almost consumed. The bald man had three knives in his body, two crossed in the front chest, one in the back, and diagonally from the right to the left, showing the bones. The night clothes are soaked.

"Shameless villain, actually use poison."

Boss Xiang sneered and said, "The king of hell is going to die in the third watch, so you don't want to live until the fifth watch."

The bald man was no longer entangled and swept away the three people with one move. With a sw of "sw" into the vast night, the three Xiang brothers were also seriously injured. They clenched their teeth and said, "Chase!" The bald man fled, and the three Xiang brothers chased after him. They didn't know how many miles they had chased. Neither side had the intention of giving up. The bald man is getting slower and closer.

The moon is bright and bright, hanging upside down in the sky. The river is tinkling, reflecting a peerless face.

"Sister Ye, why don't you rest late at night?" Liu Siyue slowly walked in the forest.

"Sister, can't you sleep?"

Liu Siyue sighed, "I will be more or less responsible for the failure of this mission."

Ye Ningxue looked at the gurgling water in front of her and suddenly asked an inexplicable question: "Sister, what do you think people live for?"

"What did people ask alive?" Liu Siyue repeated this sentence in her mouth, and her eyes were a little confused.

She didn't think about this at all. People live or what they need for a reason. She thought for a moment and said, "People live to live a happier life for those who care about her, fight for their ideals, and don't worry about food and clothing for the people who suffer in the world... In order to grow old together with their beloved."

"Old together with your beloved..." Ye Ningxue carefully tasted this sentence and looked a little lonely and said, "Isn't it all about to die in the end? People can't help themselves when they are born, and even death is full of helplessness. Just like these people, they can't even control their own fate. You are so magnificent that you can cover the sky with one hand, and you will die with no more than three feet of white silk and cut the loess. What's the point of these fights?"

Liu Siyue knew that Ye Ningxue was withdrawn and thought different from ordinary people. She was also shocked by these words and said, "What people enjoy in this life is the process of struggle. If there is nothing in the world that can't be done and everything loses its meaning, then he can only wait to die. Death is not terrible. The terrible thing is to die in waiting. If there are still some things worth remembering when you are old, at least it will prove that the world is not in vain.

Ye Ningxue was smart and knew that the senior sister was enlightening herself, and immediately reacted: "It made senior sister worry."

Everyone has to go through this stage, and Liu Siyue answered in an orderly manner. She said, "Sister Ye, I have to hurry tomorrow and rest early."

The cold wind blew her snow-like clothes, as if she were about to go away from the sky. The wind and leaves rustling in the distance. Ye Ningxue raised her eyebrows gently: "Sister, someone is coming this way."

Although Liu Siyue started earlier than Ye Ningxue, her skills were still under her. After such a reminder, she immediately listened attentively: "There are four people. Are they the people of the Tianyin religion chasing after her?"

The two nodded to each other and jumped on the ancient tree by the stream. Sure enough, after half a column of incense, four people came from a distance. A bald man fled in front of him, and three men in black chased after him. Take a closer look, these three people with black daggers are not the three Xiang brothers who attacked the Emei faction during the day. The situation was unclear, and the two did not dare to take action rashly. The two sides have chased for more than ten miles, and the faster the bald man's luck, the faster the toxicity will run in the body. After all, it was blocked by Xiang's three brothers.

"Let's chase after you for so long, why don't you escape? I'm sure I'll strip you." Xiang Laosan sneered.

The three surrounded the bald man in the middle and were not afraid that he would run away. After chasing him for so long, they also needed time to calm down their true qi. The bald man said, "If you want to fight, you are not a good man if you frown!"

"The dead duck's mouth is hard. If you are in such a hurry to go on the road, it will complete you." Xiang's second dagger led, and the three besieged the bald man.

When Liu Siyue heard the voice of the bald man, she couldn't help saying, "Master Jingjue!"

The two jumped down and resolved the siege. The three brothers of Xiang suffered this sudden blow and changed their moves. I suddenly suffered a big loss. Boss Xiang said angrily, "I didn't expect you to go far and have been hiding in this forest."

"Hmm, soldiers never get tired of fraud. I'm not afraid of you if you want to do it!" Liu Siyue fought back rudely.

The three Xiang brothers have already consumed their true energy on their way. They are at a time when their old power has been exhausted and new power has not yet been born. Ye Ningxue and Liu Siyue look much better and have already recovered their strength, where they are opponents.

"The green mountains do not change, and the green water flows for a long time. This revenge will be revenged one day..." The three put down their harsh words and hurried away.